I’m gonna disagree. Dems should say: “You know damn well Republicans don’t care about women’s sports. And you know they get arrested every single day for preying on kids. No wonder they make laws where they get to look in your kid’s pants. They wanted to make a child predator Attorney General.” …
Reposted from
Max Berger
Here’s what Democrats should say about trans women and girls playing sports:
“Republicans don’t care about women sports. They just want you to fear young people living their lives freely—so you don’t get angry about their billionaire overlords picking your pockets and controlling everything.”
“Republicans don’t care about women sports. They just want you to fear young people living their lives freely—so you don’t get angry about their billionaire overlords picking your pockets and controlling everything.”
our genocide isn't a distraction, it's a sexual-violence-focused genocide enacted by pedophiles on literal children
Also bc the consultants might be out of a job, winning parties don't need retreats about how to win.
This is what we're demanding from you. Not your impotent little messages or your decorum at the False State of the Union. MAKE SOME NOISE Catalyze a fierce opposition that can grow, like Trump did with MAGA.
Besides which, their prosperity gospel heresy tells them that God rewards righteousness with personal wealth. Therefore the wealthy are rich because they are God's favorites and DESERVE to be rich.
The Republicans are actively promoting they predation of kids.
that is why they demand The Say over people's genders - because they demand total control over all reality, including internal experiences, thoughts and feelings
My mom said that for Lutherans, they made pretty good Baptists
Also their oldest daughter ran away and joined the Mormons because that was the farthest liberal she could imagine going
This is the way
Feel free to use it; it's also been incorporated into Who Is Making The News
Short form: Republicans are *at least* 16x as likely to commit Child Sexual Assault or be arrested for CSAM possession as Democrats.
About 25 a week. That made the news.
God only knows how many it would be with proper records access at the county court level for 3,047 US counties.
None of this middling wish washy rhetoric. People voted for a billionaire and defend Elon every day. You know what Trump supporters or voters don’t defend? The Hollywood Access tape. Trump being friends with Epstein. They either ignore it or creat conspiracy because it’s indefensible.
Theres even a rule named for him and its not Dont Tell Your Parents.
The only time they care about kids is prior to birth.
I am a SA survivor, however, and there are a LOT of us out here.
See also: My running list of pedo pastors & dad's keep sending their kids to church, church camps, church events unsupervised. Hell some of them make their daughter apologize to the pastor for saying they were molested.