No surprise there. Just remember you didn't want to get rid of gerrymandering so yeah. One damn thing I know is that if I was Senator from Ohio where I'm from I would definitely be at my town hall.
Omg how horrible & disgusting! I’m SO sorry you have to deal w/ uninformed people. As this Administrations agenda rolls out further it’ll be interesting to see how much pain they can handle before they wake up to the emergency the United States is in. I hope you (and all of us) don’t suffer too much
Omg!! The unqualified and ineptness of GOP leadership is insane- and it gets worse and worse!!! I’m so sorry! I PRAY Sherrod Brown and ANY Ohio elected Democrat gets out there to those empty town hall meetings and start EDUCATING PEOPLE‼️🇺🇸🇺🇸💙💙💙🇺🇸🇺🇸✊🏼✊🏽✊🏾🇺🇸🇺🇸💙💙💙
Americans are NOT passively accepting what the Trump Regime is doing.
Some criticize Americans for not being in the streets in millions. That may yet come as the current activism becomes more accepted (and publicized--only Maddow on MSNBC is consistently highlighting this).
Both Senators Bernie Moreno and Jon Husted voted ‘NO’ on rehiring the Veterans fired by Elon Musk’s Doge.
Ten Days Ago.
On March 14th at 5:23 PM, ALL the GOP Senators voted ‘NO’ on rehiring the Veterans,
And they can’t be bothered to talk to their constituents.
Ohio. More cowardice from the so-called 'representatives' who don't actually represent. Just keep collecting that fat paycheck, unlimited, top-tier healthcare and fat lifetime pension... as long as they get that, they won't care about any 'little people'...
If we are lucky enough to survive to mid terms, they are gonna get destroyed. It may literally be a blue tsunami that allows Trump & JD Vance to be impeached and removed from office.
I have felt that no Ohio Senator represented us in more familiar American values and nor upheld their Constitutional oath. Now we know why - they're AWOL.
Maga does not care about their constituents, they are going ahead with their agenda. Red states, go to their office protest outside be loud make your voice heard. Your congress person is not coming to you.
Sherrod Brown and Tim Ryan are not cowards. They fought hard on behalf of Ohioans. But Ohio stupidity voted them out, along with their Social security, Dept of Education, their fucking health care.
Ohio, the land of really stupid people.
Ok Votegirl. Got your point. All of us Ohioans are stupid, even if we voted for Brown and Ryan. Stop blaming the entire state. If that is how one thinks, then fuck the entire US for letting Trump back in. Even if you voted against him.
Now now, I was placing blame where blame is due. I don't take it personally when posters say America sucks, it does suck right now. It makes me fight harder.
I'm sorry I offended you.
Now get your ass out there and campaign for better candidates! ✌️💙
It tracks - MAGAs have big mouths when they go to friendly territory (aka Fox) but are in a fetal position when they have to answer their BS in the real world!
Both are bribed corrupt politicians one that used politics to say he live in Ohio running for office , Ohio should never let anyone run in the state unless you currently worked & lived in the state for at least 7 yrs.
Right. But unfortunately that's also how Shillbilly Vance was unleashed on the country. He lived in the San Francisco area until he was tapped by Peter Thiel. He then moved here to Ohio and ran for Senate (and won). Posed in his ads with a rifle. Seems that's all it took.
Ohio once a automotive and manufacturing state you couldnt put nothing past them now they buy the koolaid from bribed corrupt politicians now hiring criminals, get off the billionaire cable media and start watch your politicians closely to represent you !
Dear Canadians, we in 🇺🇸 are demonstrating evry week in many state capitols. You won’t see these much in “the news”but you can in socials (here, for instance, where many vids of these rallies are posted.) How about stop being hosers, & support folks here who hate 🍊 & are fighting 4 our democracy? Eh?
Thank you Sarah. We do see your demonstrations in the news and we are grateful for people like you. Thank you. We can’t help being hosers. It’s in our DNA haha. I assure you, you have our complete support. We shall stand together.
🥰 thanks for this! I have to say tho that “other” members of the “hoser” dna clan have been much less nice, which is dispiriting for the millions & millions of 🇺🇸 who are aghast, terrified, angry & doing anything we can to stop this. In unity there is strength. Elbows up!
Yes. Well it is natural to feel your opponent hates you and I’m sure many Canadians react quickly to what they perceive to be adversarial responses. We must try to understand the position of others. It’s easy for some of us to forget that you are fighting for your lives as well. God bless.
I’ve read Canadian (and EU) posts on Bsky & threads that actually state in words that they hate us, and think we are idiots sitting on our butts doing nada here, so it’s not just a feeling. But people can fly off the handle (I’ve been known to) & this is a scary time for all of us. ☮️
Did they post it anywhere other than FB? I left that platform years ago. I am also not on Twitter. Left that one years ago when #CriminalElon took over and made it another alt-right platform.
