The MAGA morons that helped put these fuckers in charge ( along I’m pretty sure now with the criminal help of Musk! Winning 7 swing states, I find hard to believe )🤬, don’t even understand yet what’s going on, & what so many people warned them for years what would happen if this 🍊💩 gets in again.
Good! Sadly, the US needs a recession coupled with inflation, and sprinkle in some unemployment, to hurt the simple voters. Bad economy trumps Trump. No amount of voter suppression and manipulation will overcome economic problems -- especially when billionaires try to convince them everything is OK.
Mate we Australians are by not travelling to America and not buying US products. I've seen Aussies who are for example swapping US alcohol for Canadian and or Mexican.
Fucking idiots, the very few magas with the resources, bc they feel like they're "in" with him & think he's "saving" us, mush for brains that they are. Found a nest of wishfuls all disillusioned at Elvira donating hers to NPR, yesterday. They couldn't grasp why. 🤨🙄😂🤦
“Yankee dollar talk
To the dictators of the world
In fact it's giving orders
An' they can't afford to miss a word
I'm so bored with the U.S.A.
I'm so bored with the U.S.A.”
Though I am here in the US, I am cheering you on in your efforts to punish this awful administration! Cheers! Though I may apply for refugee status in any of these listed countries soon to escape the madness.
If you think about it…Canada can pick up the mantle as the sane, socially conscious, fixed healthcare, tech & business leading, freedom loving new version of the United States in North America.
Since the US has collapsed and all.
Agreed. It's time to boycott American gods. Trump has joined the Axis of Evil. He is conspiring with Putin to plunder Ukraine's mineral resources. Europe, the Commonwealth and the rest of the free world will need to stand together.
This is exactly what needs to happen to us in the US! I thank all the citizens of countries buying Canadian products. Will the felon idiot get it, probably not!
We hope to be your friends again someday Canada we’re just sorry that the rest of the world has to put up with the judgment of a few ignorant people putting this man back in office after what he did to this country and they put him back. He’s a felon. He only ran to stay out of prison that’s it
Unfortunately, it was multiple tens of millions of US voters, not “a few”, who voted him back in even after knowing full well the fukkery he is capable of.
No. It wasn't. Voter suppression & Starlink + more votes for him than there are registered voters in key states. Statisticians reviews the voting patterns & deemed them "impossibly unnatural" & nothing is being done about it bc states claimed they audited - but contacted no one.
Yeah. Some still have not realized a consumer pays the tariff. I really should stock up on my avocados and Mexican items I like. Maybe he'll back away from it like he did last time.
I think at some point in the near future, CEO's of important US industries will warn trump/musk that the the federal government must run as before. Chaos is not good for business
Costco is one of the good guys. They didn’t cave to anti DEI and we should let them know we appreciate it. Corporate office answers their phones. Also mention for them to get rid of Citibank credit cards.
Yes! As an everyday American who will bear the brunt, bring the hurt to our fascist MAGA government. They need to go! Worldwide rejection is a great place to start.
Thank you all our allies because Americans are weak and can't seem to help themselves so we appreciate all that you do on behalf of us sorry we're being led by the devil we truly love our allies!
We’re going to suffer in the states but we must make MAGA learn a valuable lesson. Don’t fuck with our democracy or allies! We are not going to become a fascist country!
It's great to see EUROPE standing tall for Democracy. We will survive this facist take over, we will unite again with our ALLIES. This is a temporary setback for our Democracy but the good Ole USA will
meet the challenge and defeat these FACISTS. We and our ALLIES will emerge STRONGER THAN EVER.
As a country, govt should let us know what types of products are wanted that we don’t already produce here to fill in the gaps. It’s time for entrepreneurship.
It would be great if I wasn't a blue dot in a red state. There are many like me who are going to suffer worse than those in blue states simply because we live in the wrong place at the wrong time. I don't think people are considering us at all. It's not easy to pack up and go with a baby on the way.
No it won’t be easy but US government is taking easy away from everyone. It’s unjust that the good people in your own country have to suffer but all you can do is fight back with all your power or relocate.We can’t stand up for what is right and also defend your country at the same time right now.
"'So do I,' said Gandalf, 'and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.'"
They won't feel it immediately as I have a few annual subs, but they will feel it. Aussies do enjoy beating Canada anytime we can but will stand with them anytime they need us.
