What I've been enjoying is using the same standard the dumdum BDE used 4 years ago. Now now now. Why isn't better now? The funny thing is. Mar-a-Lardo made a whole bunch of day 1 promises. I delight in. Reminding them
AS I STATED PREVIOUSLY. My Mother was forced by my brother to listen to FOX non stop, around the clock, while dying from 2 diseases, treatment failure, and immeasurable DEMENTIA.
* I believe if she had not, she would not have forcibly removed the port in her arm, committing suicide & bled to death.
A report just projected a 1.5% GDP loss in the first quarter. That's not even a full quarter under Trump. GDP loss during the depression was 28% over 3 years. If Trump continues at this rate, he'll drop our GDP 24% over the next 4 years. Sounds like a possible depression to me.
I STILL cannot figure out why this is so hard to understand. If someone is already guilty of (almost any) crime, do you not at least THINK he might lie, too?
And this one? He's a lifelong, extensively documented, pathological LIAR. So..???
There’s more to it than that. It’s too simple. America is under siege and he is just one handpicked stooge along with the GOP party who and many more, likely, who are destroying our democracy right in front of our very eyes. I’m thinking it’s possible we may not have elections to remove them.
The loser never intended to low anything the other way around the loser is here to destroy this world and leave it for the next presidency to have a bad one.
A friend of mine ( who knows a bit about these things), says that it would have been far too expensive to supply enough security for him in jail.
I just think that an astute judge thought "oh f*** it! Just vote and let everyone see what he is, and he won't be needing a jail".
Trump's kryptonite? Accountability.
So tie every broken promise, every economic failure, every corporate handout “directly” to him. Not "the system." Not "politics as usual." “Him.” The guy who ran on “only I can fix it” but has spent every waking moment breaking things and blaming someone else!"
Realization is the first step toward acceptance. This person's mom is the perfect example of someone who could be convinced to join the opposition pro-democracy and pro-decency coalition against the regime. If successful this will be one more American working for positive change.
So true! Everything he has done to this point has been to avoid prison and it’s worked! Average person breaking the law like he has wud be under the jail!
She is in her 80s, but she understands. Because She was in her 70s when Trumpism began. Her dad was a proud member of the CCC, her parents were fighting for civil rights in the 1940s in rural Ohio, her 5 brothers were all
in the military, she has been fighting to good fight her whole life.
She didn’t become enamored with the segregationist BS , or the abortion nonsense the right was pushing in the late 1970s. She knew Reagan was an actor, she knew republicans always support war, and she knew Obama was great. It didn’t just start. These folks have had their entire lives to form beliefs
American farmers get 80 of their potash from Canada. Someone explain how a 25 percent tariff on Canadian potash will help with the cost of groceries in the U.S.
My mom is kind. But from I her I always know the republican talking points. Which are sometimes vile. I point out the contradiction with her essentially nice personality and these horrible positions. She agrees . But then next time repeats it. I hate how they have demeaned her.
Impeach! Putin is celebrating his hold on Trump and Vance!!
Burn the phones down!!
Make calls #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
Write letters boycott
#Bluestormrising #resist
The 🪳💩 weirdo, lies as it breaths; it lies with another lie while believing that the American people want to hear more low life lies coming from its Anus lips... That's some powerless 💩!
A powerful image that speaks volumes about influence, control, and the shifting balance of power. On Friday, the President and Vice President of the United States have displayed unmistakable weakness and cowardice on the global stage.
It's so baffling! Maybe what happened in the Oval Office yesterday will wake some of them up. The felon is clearly a Russian asset. A complete traitor!
They had all the time in the world to arrest Trump but chose to drag things out instead. Which makes me feel like Congress democrats are complicit with these administration changes.
He whipped up the crowds of so many ignorant stupid people because he knew that they would believe anything when they marched into the voting booth. Reality is now setting in and they're going to get a real shock when they realize how he really screwed them over as well as the rest of America!👺😱
Many people have just lost their jobs and there's been no real replacement.
It's the same in N. England where Trump's buddy, Farage is doing well.
Structural economic challenges haven't been addressed for more than a generation.
They're not stupid, just bereft of hope & reaching for simple answers.
