If you covered his face, made it black and white, and showed the sig-heil video to a jury - and asked them to label that person - I wonder what the consensus would be?
PLEASE do sue! Please put yourself in the position of being cross examined in a court of law as every single one of your lies, scams and white supremacist tweets are indelibly written into court records.
Like the time you took $250,000,000 in pre-orders for Roadsters that don't exist.
That was actually a Roadster I. And it didn't belong to Elmo. It was promised to one of the real founders of Tesla, Martin Eberhard. Musk launched it to troll the real owner/founder.
Musk pre-sold 1,000 Roadster IIs at $250,000 each - and never delivered a single car.
🤣🤣Oh. Come on. He just wanted one pre-delivered to Mars for when he gets there. So---- what's with people's $. They just gotta sit and wait? In the meantime he brings out that THING.... the Cyberclusterfuck?
Things to say, saying the quiet part out loud while there is no quiet part anymore they’re all just blah blah blah! So every time they go blah, we need to go for a big public splat to them, keep filming them saying idiotic things and make sure it gets on the air everywhere!
Unimaginable to believe our country is being destroyed by people who would otherwise be bullied off the playground of most Elementary school kids in the 80s/90s.
Well, he is stealing our social security benefits, so that makes him a thief. And he supports nazis and does the nazi salute on stage knowing he's on film, so, yep, he's a nazi. What part is a lie??
He sieg heiled twice in public. He promoted Hitler and Stalin's innocence and said government workers were the genociders. He publicly supported neo Nazis in Germany and Canada has accused him of stealing EV tax credits. Case closed.
Wahh, wahh, wahh ... what a bunch of ignorant crybabies. Musk and his boys treat everyone who's not a heelclicker like shit and says outrageous things, but that's okay because he's a superior being--NOT! I look forward to seeing these creeps in a federal prison for the rest of their miserable lives.
The guy's accusations are TRUE. Does Elon really want a lawsuit where the guy can easily prove Elon doesn't know what he's doing (fires crucial workers and then has to rehire them again) and his infamous Nazi salute....twice. OK Elon. Go for it. Knock yourself out.
Only know law from TV and social media threads, but won't a lawsuit allow defendants to 'Discover' evidence proving or disproving whether Musk is in fact a Nazi? Does anyone doubt a real investigation would find such evidence? Lawsuit either won't happen or it will be a prepaid kangaroo court.
Did the big mean wordie words hurt their sensitive widdle feelie feels?
Because of course they would NEVER stoop so low to use derogatory language when describing political opponents or adversaries, especially from their leader. lol
I always like when people fill their mouths with big words like “I will sue you”, when in reality, most people do not recognize that when you sue, you are then open to discovery by opposing counsel. And that could be fairly intrusive. That is why I doubt that he will sue.
Elon might as well be wearing an iron cross with the amount of nazi rhetoric he spews. You wouldn't even need a good lawyer either. You would just have to play dumb like that's how he wants the world to see him, duh.
Elon musk is a Nazi and a bunch of things that are even worse than that, such as a weird bitch less idiot with a bitches dick who demonstrates, all on his own, why capitalism is probably not great.
Senator Mike Lee’s phone numbers, in case anyone wants to call his offices and exercise their First Amendment rights to free speech:
Every Republican is a tiny little insecure baby inside. They are too weak to ever admit how fucking ignorant and gullible they are, and instead of even trying to look inward or learn, they latch into propaganda blaming EVERYONE but them for every problem. They are such lazy trash.
And the best part is how ALL of them parrot the exact same propaganda, projection and gaslighting the party uses on them, and then they’re surprised when the rest of us don’t fall for it. They HATE people who are smarter than them and that spite is honestly at the root of why many of them choose DT
Thank you. Reading, then watching the movie "The Order," was absolutely frightening. The parallels to what is happening today, from back in the 80s, unreal.
Look, the #KKK never left, & it's #MAGA now. Unlike what Gov. Walz recommends, these low-life #Trump lovers don't mind their own business.
Mike Lee misspelled “definition.” “Defamation” is an entirely different thing, since it has to be both false and malicious. As the eminent political philosopher Stewart Gilligan Griffin has said, “I’m not *insulting* you. I’m *describing* you.”
It isn't defamation if it's true. Incompetent--firing and having to rehire federal workers, check. Thief, using government transportation as a private citizen, maybe?Nazi salute, check. Very close.
I mean, if Musk wants it proven in a court of law that the only reasonable interpretation of his actions is that he is a nazi.