I'm not even sure they're chicken. I just think they believe it's only Dems who are showing up and they do not care. Until T's approval rating tanks w Rs, they can't be bothered.
1) calling me an asshole is peak snark
2) asking if Brown is missed yet is not snarky. It’s messaging: Be careful who you vote for. Your choices have consequences.
If you check my bio, you’ll see I’m not a politician. Or a democrat. I’m an artist who isn’t trying to win votes. Snartkety is a publishing name for graphic novels. Whole different universe.
Asking if they miss brown is nothing more than saying “I’m right, you’re wrong!!!”
I am an artist. It’s my professsion and how I’ve made a living for over 20 years. This is not a matter for debate, either.
And it‘s objectively morally superior to be against genocide, and for healthcare for all, education for all, housing for all, livable wages for all, equal rights for all…
Personally, I have no tolerance for the intolerant. I am enjoying the party’s “snartketiness” so far. Not to mention the majority of voters that were NOT motivated to vote.
The difference is that the Republican Party actually enacts the policy their base supports. They FEAR their base.
The democrats are snarky assholes to their opposition AND their own base. 8 yrs ago we were fighting for universal healthcare and free college. Now those are “far left pipe dreams”
When are YOU going to realize people don't like Double Standards? Not only are R's snarky assholes, they are cruel, malicious, & violent snarky assholes. Why aren't you calling THEM OUT?
You don't know anything about me. I'm for JUSTICE, not a particular TRIBE. Your post demonstrates that you uncritically project your maga inclinations onto others. Go back to your kindergarten playground & hide in a corner.
All over California and every state! April 5th is the day we take to the streets and get the word out to the world that we will protect our rights with our lives! We will save the country from the billionaire class and all the complicit millionaires. We have a better way!
Wow! Senators, all of you, you’d better start reading the tea leaves, these are not “paid protestors”, these are very angry, scared, involved Americans. It’s our country, our government and we want it back.
Republicans REFUSED to do
anything about Nixon until the
S&P fell off by 50%!
The Trump Slump took off 10%
thus far, but life comes on fast🤣
That can change.
50%~that’s how fucking stubborn
Republicans are.
I'm in the process of reading Log Off and I'm nervous about what social media does to NOT speed this up. Hoping you're right anyways that things move faster in that direction though.
In a district with a Cook PVI of R+19, you’d normally expect Republicans to dominate mail-in voting by a much wider margin.
A 4.9-point gap at that stage was unexpectedly narrow, suggesting high engagement by Democrats, likely due to Valimont’s media presence and fundraising.
Analysts favor Fine to win. Tho Weil’s financial advantage/grassroots energy have turned a safe Red seat into a competition. If turnout among younger, independent, and less consistent voters is unusually high—and if Weil’s messaging continues to resonate—not impossible to pull off a surprise.
Well there is it.
You see a normal after presidential election no matter who it is high then uh oh
I’m not happy about it of course we are losing money like everyone else but if it takes this to wake up more people then I guess it is what it is
A town hall in Arizona
Eli Crand also was a no show in Arizona. That’s a cardboard cut out. And a big chicke as his replacements.
So many veterans turned out, so many constituents looking for answers. Press? Nope. Not a one
This is as telling as it gets a red state and one so powerful in It's political influence cannot get their GOP reps to show up. There not just hiding,they know their wrong and can't make an argument to back their leaders actions. Cowards
They will be sadly surprised if they chalk this up as just angry democrats. Look at the crowd. Why they did not listen PROJECT 2025, I will never understand. But they are tuned in now.
Trump told them he had nothing to do with it, and they believe Trump. As for chalking it up to angry Democrats, all the Republicans are doing that now. They're calling these town halls things like "stunts" (that's the point: You could avoid the stunts by holding town halls).
Question: are there reports about whether GOP voters are showing up to these town halls? I get that unhappy Dems are…Ditto the massive crowds for Bernie and AOC.
If the Democratic leadership were worth a damn they would have the nearest Dem equivalent go to these incognito and be ready to step up to the podium if the GOP reps/senators refuse to show up.
But we know both are feckless wastes with books to sell.
You know what would add the cherry on top of these protest sundaes? If organizers started putting out statements after. "It was sobering to see so many people hurting, willing to protest the Trump regime. The Empty Chair Pretending To Be {name} was fully engaged and agreed with every point made."
“Paid actors”? I love how he thinks people are getting paid to do this, and can’t fathom that they’re showing up because of his bull shit “policies” and games.
