You are not allowed to dislike people or their work, of course. If someone is even mildly popular, you HAVE to like them. You don't like Carrie fucking Underwood? What are you, crazy? And even on the off-chance that you do dislike them, saying it when they do something bad? Now that's a sin.
I read the long, as in *extremely* long, story about Neil Gaiman yesterday and came away, thinking that in his personal life, he is a twisted sex predator who may merit incarceration.
In retrospect, yeah. At the time, it appeared to be a clear morality tale about taking a shortcut to creativity; perhaps a veiled take on drinking/drugs
There’s nobody more annoying than the “He was never funny” guy. ‘The person famous for making people laugh was never *actually* funny’ is a staple of the most annoying people on Earth
Just seems weird that of all the hills people choose to die on, they would choose Dane Cook being funny 🤣 Y'all, there are way more important things we could be dividing ourselves over. People not finding a comedian funny ain't it.
People doing this about Louis CK was the first time this struck me as eyerollingly fascile. It's true that the stuff he came out with around the time allegations dropped was weak "I'm fighting cancel culture!!" shit but his previous comedy remains funny even if I have a hard time watching it now.
Its usually the opposite, people clinging on well after its glaringly obvious that someone is awful, but if you DARE say that you don't like them, you're the asshole. Thinking R Kelly, Cosby, MGK, etc etc
It sucks when it happens to someone you liked. But also there is a sense of vindication when you hate someone and THEN stuff about them comes out. Either way the right thing to do love them or hate them is to boycott their work and not excuse their shitty behavior.
Right, well, enjoy that feeling privately I guess. Because when people are grappling with a sense of hurt and betrayal that they can no longer enjoy a work that meant a great deal to them, gloating about this is very rude!
Literally that's not the case. It's knowing that your gut feeling was right because they gave you bad vibes earlier and nobody believes you. There's nothing gloating about that.
Feeling vindicated because someone you didn't like turned out to be a monster isn't gloating. It's not winning either. It's just feeling that your gut was right all along and there's nothing wrong with that.
While I think gloating about it is the wrong move, there's nothing wrong with people who got bad vibes before it came out how bad they were and speaking about it. If they noticed something shady earlier and said "that made me not like them" they're valid too.
Okay so let's just ignore people whose gut feeling was to not like someone who was a creep. That way whenever anyone feels off by someone's behavior we can just ignore it until someone comes out with an actual crime.
I personally have not been a big fan of James Gunns work through my life. So when it came out that he's a sex pest best friend to Pedos I definitely had a chip on my shoulder having never been a fan of his. So I completely get it.
Dudes been an active menace and mocking sexual assault since 2001s Scooby Doo and only "apologized" after getting caught and fired by Disney. Then immediately after put more rape jokes in 2021s suicide squad.
So the tweets opened the floodgates. Hundreds of tweets about pedo jokes he tried to delete to cover up. Then there was the pedo themed Hollywood party he threw for his friend Jimmy Urine of MSI, who is a confirmed pedo. put that together with almost every movie he's made mocks Sexual assault.
There is far, far more to the Gunn tweets story. A lot of it was a disingenuous campaign by the pizzagate alt-right folks deliberately falsifying details to try to get him fired.
They were important to me because they are well-written. Even aside from that, he had pro-queer stories since the 80's and his personal philosophy on inclusion was inspirational (as was his on-the-field charity work in Syria). All of which makes the allegations even more infuriating.
If you’re in the US, and you genuinely believe he did the crimes, and/or you are known to share opinions on allegations/crimes that the accused are not expected to agree with, my IANAL read on the situation is you’re good to call it whatever
However, Sandman is still a work of genius.
Now? Skin-crawling creepy.
As far as Neil Gaiman, I thought his stuff was cool but overrated, so while I read a lot of his work, I don't own a single Gaiman anything.
YOU don’t have to find him funny. The people that filled those arenas thought he was funny. He has made a career telling jokes.
He is funny.
"I heard you quote Dory from Finding Nemo LITERALLY 3 minutes ago."
Better fucking cancel anyone who liked South Park while you're at it.