Yes unemployment offices are gonna be swamped with all of the people coming into file claims and they have 30 days maybe 60 days of benefits coming before that runs out. You're gonna see a dramatic rise n homelessness because people can't pay their mortgages anymore. Those were his voters as well😱👺
Agreed. Labour here and the Dems in US bear some responsibility for ignoring the least fortunate, thereby allowing the right to come slithering in with empty promises. Fighting back against Fascism will mean some hard work lifting people up. Biden made this point. Trust will be hard to repair.
these people are closeted neonazis its like people forgot america’s history the civil war happened lol those confederate losers didnt go anywhere they inbred between themselves instilling their primitive racist sexist viewpoints through their offspring years later here we are same situation dif year
For a second I thought you were telling people what you heard me and my mom say! My parents are trying to cling to ANYTHING to be able to say they made the right choice. And it’s making our conversations much shorter because I TOLD YOU before the vote. So disheartening to have maga parents.
Most of my siblings. And I had a friend that got a maga boyfriend so I had to leave that friendship. I can't have maga in my inner circle. They cannot be trusted
Hang in there. Lots of dems stuck in your state trying to figure out how people let themselves be conned. They know already they were wrong, just doubling down on their mistake.
He and musk NEEDED to overthrow our country to stay out of prison. They succeeded. Think of all the things we heard about after elections started. Mailmen stealing ballots, ballot boxes being set on fire, vote counting computer issues in Penn, multiple fire alarms at polling places in GA and AZ.
He did cheapen the office of the President. And every normal person thinks less of Republicans today than they ever did before. Is that enough of a cost to satisfy MAGA?
Moms can be stupid too. I don't feel bad for any of them that accepted his bullshit without giving one example how he was going to achieve all these miracles on day one.
My father was retired military and my mom was one of 7 kids. All of the boys were in the military and proudly served. I'm thankful they are no longer with us to witness what is happening to our country. Respect for America has been torched in such a short time.
Do you realize that statement sums up this entire mess we now have? Perfect.
Prison, Presidency or flee.
In comes the computer guy and presto, he wins all 7 'swing states' and without further ado here we are insulting our own War dead with Nazi salutes and new Communist allies.
CCI imploding.
I send my dad a text everyday with the news showing the incompetence of orange flubber.
He has stopped replying to me now, but I don't stop sending daily texts.
My sister also educates him daily in person since she lives with him.
Do not ease up on maga. Absolutely crush them with facts.
With a concept of a plan, 34 felonies, adjudicated rapist, child molester, and multiple failed businesses….what would make anyone think he would make things better. He cheated in 2016 and 2024
...thank you for that imperative reminder, he only ran ftom prison to stay in politics...no, he only ran for office to...fuck this-- the evidence in the documents case was so overwhelming, had it been civil instead of criminal, any competent judge would have granted summary judgement of guilty😡💩🤬
Trump may be unwilling to help him, be we sure can. Go to https://u24.gov.ua, and donate if you’re able to. Even $10 a month from enough of us can have a substantial impact. If you can’t donate though, you can still help by sharing this link everywhere possible. Spread the word
Ask your congresspeople to boycott the State of the Union Address and hold a state-wide town hall instead!
Text SIGN PFOHWU to 50409 to send this letter to both of your U.S. senators plus the U.S. representative from your district. Resistbot will make sure it goes to the right people.
Honestly this is one of the better ideas that I've seen. If we cannot effectively influence the larger scale of things, we should be rallying together within our states. It gives a much more tangible plan of action, and I think people need that. It's American in a sense to "take care of your own".
I don't understand how people can be so ignorant to believe trump was good for anything, including his word.
My 90 year old mom and 75 year old aunt voted for Harris, not the orange blog.
Not ignorant, just without hope. It's happening across parts of Europe & Britain where people reach for simple solutions to complex problems. Charismatic psychopaths like Trump & Farage offer them.
It's generational desperation and it needs addressing. FAST.
I feel sorry for them.
How, pray tell, could Trump have made things cheaper? When he left office store shelves were bare. Ships sat offshore waiting to be unloaded, and Biden had to go to Canada to get baby formula. We were stuck at home for 3 years because he mishandled Covid so badly… and on and on.