Good observation. Russia by subterfuge and disinformation online, and any other ways KGB taught Putin. Musk by funds and his charming personality. Trump seems to like him. Maybe, it's his big rockets. Oh, yes, Musk made DJT a crypto billionaire. There used to be
I love it. You go, Canada. I'm American, but our douchebag president stabbed our best friend in the back, and I'm willing to suffer if it means fuckface will be defeated.
They're rightfully upset with Canada for some of our leaders trying to exclude them from a future trade deal and for us trying to deflect blame on them.
We signed NAFTA and USMCA. We should adhere to that agreement with Mexico even if the USA chose to tear it up.
I just wish there was an easier way to get Mexican goods to Canada and vice versa! We need access to food in southern climates. We've got plenty of products and resources Mexico could use. Get that free trade flowing.
The average Canadian was appalled when Ford said that about Mexico. And the people I have spoken to have also pledged to buy Mexican as an alternative to the US, when it isn't available from Canada.
I fear that Canada is about to experience what Eastern European countries have navigated for years … bordered with a country managed by kleptocrats, for the benefit of oligarchs, to the detriment of the people. Canada’s economic and physical security may be dependent on allied democracies overseas.
We, the citizens of the world, have power over the richest oligarch on the planet, who destabilizes the world by controlling politics and politicians to his own advantage and to the detriment of the people.
Stop using Twitter-X
Stop buying Tesla
Protest in front of Tesla dealerships
I haven’t been on Twitter in three weeks. The last time I was on I got kicked. I got kicked off two times he didn’t like what I had to say about him or about Trump.
And that it may be Canada that comes to your rescue, when liberty falls. Your people are boycotting as well, Amazon, Tesla, Twitter etc. it is time we all play for the side of Liberty- “We too, Hold these Truths to be self-evident.
Even more surreal is that a bunch of hillbillies could set a maniac loose on the world. We did not deserve this, did not ask for it or vote for it, and it is more likely to damage us than you. So yeah, get used to it I guess.
I’m am deeply ashamed of my country right now, shattered by how quickly we are sliding into fascism, and I understand why the rest of the world hates us. It sickens me to see him with my flag 🇺🇸💔and I vow to fight against this regime to my last breath. I hope your beautiful country remains safe.
In fact, what we export is probably crappy quality these days. People can buy Canadian goods, European things, & support who they should have been all along.
It doesn't hurt Canada one bit to drop the US. That's the entire point. It's to hurt US powers. We did nothing to you. Putin, Trump, Musk, & Magas did. You'll find no magas here. Don't alienate people who support Canada. What are you in rude Montreal?
We aren't reluctant. We want the boycott. We didn't deserve a coup either. We didn't cut education in red states. We didn't groom a Russian asset for decades. We tried to vote & were denied ballots bc they sent mail to D's old addresses to mark us ineligible as it was returned. Why do you care?
I really don't see how it'll damage 1st world nations more than us. {*except Ukraine, which horrifies me, along with aid cuts in Africa*} Just buy & sell elsewhere. Vs a nation seized, fascism, losing all freedom, national security, jobs & homes, food & medical for children & elderly & disabled...?
Putin won’t stop with Ukraine. All of Europe is in danger. There is no longer anything to stop China from invading Taiwan or North Korea from invading South Korea. Trump has his eyes on Greenland, Canada, and Panama and has said he will not rule out military force to acquire them.
We didn't vote for it either. The election was fixed. Millions not allowed to vote, Starlink transmitted election counts from states to federal. He didn't legitimately win.
I will add those countries to my preferred shopping list. Dual citizenship is a thing, is dual party membership? You were the closest thing we had as far as US Democratic party leadship until last week. 🇨🇦🇺🇸🇺🇦
Kind of hoping there is reciprocity. Mexico too m/b looking at unjust tariffs from the petulant toddler in the WH. Products purchase labeled as 'Made in America' most likely were just assembled in, but made in Mexico or some other Country.
Europe, Canada, Mexico every American but the MAGA Nazis are with you and hope you cripple Trumps administration….. we are prepared for the worst to save our democracy. Tariffs, sanctions, boycotts bring it on please.
As an American, I stand with all the countries boycotting us right now we need to hit rock bottom in order for the rednecks to open up their eyes to what Trump is really all about because nothing’s worked with them. They’re like talking to a wall.
Why do you think you would be hated in Canada? I'm not saying it's easy to just move here,but we don't hate the LBGTQ community. Gay marriage was legalized 20 years ago with no fanfare or even a public vote. It happened because it was the right thing to do!
Thank you for your kind words. I have a backup plan to try for Canadian citizenship because my children are already citizens. But I have been interacting with many unkind Canadians on this site lately that are wishing for my demise.
