Her husband Pardon and her Supreme court Nomination was the Deal she made to praise trump for 8 years. 1/20/2021 Trump Pardoned her Felon Husband! Last Pardon on last day in office!
One good thing? Presidential pardons do not clear or expunge the Criminal record. Not until 10 years after. Then you can pay a Lawyer to find every mention of you to scrub it. So all those January 6th Traitors if pardoned are FAFO!!
The only solace we can take in this is that Roberts, Thomas or Alito have to give up their spots. I have heard even Jeannie Pirro stand up for Harris when Jesse Waters talked about Generals "having their way with her". So maybe once she gets there she will let that women come through more often.
Ok this can not be happening! This is the fucking INITED STATES SUPREME COURT ! Not judge Judy, nothing against Judy, just saying!!! This is the worst reality show I have ever had to be forced to watch!
Said it once, I’ll say it again. What’s to stop trump from adding in those additional justices we talked about thereby insuring a conservative majority for decades? This feels like something Biden should absolutely do before the end of his term.
Yeah, being a “judge” on FAUX News doesn’t make her SCOTUS material. And besides, Trump already installed #AmyCOVIDBarrett, so he doesn’t need to install any other women. So “judge” 🙄 Jeanine will have to weasel her way into another position.
But let's face it, this term anyone he fires will be a blessing. I hope he fires all of them every couple of weeks. Hopefully that way no one learns all the ways to fuck over whatever department they were casually put in charge of without any qualifications. "You're fired!" cabinet bingo anyone?! 😆
This hag is 73 years old. Not too old to be a judge, but way too old for Tяump to consider her for anything.
Not to worry, she’s just trolling.
On to other things, like this:
He's putting a much younger radical in there.
Cannon most likely
DO NO have to be pointed in the same direction… 🤔
No more luxury trips or RVs. Just keep the boxed wine stocked in her chambers.
Not to worry, she’s just trolling.
On to other things, like this: