Alright, and I am baffled as to why you have labeled not as a spammer (which she isn’t but that’s the usual email they get) but as a fraud.
Mona is one of the most documented people from Gaza on here- she will videochat you
Mona is one of the most documented people from Gaza on here- she will videochat you
The only thing I can imagine is that you’ve used her issues with GoFundMe (which are not her fault and her account there hasn’t been suspended) to make this accusation
Please fix it.
Imagine labelling this as rude while banning desperate Palestinians.
Mona is not spam nor fraudulent.
Mona’s family is not spam nor fraudulent.
But I thought BS had set up a whole liaison thing so the people actually needing the help could get it. They made some kind of announcement like that.
But I guess it's easier to outsource it and let a robot make it go away.
Gaza as a scam if they are fundraising even though GoFundMe has made it next to impossible to scam from their platform and most scammers aren’t going to set up actual fundraiser pages elsewhere- they just do low effort PayPal scams
100% this is the Chatbot being racist again.
this is extremely unethical and immoral of bluesky's staff.
an absolute unjust atrocity.
Bluesky's modteam has been a handful of racist, transmisogynistic bad-faith actors and we should treat them accordingly.
stop the racism. stop taking away their only way to survive.