Truly sad your mother was unable to recognize the con before the election. We are all paying the price. They wouldn’t listen. I would ask her now what she is going to do to fix the mess she contributed to…
funny how they assume everyone lies BUT the people they praise. the conmen, the charlatans, the billionaires not EVEN masquerading as blue collar— just flattering them with nonsense.
“oh you don’t like that elon is rooting out waste??” what you think he’s telling the truth about his intentions??
lol well yeah. They are seriously like that though. If I wasn’t an honest person I’d be getting ideas about how I could exploit them when they say stuff like this.
Do you think their minds will change after it was blatantly revealed yesterday in the Oval Office with Zelensky that the Felon 47 is a Russian asset? I sure hope that'll open some eyes!
I'm sorry. It truly sucks. My mom and two uncles are my family traitors. One of them texted me on election night and said, I voted for your kids safety. Yeah, no you didn't. You voted the opposite.
He wanted to avoid prison and get retribution. He is following someone else's playbook when it comes to policy ( foreign and domestic).
Oh, he also wanted his diet coke button back.
In the first term, okay. But I tried positive conversations between 2015 and 2024 and I don't have any left. We are all suffering more than ever, it was avoidable, and I'm going to die holding those people responsible for the present & the decades ahead they've ruined.
So the group of people that cares and did the diligence should just clean up after the ones that didn’t? Maybe that had teeth in 2016 but not now, not after all he did.
You need as many votes as possible against Trump and the GOP. The US economy and reputation will be a mess, driving votes to the Dems. However, the mid terms, where 10000s of votes will be kicked out by GOP courts is the last chance. Dems need both houses to resist the corruption. Don't alienate.
Getting the 90 million non-voters to vote seems like a better strategy. The “politics doesn’t affect me” mantra that most have lived by is no longer true, I think this group is ready to engage. I fought that battle in my own home until Trump ran.
I’m grappling with this because a MAGA friend extended an olive branch the other night and I don’t know that I can ever see her the same. I told her P25 was real, that she could look it up online and she laughed in my face.
62% of Americans believe that Trump has not gone far enough to drop the prices of daily goods.”Donald Trump was put in the White House to lower prices, and simply put,when it comes to things that Americans deal with the most on a daily basis, he has not done so.”
Hey don't forget the idiocracy of the last 4 years that got us here. and once again f**king stupid democrats are holding this up as well. Dumbass democrats got us here - and want to keep us here for political propoganda, and Trump will prevail against these obstructionist pieces of shit!
It's happening here in UK with GB News and TalkTV.
Shockjocks stretching truths, often breaking it.
But keep saying it & people begin to believe it.
Simple answers to complex problems.
Walls, memes & tariffs don't bring jobs but it's 'Bread & Circuses' as Mussolini said.
No, no, no. There is no way that the guy who bankrupted a casino, and filed bankruptcy 6 times, wouldn't be good with money. Not possible, he's the smartest ever. No one has ever been so smart.
It’s literally all he does! All he has ever done! He tells whoever his audience at the time wants to hear to get him what he wants! That and collecting and/or inventing kompromat on anyone he thinks can help him or threaten him to use against them 🤷🏻♀️
I had to cut my family off for being Biggots. Idc this isn’t an agree to disagree situation anymore. I have a beautiful female finance and he came for our rights. This is war.
You clearly don't know what it's called as you've called it Twitler!!
My god, you liberals think you're the educated bunch, but the truth is you're thick as shit
Elon Musk's stupidity about Social Security was exposed when Joe Rogan asked a simple question about Social Security. Musk exposed himself as ignorant on the subject and winged it. Incoherent rambling—that is totally meaningless.
My mom said she just couldn’t vote for a woman who slept her way to the top and wants to kill babies up until birth. I told her she knew that was an obvious lie and she willfully voted against her own family members who are gay, in public health, autistic, and female. We don’t talk anymore.
It's hard when you disagree with a family member's politics.
I pretty much disagreed with my dad on most things, including his marriage with my mum.
He died last Sunday aged 88.
We ended on a row a few days earlier
I regret that. I found him. Very sad. I was his only next of kin.
