See also: vizslas.
Had a pair a couple decades ago who thought everything had the potential to be tasty food. Wicker basket? Eat it! The stuffing out of a comforter? Why not? Ace bandage? Yep.
Knocking over the grill and wolfing down the freshly-used charcoal? Great fun…until it comes back out.
I called my wife to check out our trick. We were in the car to the vet ten minutes later. But the dog's fine and we've learned that Google is our friend. The dog, meanwhile, kind of pissed that dishes with onions are a solid no.
This summer our pup was on a daily mission to figure out what existed in the garden that could make her sick or kill her. This is how I found out the plants at the side are called Hostas. Safe for humans, toxic for dogs. Our 8 yo has never so much as looked at them. (They came with the house)
Mine was "ginko fruit" and then the question was answered for me quicker than I could search through the garbage (and: incorrect) AI-generated search results, as the dog then shat and puked them all over the apartment for what turned out to be several hours straight. Good times (but not for all).
Today's for us was cranberries. We have google gadgets all over the house so that's a question that gets asked out loud frequently here. OK, google, can dogs eat [food]?
"Is RTV gasket sealer bad for dogs"
"Fireworks debris poison for dogs?"
"Blood pressure pills poison for dogs?"
"How much pool water can a dog drink safely?"
Constantly looking this up. Now it's too see what is ok/healthy to share with her from what I'm eating, but in her puppy years it was definitely more of the "oh shit" version because she got into and ate some crazy shit before I learned what she would willingly eat
The scariest ones were an unscented rainbow candle and a bag of sequins. Like ??? but she was happy and unaffected aside from her poop coming out with flecks of rainbow or sparkles
My friend adopted a beagle who ate:
an entire bottle of her own medicine (in plastic bottle)
about 1/4 of an entire dog food bag
Tupperware - not entirely eaten but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hand cream
My dog is FINE with carrots. He doesn’t love them but it’s food and he’s on steroids so he’s eating anything. Still doesn’t fuck with raw green beans tho.
Yeah plenty of times and my default rules now are
Chocolate, onions and garlic - avoid but unlikely to be harmful in very small amounts
Raisins and grapes - absolutely toxic
Everything else is basically like humans.
I had a dog that ate several marbles, which came out later like a horrific string of pearls. I assume I don’t need to explain what was stringing them together.
She also ate a toy car, which we found out later when she spent several minutes running around the garden screaming as she passed it.
An especially fun night was spent trying to determine the weight in grams of the caramelized onions on the pizza that the dog managed to knock off the counter and consume the entirety of.
My cattle dog mix supposed to be on a nearly fat free diet because of chronic pancreatitis, but snagged and wolfed down an entire stick of butter last year at Thanksgiving. The ensuing belly issues were horrific.
Did he learn a lesson from it, though? Absolutely not.
My sister, who does not have a dog, has made it her duty to notify all of her friends with dogs about any food/toy recalls and all dangerous plants, etc., etc. she is the original dog aunty. 😅🤗
We had our beagle puppy for all of three days when our daughter informed us he’d eaten a palmetto frond. A quick google search informed us they’re quite toxic two dogs, rushed to e-vet and told us he had a 50% chance of survival. He survived thankfully but cost us about $2400 🫤
My dog at a plum seed one time they are very bad for them is what Google said thank God he was totally fine. I accidentally dropped it and he ate it as fast as he could. I was so scared!
My mother dogsat and SOMEHOW got chunks of the dog's diuretic into the peanut butter (we threw it out after this incident because GROSS) which we discovered after my daughter asked us what the "chunks" in her oatmeal were (she likes pb in her oats).
We had the opposite a while back - kid had his wisdom teeth taken out, dropped a pain pill he was trying to take that night, and the dog immediately grabbed and swallowed it. 🙃
It is also very descriptive of what happened! We gave him hydrogen peroxide (no longer recommended for these situations but it was then) and it all came out, looking much as it did before it went in.
Had a pair a couple decades ago who thought everything had the potential to be tasty food. Wicker basket? Eat it! The stuffing out of a comforter? Why not? Ace bandage? Yep.
Knocking over the grill and wolfing down the freshly-used charcoal? Great fun…until it comes back out.
Google: ????
Google said it ok hunny here u go
Little did I realise, my life would be "oh crap, did he snaffle any leftovers?"
"Is RTV gasket sealer bad for dogs"
"Fireworks debris poison for dogs?"
"Blood pressure pills poison for dogs?"
"How much pool water can a dog drink safely?"
an entire bottle of her own medicine (in plastic bottle)
about 1/4 of an entire dog food bag
Tupperware - not entirely eaten but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
hand cream
Chocolate, onions and garlic - avoid but unlikely to be harmful in very small amounts
Raisins and grapes - absolutely toxic
Everything else is basically like humans.
Then I bought the $3 cornish game hen anyway because I will not violate Our Ancient Pact like that.
Every sizeable dog deserves a small raw bird on their birthday.
"Well come here good boy!"
She also ate a toy car, which we found out later when she spent several minutes running around the garden screaming as she passed it.
How much chocolate is in a snickers bar
Make dog vomit
Where to find hydrogen peroxide
Also just did that for the cat and maple leaves.
(It’s okay)
Did he learn a lesson from it, though? Absolutely not.