A snow storm.
That ain't going to make any Canadian think they should stay indoors.
When it gets below -30 we might put on a toque. But it's all just another day in the Canadian paradise.
That ain't going to make any Canadian think they should stay indoors.
When it gets below -30 we might put on a toque. But it's all just another day in the Canadian paradise.
I ♥️🇨🇦 #elbowsup
Embarrassed to be 🇺🇸
First he wanted to stop fentanyl -
and we agreed because even less than 43 pounds is too much…
Then he wanted to stop migrants-
and we agreed because they came up from the US illegally in the first place….
and we said ‘no’ because he signed a trade deal he himself said was the ‘best in history’
Finally he wanted our land—
and we gave him as much as he wanted 6 feet underground…because
N Michigan is a frozen tundra defrosting.
Carry On
Stay warm & keep fighting the good fight.
no seasonal California this is perfection. My allergies
are full force but worthy.
- 40 below toque
- 20 below toque
- spring and fall toques
- wet rainy summer day toque
- sitting around the campfire toque
And of course, a fancy going to the big city toque to impress friends and family.
Living in a Canadian Paradise” 🎶🎶
Canadian Paradise.
"There's no cold tonight just another day in Canadian Paradise"
The North remembers
You mean Canadian Sparkle.
We shine, like raw earth.
Or something. 🇨🇦
I own at least 22. I think I may have a toque fetish.