Brings to mind Hunter S. Thompson “We are really just a nation of 220 million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns, and no qualms at all about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable.”
It works on multiple levels, too. Car dealerships are really just rent-seeking entities that exist thanks to lobbying the government. But their owners think of themselves as entrepreneurs. And of course they're usually Trump supporters.
From Reagan to Trump 2.
The shit brick road?
The Wizard behind the curtain is the billionaires.
I mean, if you buy an election, they get to keep it?
And arrest anyone who oppose?
I can’t wait for South Park and SNL to get their teeth into this. It’s so awful that I have chosen to laugh about the grift instead of lamenting. What a f’ing joke the Presidency has become.
I haven't watched South Park in years, but based on what I've heard, it wouldn't surprise me if they were busy poking fun at people with "Trump derangement syndrome", while remaining strangely quiet about the man himself.
Ok so more like a dying strip mall- to this I add what I see happening in my college town-
A Xtian church w/aggressive name buys what was once a grocery store spot-driven out of business for not being profitable enough-to preach evangelical prosperity gospel BS using music and flash- or a vape shop
Our air, water, earned benefits, peace, public safety, civil rights, and human rights are under threat. This is the first of many by the vindictive, orange madman, and his party of supplicants. The country will never be the same, and must we come to grips with that.
In the comic books (written by Larry Hamma, who pretty much created the characterization of every G.I. Joe character in the 1980s and early 90s) Cobra Commander was a used car dealer before he commanded an international terrorist organization...
America...just a nation of two hundred million used car salesmen with all the money we need to buy guns and no qualms about killing anybody else in the world who tries to make us uncomfortable -Hunter S. Thompson
One of these days, Kenny Powers will behead me for voting wrong in the presidential election, which was held publicly on a livestream like season 2 of Squid Game.
…well before robocop….
“You can fit so many dissidents in this bad boy.”
The shit brick road?
The Wizard behind the curtain is the billionaires.
I mean, if you buy an election, they get to keep it?
And arrest anyone who oppose?
A Xtian church w/aggressive name buys what was once a grocery store spot-driven out of business for not being profitable enough-to preach evangelical prosperity gospel BS using music and flash- or a vape shop