What you're doing is a weird kind of thought policing. The phrase actually used conveys nuance and layer of meaning that your suggested replacement does not. When you stubbornly insist someone use your phrase It's because you disagree that the ideas contained in the first should be expressed at all.
I'm also not a fan of "birthing people" but probably for completely different reasons than you... I prefer people first language, so would have preferred using something like people who are pregnant, people who are giving birth, etc.
I don't think that we'd have much to agree on.
Hi, pregnant person here. I'm also a woman. One of those things is a temporary state that means I am tired all the time and I miss the spicy foods that I've ditched due to heartburn; the other is my gender, which seems pretty permanent, so far. They stack in interesting ways, but they're different.
It's notable that you don't think that the person giving birth is a person at all. Maybe that's why we have such high maternal deaths in this country - it's easy not to care if you don't think they're people. It's a troubling fact about most folks who make your complaint.
You're over-interpreting. But yes, "pregnant people" implies that mothers are human, that women are human, which is no bad thing - considering how they're often treated, as you say.
I don't think that we'd have much to agree on.
Not all people who can get pregnant are women
Not a good person, but you are a person.