Same. But we were a swing state until Ken Blackburn got ahold of us. We could be again. We were blue for Clinton. Let’s get it together and take it back.
Ohio has so much to offer. Much of it is beautiful, good people, great beer, now the Sundance Film Festival! But man, those farm towns and the political rhetoric. SMH I had to get out before my mouth got me in trouble.
I have to say it again with everything the Republicans are doing and the stuff they loaded on the cr I have never seen them this unconcerned about loosing their voters. So I can only conclude they don't exspect an election in 2026.
From what I hear about the one senator that had a live Townhall in Colorado Springs, he really didn't have any answers. He isn't Bernie or AOC and we need fighters!
Hey Ohio! You bunch of idiots, Sherrod Brown would've shown up!
But you fucked around and now you are finding out.
Ohio, when are you going to learn?
Gymshorts Jordan? He's never even passed a bill on behalf of Ohioans! Wake UP and start voting in your own best interest!
Moreno won 52 to 48. No mandate there. Our other senator was appointed by (R) governor DeWine. There are many, many Ohioans that didn't vote for these losers. JD Vance bought his OH seat...winning 53 to 47...again no mandate.
For decades, Conservatives and Republicans have railed against what they've decried as excessive government spending and waste. So the MAGAs created a fictional Doge but what have they achieved? There is no record of savings or anything that Doge has found. And Trump keeps wasting taxpayers money!
I haven’t seen NYT or WaPo, nor broadcast, mention a syllable about any of the growing protests throughout the country. They’ve been all over Tesla vandalism, though, although incurious about the reasons.
Unfortunately Moreno just started the beginning of a 6 year grift. He's good for a long while so he doesn't give two shits about any of this anger. Never mind his magic (R) which insulates him from being ousted in the ever regressing Ohio.
Lexington KY empty chair twin hall for Andy Barr. This was about 1/2 hour before the event. When the event started, the theater was at full capacity at 900 people. Bipartisan event and the Republicans are pissed.
Maybe, in addition to inviting senators and congress members, we should invite local media, and have seats reserved with their names on them, so we can distribute photos and video showing who did and didn't show up.
Oh, video! Everytime... can you vimeo or something, run it here and on Intsta, maybe FB and maybe send every single one to Stephen Colbert and John Stewart (they'll know what to do with it!)
Happy to see Columbus show up and show out! A great city, that deserves great representation! Something tells me if you ask nicely, Sherrod Brown might pop in for a little gab!
There’s a good and honorable reason why, you people were going to ask non softball questions and most likely say mean words and mean words can hurt. Meanwhile in Ukraine Zelenskyy visits hi troops on the frontline perhaps have to duck bullets wizzing over his head. These rep are wizzing their pants
The Democrats must be insanely rich to pay so many thousands of paid actors at each of these events! And I’m sure it’s impossible for there to be one republican in the house, I’m sure they barred them from entering!
If we don't stand together as ONE VOICE...we might as well not stand at all!!! No politician (no matter how big their platform is) can save us! The ONLY way to end this is millions in the streets.
Living is Ohio is the definition of a shit show. We have Dumb & Dumber in the senate, our governor is an evil little muppet, and now Vivek’s used car salesman act is all over the place as he ramps up his run to replace the muppet.
Good choice. Heavvy repub field already but only 2 dems and an independent have declared so far. Always pays to wait a while and step in with fan fare (like a savior) but it will likely depend on whether Amy is getting really strong support or not
“Do you hear the people sing, singing a song of angry men, it is the music of a people who will not be slaves again. When the beating of your heart echoes the beating of the drums, there is a fight about to start when tomorrow comes.” Les Miserables
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦
Exactly right. I worked the polls Nov. 5. I was available to answer voters' questions to whatever point I legally could. One man flagged me down & asked me how to mark his ballot "so that all the Republicans win." I told him to read it carefully & moved along. Kicker: He was obviously an immigrant.
These Republican representatives no longer represent their Constituents. They represent Trump. They are afraid of him and us and are hoping to get gaslight support from Trump before they get accountability from us
Time is of the essence. Action like this is imperative
1 a month. Somewhere in their district notice sent out 2 weeks prior. All access/no restrictions on who can attend. Failure means no pay.
Boycott Facebook please.
They are already saying they will vote for Ramaswamy for governor. It's crazy over here. I'm sorry.
I NEVER doubted their belief in democracy and integrity.
Some criticize Americans for not being in the streets in millions. That may yet come as the current activism becomes more accepted (and publicized--only Maddow on MSNBC is consistently highlighting this).
Will MSNBC start covering these events…anytime soon
She can not be the lone voice
Ten Days Ago.
On March 14th at 5:23 PM, ALL the GOP Senators voted ‘NO’ on rehiring the Veterans,
And they can’t be bothered to talk to their constituents.