I need you nice Canadians to get louder than the mean ones.
That's not at all what they are saying. Canadians don't h8 all Americans, just the trumpets and MAGA.
Personally I believe the other countries should designate MAGA as a t organization or at the LEAST a hate group.
I believe you, but I'm speaking about my personal experiences on this website. I have had several Canadians tell me to my (digital) face that everyone in red states deserves to suffer economic turmoil (collective punishment) because of how the majority voted.
Jack Daniels and all those bourbon whiskeys and the Harley won't even account for 0.1% of my country's consumption, so I let our rich waste their garbage on it, not even worth to call for a boycott.
And my country head just returned rubbing his nose at the Duck's feet.
I am from the US and completely agree with this!!! We must ALL show this country that bullying has consequences! Please help our “leadership” learn from their mistakes, as they only care for money!
In solidarity!!! ✊❤️🇨🇦🇺🇦
The average person doesn't spend over $100/day. Bills get paid monthly, groceries every couple of weeks. & Most won't change habits. So. Boycott *entirely* the companies who support those fascists. Buy whatever you buy from not US or at least (if in US) never his supporters, & just small businesses
I can't believe that I'm "liking" a post celebrating a successful international boycott of my own country. That's how much I hate the current administration, and I can assure you, I have plenty of company.
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YES, this is what I have been saying. I have gone online 2 find another company that will provide the same things that Amazon provides. Hit them in their pockets. BOYCOTT! It worked n Alabama in the 60’s and it will work now.
As a horrified American citizen, born in France, i fully support this boycott and don't mind if you kill our economy if that might possibly bring enough republicans around to see how their Dear Leader Dump is destroying our country. The US aligned with Russia!? Over my dead body!
Paid attention to the fruits and vegetables I bought, and realized a side effect of the boycott of US products could be making people more aware of where our food comes from and what countries we regularly trade with. Grapes from South Africa. Strawberries from Mexico. Blueberries from Morocco.
If you’d have asked me yesterday where most of that would have come from, I would have said California and Mexico and maybe BC. “Globalism” is mostly used in the pejorative, but more people need to understand it’s a critical aspect of a functional society.
I am American, and what has happened recently has destroyed many of us and our sense of self. We'd like to say this is not who we are but apparently, how many of our fellow Americans voted, it is, and i am sick. If I were Canadian, I would feel similarly. I hope this ends quickly.
Charlie is it hard to immigrate to Canada from the U.S.? I really want to move there I'm retired and disabled but I can't take these brainwashed morons down here. And seeing Trump treat Zelensky like that made my blood boil. I've never been out of the u.s. but I love you guys.
in 40 days, comrade trump and president musk have turned america into the guy with horrible B.O. on an elevator you try to get as far away from as possible...
Thank you, dear Canadian neighbors. We know this will hurt but we know you have to do what is best for your country. Be strong. Many of us support you and are eager for a return to our normal, friendly political relationship.
I don’t blame you. From an American in Virginia. Just sorry many of our citizens are hateful morons! So stupid, they couldn’t figure out how to make a good life here so the voted for the conman to tear it (and the world) down.
And cutting back/cancelling/no longer buying many American products or services from corporations. I've cancelled a lot of subscriptions and am buying from local and small businesses as much as I can.
WE don't deserve it. We actually have the ability to think critically and see the big picture. The magats, these fascist pigs in the white house, and the big corporations are the ones that deserve this. Unfortunately, that means my family and I will suffer as well. It's a shame.
1/2 Americans travelling to Europe are buying Canadian flag pins, t-shirts and tags to pass as Canadian. I’ve posted this to respond:
Since Trump’s 51st state comment, we are angry and will protect our 🇨🇦flag. And, taking 🇨🇦citizenship for convenience, like Musk, angers us. We are no longer polite.
And since the dems refuse to stop going further right, while also refusing to allow progressives to have a real foothold in their party, if they don't change things up it seems more and more like nothing short of violent revolution is going to really change anything at this point.
Do not worry. Most europeans can easily detect a Canadian from a US citizen. Language, behavior, etc. And my feeling is, that they wear canadian markings are to avoid being laughed at, because they do NOT agree with the "official" USA now.
My point is that if they want to avoid being laughed at and disagree with Trump, stay home and protest. To use our Canadian flag for protection is hypocritical especially since Trump wants to annex Canada.
Yes, but we have seen the "Canadian" trick used often, Because they feel looked down upon in Europe.
You are right, if the purpose is to pretend being a Canadian,
but that do also indicates, that they are not "MAGA".
