Trumpism operating as intended.
You got some swiss cheese whataboutism, there.
Maybe think about what you're defending, here.
if the driver had a license it
was not valid because of his race.
What if you think someone's shoplifted? Can you make them be your butler?
Still, even if there was an accident, your protest of minor violations of the law rings hollow when you support multiple felonies
In many states … you try that shit and people in the truck could shoot you… and it would be justified. Licence or not.
Would you like it if some random person stopped a family member and treated them this way?
My guess is he assumed the driver was an illegal immigrant and this incapable of getting a licence and didnt feel he needed any evidence.
That's backwards.
Trumpism would be the cop busting the victim and letting the racist go, right?
It's GONE!
How long before this is considered legal?
who the actual fk do these ppl think they are?
The fact he wasn't picking his teeth up off the pavement is some serious anger management master class by that young man.
And we will see militias "doing wet ops" after Trump leaks the names and addresses of FBI employees.
He must have the testicles of a squirrel
Awww welcome to FO, hope you like your stay.