It's an arcade title, so it's got a bit of a learning curve: you gotta learn to drift to better manage your speed on the corners, avoid other vehicles at 250km/h, and (I'm not sure this is in the original or just 2) remember that the left route is always easier of the two.
Absolutely! Ironically, the 3DS version is an excellent 3D showpiece IMO! Before that, the Sega Saturn version was also a touch above arcade perfect and the first instance of a 60fps for the game, too! It also has nice remixes that are exclusive to that version.
I listened to the entire soundtrack for OutRun 2 while driving to my college for Alumni Weekend earlier today, and it was the perfect music to keep me company on the way there.
Used to play this at my local bowling alley, while my mom was in her weekly bowling league. What a great time. I miss that arcade. We had a lot of Sega machines there, and it ruled.
Fun Factor: 5/5
Vibe: 6/5
#retrogaming #80sgaming #80sarcade
I still think that