I would not encourage anyone sending emails to them. They will log your address in their database and flag you forever as a troublemaker. It’s sad but just look at how Elon has targeted his critics so far.
I have so many questions that legitimate civil servants deal with on a regular basis, like "Can you tell me what you do?" or "How did you get this job? I'd like to apply for a job in doge." or "Are you available to speak to my civic group?" So many questions.
Have you ever touched a woman with her consent?
Has a woman ever touched you, willingly?
Does your mother still do your laundry?
Do babies cry when they see your face?
Do you like to do it doge style?
Are you trying to create a litter of children like your ketamine crazed boss?
Since I've gotten a few questions about this. I did not receive this directly, I saw it floating out there already. Before posting, I checked the subdomain and it matches the one in the February House Dems letter to the Trump White House.
The listed names matched verified employees of DOGE already reported on by the NYT here. Additionally, the intercept reported that the EOP email format is first name [.] last name.
From the intercept story on EOP email address format. I also checked with a source who has familiarity with these systems and other than the DOGE subdomain being novel, it would otherwise fit with typical email handles at EOP. https://archive.ph/U6kwN#selection-805.82-805.145
Very nice!! Thank you for all the hard work. Now, it’s our turn. We need to act quickly bc they will change their emails asap once they see what’s going on.
And I would say it somewhat undermines their claim that DOGE is just a rebranded USDS and therefore, authorized, considering they created new emails when a format existed.
Thank you for providing insight and background on the legitimacy of these emails! I am always wary as I don’t want to accidentally send wonderful needed information to the wrong undeserving person!
Important to note, Alejandra, the “doge” subdomain is abnormal as well. The means they could conceivably route DOGE emails through separate mail servers that may fall outside PRA/FRA protection. I serious do not trust them adhering to statute to preserve their records properly. We should be watchful
Set up a Proton email account or use some other non-validated email address. Of course, they could maybe do something with IP, but wirh the volume of it email, it might be too much
Or a robot that would constantly come to their house at night and beat them with a baseball bat so they wouldn't be able to get up from their beds in the morning 😂
Is there any way to know which of these are employees who came on board with Musk, and which were ODS employees from before Jan 20? I want to make sure I bother people who really deserve it.
I dunno, they are making more money than Federal Employee's who have been there for years AND they don't have any clearances. We might want to weigh whether or not this is karma? The goal is to slow them down right?
huh. I once got harassed by an ex's ex and I wonder if they used something like this as part of their campaign against me. I was getting the weirdest emails, calls, and snail mail for months.
I'm just going to sign them up for any random democratic congressman's campaign. They'll be getting spammed for the next decade no matter how hard they try to get off the list.
I don't know about https://EOP.gov, but an awful lot of government email is using paid gmail these days with "unlimited" storage. You're fairly unlikely to fill it, and it's going to be pretty resilient to spam and DOS attacks. The real vulnerability they need to look out for are phishing and impersonation.
I mean, good luck. Gmail blocks attachments >25MB, and I'm willing to bet they use an objectstore with dedup. You're going to get your IP blacklisted long before you fill anything.
Tho, if you were really going to run something like this, you wouldn't do it as a oneliner, and you'd be using some sort of forking system to burn as much cpu as possible, along with a list of smtp servers and accounts... and... Yeah.
There are 10 assholes in Congress Democrats who voted to censure Al Green because he spoke out during Trump‘s lies. I call him a patriot and attend Democrats who voted for censure should be called and reminded they work for the people. And the people are pissed off.
Call you will get a voicemail leave a message. They have to realize they work for the people we elect them as Democrats. We pay their salaries and we can fire them. Elections are coming. Remind them of that.
10 Dems that voted for censure Al Green. You can call the main switchboard which is.
202-224-3121 ask for the person you’re looking for they will connect you or use the number next to their name you’ll get a voicemail. Leave a message ask who in the hell they work for it’s not the American people.
I am not following Jesse Singal. I did, for a short while, out of curiosity, back when he was all the rage, b/c I had never heard of him.
Bluesky being Bluesky, this meant that I got put on various lists, and had my name added to some app that apparently added "FOLLOWER OF SINGAL" to what (1/2)
And definitely don't sign any of those emails up for spam subscription services using a website like mailbait or anything like that. That would be terrible!
You’re a slimy scumbag. If you’re gonna post emails of people you don’t like, be upfront about why you’re doing it instead of being an actual coward instead
I think he's losing so many accounts that he stopped suspending people. I tried real hard to get suspended including direct threats to him on his posts and he wouldn't do it.
I don't think he has the same status as a politician. and it wasn't really a 'direct' threat..it was threatening. I have also called him a bunch of names and posted very unflattering photos on his posts. my old account was suspended for far less.
The guy said something along the lines of Elon needs to get… and they found weapons in his house and charged him I believe. Free speech doesn’t exist anymore sadly 😩
in one post I said I hope he beefed up his security because he now has a huge target on his back, then I posted this photo on another. I have no doubt I'm just 1 in a million people who have done the same. they have bigger fish to fry. that's bs btw, elon shouldn't be protected like a politician is
No one should sign them up for Craftsy. The people who took over Craftsy have been *terrible* about ignoring unsubscribe notices, and I certainly wouldn't want that for them.
Once I looked at alternative health insurance options & let me tell ya, sales folks just can’t wait to talk to you about it…! And those messages tend to flow right through many spam filters unlike porn or gambling related content
Yes. But even if the filters catch them it’s a load on the system. Which is why it’s so wrong! Tools like this should only be used for testing your own inbox!
Important note though!
“Keep in mind that your browser data and IP address is passed through and included in the signups (and visible to the recipient), so it's by no means anonymous, unless of course you take measures to hide yourself.”
if you don't want people sending e-mails then why post the e-mails and then say have fun ? It sounds like your encouraging people to harass D.O.G.E staff.
For all those who were seeking this information.
Here you have! Be a love and share the trove
*scurries over to encrypted email account to start adding them*
Has a woman ever touched you, willingly?
Does your mother still do your laundry?
Do babies cry when they see your face?
Do you like to do it doge style?
Are you trying to create a litter of children like your ketamine crazed boss?
Nope. My vision hasn't changed.
Looks like not nice wins.
Did you see Elon has an official gov email?
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
https://eop.gov & https://who.eop.gov
2 WH staff (Musk and Wiles) and no Gleason
Like https://sendity.org/
That would be unethical. You want to look them in the yellows of their eyes.
Gonna be wild!!’
Trans Mice
so..... yeah.
202-224-3121 ask for the person you’re looking for they will connect you or use the number next to their name you’ll get a voicemail. Leave a message ask who in the hell they work for it’s not the American people.
Bluesky being Bluesky, this meant that I got put on various lists, and had my name added to some app that apparently added "FOLLOWER OF SINGAL" to what (1/2)
I don't know if this will persuade you, but attached is a screenshot of what I see if I go to his profile page now.
You can also check my profile page to see that the dreaded "Follower" tag is no longer there, if that app still exists.
“Keep in mind that your browser data and IP address is passed through and included in the signups (and visible to the recipient), so it's by no means anonymous, unless of course you take measures to hide yourself.”