If anyone ever wonders how Ohio went from being THE swing state over to being solidly red: the answer is Jon Husted did it.
Ohio, the land of really stupid people.
I'm sorry I offended you.
Now get your ass out there and campaign for better candidates! ✌️💙
#Grocery Prices RISING!
#Pensions and #401(k)s FALLING!
#SocialSecurity and #Medicaid CUTS!
Hard-Working #Americans Oppressed-For NO Good Reason!
🇺🇸 🗽
This entire shit show was written out in Project 2025, which they said they would implement immediately apon his swearing in.
I think Blowup Dolls fit their description Perfectly for what they are performing as they Sell Out Americans
2) asking if Brown is missed yet is not snarky. It’s messaging: Be careful who you vote for. Your choices have consequences.
Asking if they miss brown is nothing more than saying “I’m right, you’re wrong!!!”
And it‘s objectively morally superior to be against genocide, and for healthcare for all, education for all, housing for all, livable wages for all, equal rights for all…
The time for playing nice is over.
Just ask Schumer.
How's THAT for snark?
Dem candidates who are often described as uppity elitists.
The democrats are snarky assholes to their opposition AND their own base. 8 yrs ago we were fighting for universal healthcare and free college. Now those are “far left pipe dreams”
Dems pretend to have the moral high ground, but there’s a reason ppl call you blue maga. You’re just as much selfish pricks as red maga.
You want to be seen as the better party? BE BETTER!!
Crawling in the mud clearly isn’t getting you anywhere. Look around.
self-awareness is in order.
Dems could learn a thing or two from folks like me about having a spine and defined principles of human dignity.
And I’m not maga, sweetie. I’m to your left, not your right.
What could have been.
anything about Nixon until the
S&P fell off by 50%!
The Trump Slump took off 10%
thus far, but life comes on fast🤣
That can change.
50%~that’s how fucking stubborn
Republicans are.
And he didn't resign until 13 months after the bombshell testimony of John "cancer on the presidency" Dean.
We're in for a long and bumpy ride...
Unless we flip the House, April 1.
but since I lived through those hearings, I can tell you: every single person in the United States was watching it. It was awesome television.
I can see that happening as easily as global climate change suddenly reversing.
A 4.9-point gap at that stage was unexpectedly narrow, suggesting high engagement by Democrats, likely due to Valimont’s media presence and fundraising.
Total ballots returned: 19,213
Republicans: 45.91%
Democrats: 41.02%
Independents: 13%.
You see a normal after presidential election no matter who it is high then uh oh
I’m not happy about it of course we are losing money like everyone else but if it takes this to wake up more people then I guess it is what it is
in hiding
Eli Crand also was a no show in Arizona. That’s a cardboard cut out. And a big chicke as his replacements.
So many veterans turned out, so many constituents looking for answers. Press? Nope. Not a one
𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔯𝔢𝔭𝔲𝔟𝔩𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔫 𝔯𝔢𝔭𝔰 𝔞𝔯𝔢 𝔱𝔞𝔨𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔦𝔯 𝔤𝔲𝔦𝔡𝔞𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔣𝔯𝔬𝔪 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔡𝔦𝔠𝔱𝔞𝔱𝔬𝔯 𝔦𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔡𝔬𝔫𝔱 𝔥𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔫𝔰 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔪 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔶 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔟𝔢 𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶𝔢𝔡
But we know both are feckless wastes with books to sell.
But these folks aren’t for you.
Get the word out to everyone!
Share it on TikTok!!
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Signups @ and for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
Attend your local event on April 5th! Fight for our freedoms the right way, with non-violent protests and with your wallet!
But you fucked around and now you are finding out.
Ohio, when are you going to learn?
Gymshorts Jordan? He's never even passed a bill on behalf of Ohioans! Wake UP and start voting in your own best interest!
Gym "I ain't seen nuthin'" Jordan?
I was at Harris rallies. The energy was amazing. I saw how flat the Trump crowds were.
Is anything really changing?
Where are they and why aren’t they doing any coverage at these events?
If we don't stand together as ONE VOICE...we might as well not stand at all!!! No politician (no matter how big their platform is) can save us! The ONLY way to end this is millions in the streets.
An anthem for our times! 🇺🇸🇺🇦🇨🇦
at ribbon cuttings for major building projects made possible by Biden's Infrastructure Act. GTFOH
We must keep our focus on the real issues facing all of us.
Time is of the essence. Action like this is imperative
I cannot believe we even live in a world that this phrase even exists in.
These are the Gertrudes and Herberts righteously pissed off their Social Security check might not arrive on time.
Ohio Sen.Jon Husted
both serving since 2025