With everything I've said tonight about the Senate Dems head fake, nothing is over until it's over. This is 100% the plan right now. But if people aren't happy with it they should continue to make crystal clear to Dem senators have they feel about this. Enough pressure could change it.
so I guess I will call those Senators.
If they don’t understand that by now I wonder what exactly they are doing.
The cynicism…
By next year, the consequences of all that likely will be clear to primary voters.
If their goal was to smooth the path for Trump would they do anything different?
Let’s face it though. They probably are more concerned with calming financial markets and feathering their own nests than they are with doing anything disruptive.
Senate Dems see it and they see that as a problem that needs to be fixed.
They aren’t interested in facing Musk funded Republicans in the next election.
They are the status quo.
He went out of his way to leave himself the option of voting yes on cloture first.
If you didn't know the context, it sounded good.
If you knew the context, it was deceptive.
After the town hall, and all the "vote no on cloture" comments, Hickenlooper gave up on the weasel approach and said he'd vote no on cloture too.
Pressure works. Unfortunately we have to watch 'em like hawks because they think they're so clever.
I think it is not so much thinking they are clever as it is leaving themselves the room to make decisions on the spot at the time, which is what they are also paid for.
this enables Musk to choose what line items to fund/not fund
2-courts are primary obstacle slowing DOGE & EO lawlessness
Q: what stops Musk cutting judiciary funding if gov shuts down?
In his closing remarks Hick said, "it is not time for business as usual," but doubt he meant that if reference to the CR vote.
of DOGE & Exec Orders
a shut down (which Musk wants!) feels like a trap
but if gov shuts down (during a time treasury is also using extraordinary measures to avoid debt default) it’s an opening to defund judiciary, the only thing slowing down lawlessness
shut down (which Musk wants) is a trap
for what?
to keep the GOP from getting a filibuster-proof majority?
apparently they have that with 53 now
A totalitarian, dictatorial regime, run by billionaires, laid off thousands for no reason, who now face joblessness, hunger, and homelessness, is opening a car dearlership for a billionaire in the WH!!
This is their last at-bat. If they don't see that and stand firm, we're all done. The courts won't be able to save our democracy on their own.
Anyway, no surprise that it goes to VM, 80% of my calls to IL senators do too.