Well specifically I was commenting on their use of vague language to escape consequences for exterminationist language and fear mongering, but yes, considering this is DeSantis, it is LGBTQ+ people.
which probably means it's "DA JOOS" or some horseshit. They're too afraid to say it because they know it's unpopular. That it's wrong, and evil to suggest. So they speak in vagueries. They keep things muddled constantly, using nonsense words to bullshit people. Preying on fear.
Uh, ma'am? Wasn't your great example of Ron being a good father "taking care of the kids while you got cancer treatment?"
Like, most *normal* people would consider "take care of the kids" to be part of being a father. As in, the bare minimum necessary to be considered a halfway decent parent.
I do think Rs hurt themselves when they go on and on about this Boogeyman stuff because not online voters are like 'what the hell are you talking about man'
Like, most *normal* people would consider "take care of the kids" to be part of being a father. As in, the bare minimum necessary to be considered a halfway decent parent.