We can start at the antisemitic immigration conspiracy beliefs he openly endorsed plus the by the book seig heil he did and then work our way to the rest of the red flags.
We need more public shaming again. We need to put Mike Lee in a pillory and let kids throw rotten produce at him while stray dogs shed their excrements on his legs.
To win a lawsuit, you have to prove it wasn’t true. He’s done the nazi salute, blamed the holocaust on civil servants on Twitter/X, and Tesla’s missing $1.4 billion, and he’s slashed government programs and withholding payments for services already provided (theft). So what was a lie again?
I think if the truth started to be told it would hurt his feelings a lot more than any insult,his mommy & daddy didn't love him he needs serious trauma therapy instead of hiding who he is, keep having children & abandoning them, doing crazy shit for attention, & getting high on ketamine
I'll say whatever I want. I'm broke AF. Good luck suing me. Perhaps he can seize my X-Files DVD collection, maybe even my decades old Ford Focus. Although likely safer than his trash trucks that leave a trail of flying debris. 🤷
Musk threatens to sue people all the time and never does because he can't. But it would be beautiful if he tried, and was met with a defense that was nothing but exhibits of Nazi content from his feed and the platform he owns. Oh, the news cycle that would produce.
No worries #Elmo. I’m sure everyone and every entity you have derided, insulted, abused and defamed will counter with a mass class action suit so bring it, #motherfucker !
In order for Musk to win that lawsuit he would have to prove that he isn't an incompetent thief and a nazi and that he knew that Musk wasn't those things. No shot.
Well. He keeps getting caught stealing. So there's both thief AND incompetent. And, the seig heils were straight out of a Cap'n America comic book. So...go for it you incompetent thieving ketamine addicted traitorous self obsessed Mars lovin Nazi Putin trained flying monkey
To be slanderous or defamatory I’m pretty sure it has to be a lie. So Musk will lose the lawsuit, but it will allow discovery. Which could be quite revealing, regarding his thievery and nazi-ery.
So they can get called a punk ass bitch all day long and can't really do anything about it except continue to be a punk ass bitch.
If you covered his face, made it black and white, and showed the sig-heil video to a jury - and asked them to label that person - I wonder what the consensus would be?
Like the time you took $250,000,000 in pre-orders for Roadsters that don't exist.
Musk pre-sold 1,000 Roadster IIs at $250,000 each - and never delivered a single car.
It’ll be just like when he projected by calling that guy a paedophile and got sued for millions… 🤡
Ohhh my word!!!!
Slezon had had enough!!!
Lawsuit inbound he says!!
So embarrassing being a Trump supporter.
Did the big mean wordie words hurt their sensitive widdle feelie feels?
Because of course they would NEVER stoop so low to use derogatory language when describing political opponents or adversaries, especially from their leader. lol
My lawsuit taking revenge for accurately describing my behavior? Justified.”
Can you read my story and donate a small amount?
I apologize for reaching out this way 🙏❤️❤️🩹💓💓
If there were, Elon’s unpopular and erratic behavior can just as easily be the cause of any losses
That behavior is also sufficient to prove that the statement could be considered to be true.
Either way, it’s protected speech.
Trying to curtail free speech because you don’t like the truth. Cry me a river you f’ing frumpy south african piece of trash.
Sue me too, p*ssy elon
It’s ok for them to say Whatever, WHENever, about WHOMever but when somebody calls them out they fold.
Look, the #KKK never left, & it's #MAGA now. Unlike what Gov. Walz recommends, these low-life #Trump lovers don't mind their own business.
In 2018 some boys were stuck in a flooded Thai cave. A rescuer criticized Musk's silly rescue-sub idea.
Musk called him "pedo guy", adding "Bet ya a signed dollar it’s true."
The diver, who was not a pedo, sued. Musk won.
We can start at the antisemitic immigration conspiracy beliefs he openly endorsed plus the by the book seig heil he did and then work our way to the rest of the red flags.
Nazi fuck
Jebus christ will they ever shut the fuck up
But the Rich treat lawsuits like “Wars of Attrition” — they drag them out, until the other side runs out of money.
They never fight fair.
It’s why more people don’t sue THEM.
Is he fooling himself, or does he think he’s fooling us?
Come on, Mike, put on your big boy pants and own it! 🙄
Delicate little incompetent moronic Nazi flowers.
Nazis can call themselves anything they want,
but Nazis are what they are.
but it's so disturbing I don't even want to talk about it at all
*Plays video of Elon doing nazi salute two times within 10 seconds*
"I rest my case, your honor."