And the "protection" sheme, well that only works until they open their mouth.
I don’t agree that it indicates non-maga. Maple maga tried to hijack our flag. To their dismay, we took it back. But now they’re using it to try to hide in plain sight. On both sides of the border.
I nearly got snarly with a woman recently because I thought she was American. Turns out she’s born and raised Irish. There’s a small group of Dubliners that speak a certain way that sometimes sounds American. I know this because I am one of those Dubliners!! 🤦🏻♀️ Doh!
tbh both countries kinda suck and have a bedrock of colonial violence but damn is it ever weird to try and surf off the already-fake "canadians are so nice" stereotype
I find it hilarious that they think they can pass off their various American accents as any form of Canadian. I shall make a point of asking anyone I see with a Canadian badge or sticker.
Me too!! I’ve advised the Blue crew to wear a blue baseball cap when they travel that simply says “I didn’t vote for him”. But sneaky MAGA’s will definitely wear a Canadian Pin! I’ll make sure to call out any false “advertising”!!
Well done. I’ve been doing my absolute best not to buy anything except groceries, gas, necessities (like furnace repair) here in the USA since Jan 1. But I’m going to break my commitment to this endeavor. I need materials for banners, posters, Ukrainian flag etc.
Go to small non chain stores then if you can. And consider donating money to a 501.c3 united 24. Zero admin costs, Zelensky is promoting it and you can choose one of five categories that 100% of your donations go to. All but defense are tax deductible btw.
Thank you all! Although I’m an American…know that may of us get it…and we are behind your efforts. The distress from this is less than the distress wrought from our leadership. Thank you! Send links of where we can order non U.S. products from your countries.
The great eight state of the new democratically formed union is on democracy side. We hate Donald Trump. We hate JD Vance. Stephen Miller and asswipe Elon smell.
As a horrified American, I applaud you all. The voices of American citizens are being ignored - we all know money is the way to get Trump to listen. Such an embarrassment.
I will always root for the USA. But similarly to the way I might root for the coach of a sports team to get ejected in hopes it might inspire the players to do better, I support these boycotts because we need to do better. Thanks, Mr. Angus.
🤞that all Free Countries boycott the USA and find a way to trade among your countries.
As a friend and neighbor below you I support your efforts.
The "Dictator Twins" we now have controlling our country
need to be brought down and eradicated without causing harm on any other countries.
Blue dot in a red state here. Yeah go ahead and screw over me, my wife, my son, and my little one on the way. That'll show us......I just love being lumped in with idiots. Such a great feeling knowing my whole family will be punished because my neighbors dont have any brains. Good times, good times.
I'm sorry you are hurting. I get the rage and the frustration. Indigenous Canadian woman here and I am TERRIFIED for my kids and grandkids. I'm old. I could die tomorrow and I'd be fine with it, but them? So realize that when we rage, it's not about YOU. We know you are stuck too.
I am a native american, so I am also terrified. I know what the government is capable of when it is run by the wrong people. My ancestors lived through pain and suffering. I DO NOT want my children, or any native child to go through that kind of hardship. I empathize with your fear as well.
This Kookum will include you and yours when I offer tobacco. We need to try to be there for each other as best we can. These are dark times and they will get darker but I try to remember this: we are not supposed to be here. Governments tried to eliminate us and yet we are still thriving. Be strong.
Take it up with your government and fellow citizens. Canada has been threatened by the mango moron and we’ve reacted with remarkable restraint so far. We know it isn’t all Americans who feel this way, I have plenty of family there and used to live there, but they understand why we’re so angry.
You want to help us with that? Since this is your fight too? We HAVE taken it up with our government. They just don't care. They're gonna do what they want, and the rest of us are left fighting for scraps. We are on the same side. The only difference is, I'm surrounded by the opposition daily.
The two things cannot coexist though: We cannot just give in and support the US out of sympathy to blue states to while wanting that dictator out of office. Unfortunately we have to protect ourselves. When enough people there become outraged there will be an uprising. That’s when change will occur.
It's not punishment or revenge. We know exactly how you're feeling. With an attack designed to ruin Canada's economy & explode our cost of living, at 1/9 your economic size our only hope is to push back with anything we've got, to keep Canadians employed & make it end quickly-- for all our sakes.
Look i am entirely sympathetic to your cause and I COMPLETELY understand why you feel the way you feel. It's just a shame that good, honest, hard working people who never wanted ANY of this are going to suffer alongside the very same people we are all fighting against.
