I have absolutely no idea if these cars are all made through 100% automation or not, but i cling to the fantasy that somewhere at tesla there’s a resistor.
What is more dangerous than the piece of glued on trim is the ugliness of the cyberfuck. It is so damn ugly that it makes me want to throw up every time I see one 🤮
I wonder how other car companies keep their cars from becoming undone by the glue can't secure the vehicle properly. Time to ask other companies like Revell on how they secure their cars with glue.
Wow DIDN’T know that there wasn’t a standard in the auto industry for glue used to secure trim. Sometimes I just feel like everything is a beta version for us to find out why something shouldn’t be done
Lmmfao the fact that this piece is just glued on is comically pathetic. These cars should be removed from every road in the world. Tesla named 'The Deadliest Car Brand in America', NHTSA data shows. Complete and utter craziness. When i see one on the road I get as far away from it as possible.
You can tear off the mirrors with your hands and the fenders, bumpers! Complete pieces of junk! Why do you think Elon is dismantling all the government agencies going after his crap! Rockets blowing up, satellites crashing! Bye Elon! The world 🌎 can see its garbage 🗑️
To be fair that guy was really strong, hugely strong with tears in his eyes. I realize he tore apart the truck with his bare hands, but did you see him? He could do that to any of the foreign cars people seem to like so much. I think it was a liberal plot to do something mean spirited to poor Tes
I’m wondering if Tesla owners, especially Cybertrucks can file suit against Musk personally for putting them in danger due to his continued rhetoric and behaviors. They are being assaulted due to his actions
Anyone figure out the cost?
In the beginning they picked up & dropped off the cars at your home. Can't imagine doing them doing that.
So you lose your car and working for a few days.
What idiot buys that ugly dumpster fire anyway?
Why is the stock still over $200?
I think the stock is above 200 because of the Oligarchs keep pumping more into the stock to try to stop it from sinking. One day they won't put more money in and then we will really see it dive down to 0.
And for the bargain price of $80k to $100k off the show room floor.
Now with roadside emergency kits containing Fix-a-Flat and a bottle of Elmer's glue.
We the people have to find a way to get together en masse and act as one unit. The democratic congress and senate have thrown in the towel and have joined the Nazis. It's entirely up to us now. We have to get off our computers and cell phones and ipads and do something. Before we wind up in an oven.
You have the same formal mechanical engineering education as Elon. Don't be so hard on yourself. Go be eccentric and make yourself $400 billion dollars. Then choose a country you'd like to help destroy. Don't be a Slouching Tiger!
I have to admit, I liked the idea at first.
But then the delays started, then prices changed.
Then the videos of how it fails to live up to the hype.
I’m glad I changed my mind.
It’s an everyday-city driver, at best. Not a TRUE truck.
Driving down the hiway minding your own business, dodging metal from the cybertruck in front of you, & the exploding rocket above you, while he rakes in billions of $$ in subsidies from the tax you paid in, & guts SS dept for retirement $ you paid in for a lifetime. Then cries cuz we don't 🩶 him.
Instead of taking it in for a recall, customers should take it in for a refund. It will save them the trouble of getting vandalized for driving a symbol of fascism.
Did his favorite 5 year old human shield design and then put it together with Elmer's glue? Cybertrucks honestly look like they were created by kindergartners.
Not even kidding about this—when I see one of these jokes on the road, I’m going to give them a VERY wide berth. Would be the ultimate pisser to have my own car damaged (or worse) because of fElon’s stupidity.
Just a thought... Tesla's stock has fallen over 40%, 94% of Germans & Europe are boycotting Tesla, Canada & Mexico are done with Tesla, shipments to China have fallen by 49% & being killed by their competitors. Now, their stock is relying on their Taxis & firms still think their stock can go up?
Why do you think Lutnick was on Fox News telling viewers to “buy Tesla stock?” 🙄 Meanwhile, Tesla board members (hand-picked by Elon) are selling off huge chunks before it tanks further…
Watch the YouTube video on how easy it is to pull parts off the Cybertruck. Hilarious. It also has too many sharp edges that can cut you or others. This crap truck is not worth the money people foolishly paid for it.
Especially since this thing is kind of the opposite of a "status symbol"... it identifies the owner/driver as being a low-life asshole incel with no taste and even fewer brains.
Like the tag thought but agree the old El doesn’t need that kind of dis. Chevy got a bit in front of the light truck concept on that one and actually did decent body work. (And we’ll just route around what they pulled w/the Chevette and then K-cars in the 80s…different thread…😎)
So it can be considered dangerous to others outside the vehicle from flying debris… as well as inside the vehicle from fire or doors that get stuck. The best $80k that I will never spend.
The batteries, last I heard, are still using parts that can only be made by hand, so mass production is impossible.
You can't tell Musk "No."
Glued together and "giga casting," something previously only used on toys.
Musk personally made all the decisions about this crappy monstrosity and people who knew better had to do it, somehow.
I prefer my vehicles without glued projectiles!
Because...what happens when he runs out of ketamine?
Genius EMusk!!!
He's a cartoon villain.
In the beginning they picked up & dropped off the cars at your home. Can't imagine doing them doing that.
So you lose your car and working for a few days.
What idiot buys that ugly dumpster fire anyway?
Why is the stock still over $200?
Now with roadside emergency kits containing Fix-a-Flat and a bottle of Elmer's glue.
Straight from Elon's private stash of their 1999 1st-run overstock remainders.
The frame is made of brittle and weak cast aluminum.
But then the delays started, then prices changed.
Then the videos of how it fails to live up to the hype.
I’m glad I changed my mind.
It’s an everyday-city driver, at best. Not a TRUE truck.
Isn’t all glue flammable?
( I decided not to post the video)
65 MPH that is
re name it
"The Donald."
Because nothing sticks and everyone
hates it as we watch it all fall apart.
Sounds REALLY safe at freeway speeds.
For the owner … and anybody else who happens to be nearby.
Guess we will want to steer clear of THOSE vehicles for a few months … while they are all recalled for a critical repair.
HOW MUCH do those Tesla Cybertrucks cost to buy, again?
Who knew?
Think about that.
Now laugh.
Ship them all to Ukraine, just what they need in the war against Putin
Elon may as well have built these beasts with thoughts and prayers.
What’s the difference between a metaphor and an omen?🔮
on an $85,000 truck
It looks like it was made by AvtoVAZ, who make the Lada.