It's like Trump saying "the U.S. has done bad things too," when people critiqued Russia. It's not wrong in a fact-checker sense, but in the sense that telling the public today that abusing the federal workforce is de rigueur for presidents is not what people need to hear right now.
Yes, every 4 years a new deranged tech CEO lights the Constitution on fire, smashes agencies and guts the federal workforce. It's like that last scene in Animal Farm.
ehhhh. i read it and it's not as both-sidesy as the headline suggests. as a historian zelizer is not gonna shy away from the occasional democratic president who reduced federal workforce, but he makes it clear that the right is way more extreme in its hatred of federal workers and trump is the worst
The ivies are all the same … they are not paragons of decency, values or culture. They are just have the oldest, most durable and most successful self promoting apparatuses in America.
Thanks for showing that the content was as insipid as the headline and summary/teaser, which says, nothing to look at here--business as usual, move along, this is sooo normal.
Remember when Obama talked about occupying Gaza and renaming it New Kenya? If you freeze-frame a video of his tan suit and Enhance (TM), it's right there in 2-point font on his left sleeve.
An outlaw administration that would make Nixon blush unilaterally and illegally dismantles multiple USG agencies in its first few weeks. Nothing to see here, move along.
perhaps of a flatulent variety.
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