I am not at all surprised that a kid who was a young teenager when Prince died, and who probably never had access to his music, wouldn't know who Prince is. It's part of why I like sharing Prince's legacy, so folks can discover these things. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Yd3DvktmiY
Classic rockers (McCartney, the Stones, the Who, Dylan, even the Dead...) are still going strong. Do later stars have less staying power? Interesting thought...
A man I thought I disliked and refused to listen to...and got dragged to the movie Purple Rain and left there that night tears on my face becus I had witnessed a minor god
just wow what an amazing amazing talented person
Hope you saved room!!
He made eye contact with me and was NOT happy to see me, a guy sitting in the second row dead center surrounded by beautiful women.
He made that look when you smell a fart...at me. I felt his scorn, and disappointment. Second best show of my life.
She always stood at the back of the line
A smile beneath her nose" 💜
I don't think anyone thinks he's particularly enlightened or curious. Point to something random in your house. He probably doesn't know what it is.
What's surprising is that we make stupid people famous.
I introduced her without talking down to her or scolding her. But JAMES BROWN?!?? I couldn’t believe it.
Only half-joking. He creates real life hunger games for people ands sells really bad hamburgers or something, right?
I’d be curious to know if he has any knowledge of television. He’s a super nerd of how YouTube works, so it’d make sense *to me* to have spent time learning about what came before.
his only interest in them is in "YouTube-ifying"/"Beastifying" them 😬