Nah, that one has been in place for a very long time. Every Libertarian I know is someone who "would only support Nazis because of their economic principles", but wouldn't intervene against any of their atrocities either.
I think this also proves that if you're.. you know.. not a nazi and try to cuddle up to fascists in hopes to convert them, they'll gladly take the gifts and still fuck you over in the end. Bet bringing Tesla over to Berlin with tax benefits and all has been absolutely worth it, cough cough 😒
Elon Musk is a South African NAZI who believes in NAZI Ideology. He’s a Russian asset & Putin’s puppet. He’s a threat & enemy #1 to the US. He is a national security threat & an international criminal. He’s a psychopath, sociopath & a megalomanic. He’s playing dress up. He’s a freak dressed like a 🤡
Congratz Germany you did nothing he doesn't care far warning he is going spend billion if need be to buy you election and use is nazi/russian site to lie till your people believe his lies are true. America wants to ban tiktoc Europe needs to bad Twitter before its to late.
Absolutely, he is an apartheidist neo-nazi who has contributed to coups in Bolivia, then bragged via Twitter 'We coup who we want'. It's no wonder he's got a Tesla facility called 'the plantation' by workers he employed
Look, I won't deny that Musk is a controversial individual, and I certainly don't want to defend him, but he has the right to use his hard-earned wealth however he wants, we can't just depose him!
By the way, donations from foreigners to political parties in Germany are technically illegal under German law (Art. 25, Section 2 of the Political Parties Act).
It's always a good time to remind folks that Elon's maternal family were active members of the Nazi party in Canada and chose to emigrate to SA *because of* Apartheid. He was raised by Nazis who owned defacto slaves for their emerald mine. He is as evil as it gets and he wants to control the world.
That fucking NAZI loving shit didn't fall far from the NAZI loving family tree