My imagination and capacity to suspend disbelief are insufficient, by far, to believe that Donald Trump knows what Hawley-Smoot is.
More likely some loathsome little maggot on his staff has heard of it and is wrong about 50% of what they think about it.
More likely some loathsome little maggot on his staff has heard of it and is wrong about 50% of what they think about it.
“In Nineteen Hundred Twenty-Nine we had us quite a shock
The Dow Jones Average plummeted, and took with it our stock
Our farming boys could not compete with cheap imported food...
We have to save our markets Smoot and Hawley did conclude...
Of agricultural imports that they thought should not exist
Then they sent it to the President, and he signed it into fact
The salvation of our farmin' boys, the Smoot Hawley Tariff Act.
That might be a slight exaggeration. But only slight.
I could believe young Donnie had it beat into him at military school, and burped it up in a dementia reverie.