Never say never.
She has been sick my entire life. She has a congenital blood disorder. I have said many goodbyes over the years, but she has grown more toxic than I can handle anymore. I lost my dad in 2016 and he died minutes after the very first time he ever said he loved me. I have learned to accept my parents.
She was misled by Reagan’s shiny promise of a woman on the Supreme Court and forgot to notice Falwell was pulling the strings. After that she went down a rabbit hole of conservative BS. But she started putting herself ahead of her kids some time before that. Something broke with her second husband.
* I believe if she had not, she would not have forcibly removed the port in her arm, committing suicide & bled to death.
And this one? He's a lifelong, extensively documented, pathological LIAR. So..???
I just think that an astute judge thought "oh f*** it! Just vote and let everyone see what he is, and he won't be needing a jail".
So tie every broken promise, every economic failure, every corporate handout “directly” to him. Not "the system." Not "politics as usual." “Him.” The guy who ran on “only I can fix it” but has spent every waking moment breaking things and blaming someone else!"
in the military, she has been fighting to good fight her whole life.
"Bitch I cut my granny off if she don't see it how I see it" K Dot.
She did not know how to respond.
It’s up to us to stop Trump and Putin by taxing his high dollar donors. Boycott the following companies:
Any company that helped Trump get elected or has bent the knee.
Please share everyday!
#ItsUpToUs #HitThemWhereItHurts
People who are kind at heart and socialists in practice are vomiting up this propaganda that directly contradicts their own well being and beliefs
I simply cannot wrap my head around it
I've lost a lot of family over it
Burn the phones down!!
Make calls #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
Write letters boycott
#Bluestormrising #resist
#AuditIncelNAZIElmo #DefundIncelNAZIElmo #DeportIncelNAZIElmo #JailtheOrangePustule #SubprimeCourtReformsNOW
It's the same in N. England where Trump's buddy, Farage is doing well.
Structural economic challenges haven't been addressed for more than a generation.
They're not stupid, just bereft of hope & reaching for simple answers.
The alternative is worse, they lean to fascism.
Prison, Presidency or flee.
In comes the computer guy and presto, he wins all 7 'swing states' and without further ado here we are insulting our own War dead with Nazi salutes and new Communist allies.
CCI imploding.
There are not levers in the Oval Office that control gas and egg prices.
You can lead a horse to water...
He has stopped replying to me now, but I don't stop sending daily texts.
My sister also educates him daily in person since she lives with him.
Do not ease up on maga. Absolutely crush them with facts.
Text SIGN PFOHWU to 50409 to send this letter to both of your U.S. senators plus the U.S. representative from your district. Resistbot will make sure it goes to the right people.
This will promote MASSIVE media coverage & steal 🍊💩’s thunder.
Reporting on the # of Americans joining town halls will send a HUGE message to other potential resistors.
Let’s start the momentum! LET’S GOOOO!
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
My 90 year old mom and 75 year old aunt voted for Harris, not the orange blog.
It's generational desperation and it needs addressing. FAST.
I feel sorry for them.
Let them have their ZOONOSIS and the Vegans keep the resilience for themselves.
The science is pretty good, let's keep it 🧪
🕉️ Endocannabinoid System 🕉️
“oh you don’t like that elon is rooting out waste??” what you think he’s telling the truth about his intentions??
Oh, he also wanted his diet coke button back.
Save your disdain for the hardcore.
From 70 million to 90…
-- your lying Mom, lying about why she voted for him.
Shockjocks stretching truths, often breaking it.
But keep saying it & people begin to believe it.
Simple answers to complex problems.
Walls, memes & tariffs don't bring jobs but it's 'Bread & Circuses' as Mussolini said.
Keep up, dumdum!!
My god, you liberals think you're the educated bunch, but the truth is you're thick as shit
Rogan also doesn't know about SS!
It's all been about avoiding prison.
And grifting.
Not forgetting golf.
I pretty much disagreed with my dad on most things, including his marriage with my mum.
He died last Sunday aged 88.
We ended on a row a few days earlier
I regret that. I found him. Very sad. I was his only next of kin.
Never say never.