Okay! I keep remembering anew that people on bluesky aren’t as hostile by default, so I can try stuff. Gonna do an AMA for the next hour, anything you want to know about what I’ve learned from being in tech for 20 years. Lots of stuff I wish I knew starting out!
- 4.5M GMV
- 450K annual rev
- 10% MoM growth
- 10x annual return to humanity
- ramen profitable
We turn $1 of funding into $4 of revenue + $12 of savings for partners + $45 of aid delivered.
But it's a struggle to get that initial $1.
2. Grow the marketplace for humanitarian aid to support an increasing # of climate refugees & other displaced people. Increase community resilience to crises. Divert excess products from destruction / landfills to aid responses.
But tbh those are goals, I'll take cash however I can get it rn.
The biggest barrier to going big to small is assuming that you are being hired for how you did things at big co. Ask ?s.
Also, thanks for add to this lovely space 😊
Any thoughts on quantum computing and the subsequent effects on security? I'm thinking it's going to need a 'Y2K bug era' amount of resources and adjustments to tackle, but it feels as if nobody is too concerned... Which is concerning haha
And, conversely, what was the easiest problem you thought could be solved, and ended up taking the most amount of relative work?
Can be conceptual thoughts, code problems, people management - as you see fit.
There’s just that *one* more chance, it’ll work, right?
what was hard about the process of recognizing a union as a tech CEO?