In addition to the substance, which is thuggish and anti-American, the writing offered by this administrations lawyers has been consistently shitty. I was going to say execrable but I wanted to make sure they followed. Bud when bad people pursue bad goals the writing is often bad.
Reposted from
Joshua J. Friedman
Terrible writing, twisted logic, AND a cringe-inducing allusion in DOJ's reply brief to the DC Circuit attempting to block Judge Boasberg's TRO
When do they run out of oligarchs?
"Plaintiffs here intentionally waived their habeas claims, and there is no such thing as a habeas “class action” that would support universal nationwide relief."
"That is true a fortiori when dealing with some of the most dangerous criminals on Earth."
I mean that's say something!
"Unreviewable means unreviewable."
"TdA is intricately intertwined with the Maduro regime and functions as a government onto itself in parts of Venezuela, while the illegal entry into the United States of its members for hostile reasons is an “invasion” or “predatory incursion.”
"Plaintiffs cherry-pick definitions of “invasion” and “predatory incursion” to argue that those terms are limited to military incursions."
"Enemy aliens are not entitled to seek any relief or protection in the country that has designated them enemies, absent dispensation by the President."
Wrapped in flag
Carrying cross
But also
Everything about this Administration is an obscenity.
And "shitty," of course.