Couldn't agree more. Hopefully Trump will call it off tomorrow. I'm sure many of his advisors know how it will hurt the US, too, though not as much at us Even so, likely he'll just enjoy toying with us & trashing our economy & dollar by just keeping the threat hanging over our heads indefinitely.
I’m sorry hun, but you should be already feeling it with all these countries boycotting us. You as a that blue dot need to be cussin your neighbors every fuckin day for the next 4 years.
We know there's so many blue dots.I am so sorry you're stuck in this and you didn't vote for it. If we have any hope of fixing any of this we can't wait to rise up. Yes, he'll scream martial law but let's be honest, he's going to try that regardless. Our kids & grands will pay the full price.😔
That's something you should take up with your neighbours who voted for Trump. If Americans are so entitled that they think the WORLD should just keep suffering so THEY don't have to, then I think you're overdue for some hard lessons.
Also, bold of you to have a blanket opinion of Americans as a whole, calling me entitled. I'm Native American. So I know a little bit about my people being oppressed and ostracized and taken advantage of. Entitled? No no no. I don't think so.
Bolder of you to assume that. I don't. Should we just lie back and think of the Queen? The world can't do nothing while your boss continues to extort and bully. Sorry you don't see that. Canada has been a great ally, and now it will be pushed into economic collapse because of your leader.
You don't think I've tried? These idiots don't listen. It's like talking to a brick wall. The ones in blue states have the luxury of not having to deal with these magats en masse on a daily basis. It's easy to just say, "take it up with your neighbors." We have. I do my part. I always have.
There are Maple Magats here, we know they don't listen and they're mostly not too bright. It's beyond me how you think we should not react, we should just sit back in case a few good are hurt with the bad when entire countries economies are at risk of failing!! That is insufferable entitlement.
Please send support to blue candidates in red states that look close in the midterms. There are a lot of blues in red states too trying to beat back the fire.
I understand why you want that and I’m conflicted. However, I have not heard a lot of ex-magats saying Trump lost them because he is so cruel. They have explained that they turned on him when his actions hurt them.
I know! I'm at the stage where when someone tries to normalize the cruelty, chaos, and corruption, I just walk away from them as in keeping them out of my circle. I don't have the time to try to pull people's heads out of the sand after 10 years of this cruel man!
They won't, because per their design, they can NEVER admit that they frankly, effed up, or that they're bad people. The most they could do in best case, is cook up a back-handed apology, or try and do the "everyone's wrong, we all want the same things, there's two sides to everything," rhetoric.
Corporate powers will stand up before that point bc their idea of rock bottom is higher than magas can fathom. Lawyers are overturning DOGE acts in courts. Many in Congress invest. Trade laws provide tools for injunctions. When loss outweighs deregulation gains, they'll get mad, & halt this coup.
I'm an American, and I'm so grateful for what all of the Ally countries are doing. Please keep boycotting! There are Americans here fighting and greatly appreciate the help.
An American here. Boycott everything. It’s the only way people will wake up. It’s a nightmare here and it has to end. I am still dumbfounded this a// wi/// is back in office 😑🤮😑🤮😑🤮
I’m a Canadian in Mexico and shopped exclusively Mexican and Canadian (peanut butter from Canada!). It’s not hard to do. If anyone knows of a Mexican brand of coffee filters let me know ☕️
Love this! As an American, I'm ashamed of what our country has become and voted in as our leaders after seeing what the 🍊💩 did in his first term. Please continue to protest against this regime and fight with everything, including your dollars, to send him a message. Thank you!
I became a label reader overnight, my latest was a car air freshner, I found one I really liked, but alas, it was made in the USA, I found an alternative.
Doing the small things I can from 🇦🇺
Arizonan here. Vacation in Canada regularly and buy Canadian whenever we can. Until MAGAts feel the pain nothing will change. Soooo, we deserve what a boycott will bring to all of us. What an awful situation with the hollowing out of government and our corrupt so-called leadership.
Just know we are very aware of the pain that will be felt by our supporters and fellow pro-demcracy supporters; we really do regret that pain for you but we must protect ourselves.
We don’t hold it against you. There’s plenty of us here that cannot stand the man running this country. I will never call him the P word he’s not even a leader. He’s a big bully trying to throw his weight around and his obnoxiousness is an embarrassment. Hey Republicans. eat.💩
We just gave Trump USD$500,000,000.00. "progress" payment for the (F)AUKUS subs that we will never even get.
I would absolutely love my Govt. to say a big FUCK YOU to Trump, but all I see is sycophancy.
“Yankee dollar talk
To the dictators of the world
In fact it's giving orders
An' they can't afford to miss a word
I'm so bored with the U.S.A.
I'm so bored with the U.S.A.”
The Clash
Since the US has collapsed and all.
Add META blackouts to that list too.
Canada is not backing down, it's a targeted retaliation of 155 billion to cause maximum impact and that's just the start.
It breaks my heart, but Godspeed.
We appreciate all the help and support. Thanks.
And we'll be ready to help, we always have.
Fuck trump and his shit stain clown car cabinet.
I'm watching 🎦
meet the challenge and defeat these FACISTS. We and our ALLIES will emerge STRONGER THAN EVER.
Did I mention thanks?
Did I forget to mention that we Canadians are grateful?
(I’m sorry but I had to just say😉)
Fell in love with the maple leaf and fleur de lis at a very early age.
They are not allies to democracy!
a seriously angered, frustrated, and depressed American.
It was difficult but well worth the effort.
If you put a product type into the search engine it will look for Canadian option(s)
“ may be for sale”, and offers ‘related searches’ (?) 😐
The actual website though is:
There's also too.
I’m sorry the US president has you-& so many of my county’s friends-in his crosshairs. I wish it weren’t so.
Hell, we’ll do the same thing. I’d rather buy Canadian any day of the week. American stuff is usually crap anyway.
They're rightfully upset with Canada for some of our leaders trying to exclude them from a future trade deal and for us trying to deflect blame on them.
We signed NAFTA and USMCA. We should adhere to that agreement with Mexico even if the USA chose to tear it up.
We need to unequivocally reject any revised free trade agreement that excludes Mexico.
Each time we play the "less than 1 percent" card we implicitly blame Mexico.
They're right to be upset with Canada right now.
If only we could trade auto parts without America being in the way, that could be quite the industry!
Stop using Twitter-X
Stop buying Tesla
Protest in front of Tesla dealerships
But remember: America may not have had hard times for a while but we have been through them. And we can do it again.
Steadfast ❤️ Untied
We definitely need that feeling we're not alone.
Keep it up, make it stronger, make it bigger.
I love how my options are to be hated here, or flee to Canada to be hated there. Y'all MFers lost your humanity.
I need you nice Canadians to get louder than the mean ones.
Personally I believe the other countries should designate MAGA as a t organization or at the LEAST a hate group.
It's been a dehumanizing experience.
And my country head just returned rubbing his nose at the Duck's feet.
In solidarity!!! ✊❤️🇨🇦🇺🇦
Or, join
If we don't spend, they lose money. That's called a BOYCOTT!
Do it! Stay true to it!
Go to Settings, then Accessibility, and make sure "Require alt text before posting" is toggled on - this will prompt you each time you add an image to your post!
Or, join
If we don't spend, they lose money. That's called a BOYCOTT!
Do it! Stay true to it!
Boycott Amazon, Tesla and any American outfit!
They are the best.
🇺🇸💙🇨🇦 🇺🇸💙🇨🇦 🇺🇸💙🇨🇦
Carry on & lets get trump impeached!!🇺🇸
Thank you for being a strong voice for Canada.
Brands because they are from Canada. Haven’t used to BJ’s in years. Costco over an hour away.
When they stop American services, then we see how long the US will survive.
F #trump and his vision for #US
Trump and MAGA deserve it.
We're not all behind that orange bastard.
Since Trump’s 51st state comment, we are angry and will protect our 🇨🇦flag. And, taking 🇨🇦citizenship for convenience, like Musk, angers us. We are no longer polite.
If you are afraid to travel, stay home and march for change. Using our 🇨🇦 flag for your comfort and convenience is egoism, a Trump trait.
The political class refuses to care cause there's 0 money in it.
And when progressives actually get elected above local government, establishment Dems crush them, cause leftists are more unwelcome tha fascists.
You are right, if the purpose is to pretend being a Canadian,
but that do also indicates, that they are not "MAGA".
And the "protection" sheme, well that only works until they open their mouth.
Also, good on you rest of the free world.
I'm sorry. And angry.☹️
Good work!
America's billionaires are the enemy of all Americans too. They are a threat to every life on Earth, even their own.
As a friend and neighbor below you I support your efforts.
The "Dictator Twins" we now have controlling our country
need to be brought down and eradicated without causing harm on any other countries.
March 7-14
Blackout Amazon - f**k Bezo
I am boycotting US products too if I have any alternative.
Doing the small things I can from 🇦🇺