I new agreed 100% with all American foreign policies but I believed
In what American stood and wished her well for being that bright shinning light in the world
Now I 100% disagree with with American foreign policy and no longer wish her well
How can I?
Respectfully, General, other than posting on social media, what are you and other retired flag officers and commanders like you actively doing to stop this nonsense and defend the Constitution right now?
Do you need an engraved invitation?
Your country is waiting.
Again, with respect, I disagree. My point, however clumsily or flippantly it may have been made, is that there are precious few with the leadership experience and that you and those like you possess, and furthermore, the military remains one of the few institutions in this country (1 of 2)
that holds the respect and trust of the public at large. What I am asking is why are you (and again, those like you) not seeking public office with the intent of restoring sanity, dignity, and leadership to government at a time when it is critically needed?
And as this unfolds we have 3 chinese warships and a submarine off the coast of south Australia coincidence I think not flexing their power . What would trump want from us
Does MAGA think that makes Trump and Vance look tough? Putin went through Russia, Russia, Russia but tell the American people that Zelensky went through a war of weapons. I am so upset.
America is no longer the leader of the world. That's dead. We're GONE.
Thanks to Trump we're now nothing but a Simpering Vassal pandering to the whims of a small Evil leader of a degraded Third World country, Russia, currently having it's ASS thoroughly BEATEN by an even SMALLER country, Ukraine
You are not an ally of Putin, your country was conquered by the Russians. Your are not on equal footing with the Russians. They direct events from now on. The US has fallen.
My country, the US, is worthless to the free world. Europe must eject the US from NATO and immediately admit Ukraine to the EU and NATO. Then send troops to defeat Russia and Russia's ally, the US.
Dear General, we are not an ally of Putin. Trump and his spineless Republican Party are allies of Putin. In the United States, power is derived from we the people. And the majority of the people don't support Putin.
It really doesn't matter. The US voted in Trump and overwhelmingly handed him the Senate. Those in charge are allies of Putin, and the rest of the world has learned that they can not count on the fickle American people. We've lost our standing in the world, and I fear it's permanent.
Watching this unfold today was physically painful. A profoundly disgraceful spectacle on Vance and Trump’s part. A day that will live in infamy. Zelensky’s restraint remains impressive. I pray we come back from this dark place someday.
The new AXIS=russia,usa,iran,nc& any satellites 📡 oops 👀 what you’ve done Bebe a little over 46,000 people have died and countless wounded in Gaza about 1/2 were women and children, so…villain 🦹♂️ and war criminal. The US 1st 100 days portrays a president and cabinet wasted on something? Steroids 🧐
I think we lost that standing a couple of days if not weeks ago! but yes - today was a booster (wanted to say 'shot' - but that is not happing in the US anymore anyway)
It smacks of a commitment Trump may have already made to Putin. The abandonment of our NATO alliance. Trump’s preoccupation with this hemisphere a tell.
I’m embarrassed to be an American under this regime. We will be isolated in the world so when the next terrorist attack occurs on US soil, we’ll be alone—-and deservedly so. This performance by FOTUS & JD was reprehensible.
For all of the MAGA talk of him being a “real leader,” Trump came face to face with an actual real leader for the first time in his unfathomably charmed life.
While Trump is selling out Americans each and every day, Zelenskyy is refusing to do the same to his fellow Ukrainians.
I'm so proud of Zelensky. Those 2 creeps thought they had him by the short hairs to make him beg & enrich themselves. It had to be so tough for him 1. Not to deck them both 2. Not to buckle under & do anything his majesty demands to get the money, like Trump expects from all of his transactions!
Drumpf, Elon, and MAGA are literally destroying America. At what point do you call it an attack by domestic enemies, as stated in the oath "...against all enemies, foreign and domestic?"
The meeting was a set-up. Trump allowed Vance, to start things up with a stunning insult to Zelenskyy. He sternly lectured this statesman! Then Trump cut in and things got heated. In the end, Trump was incoherent, blaming Zelinskyy for Obama, Biden, Hillary Clinton and eating dogs and cats.
I was close to tears earlier. I've never been so genuinely ashamed of my country as I am today. If God judges nations and Lincoln said during the Civil War, then we have much to fear.
Who is surprised by this? Why is this not anticipated? Did anyone entertain the idea that this hasn’t been choreographed/scripted in every aspect.
One pleads, understand fully what we have here. Vengeance never appears in a cloak of diplomacy.
Guess what? W/Trump we were always an ally of Putin's. And Trump always told us this. Trump 1.0 used to say, I talked w/him, he's a great guy -paraphrasing.
Clarify: We the People are not an ally of Putin. Republicans and the D.T.Cartel,Inc. Mob are bought and paid for puppets of Putin.
The current Administration does NOT REPRESENT the overwhelming majority of U.S. People
What happens if Trump decides to side more actively with Putin? Military aid, intelligence sharing, etc.? Will the American military and security services comply?
Trump is an enemy of America. It’s the only explanation go his behavior and policies. Will Republicans, the prevailing power in Congress, stand up to his betrayal of American values, security, and economic interests?
“We” are not🫤…Trump, Vance, and the MAGA GOP politicians and voters are allies of Putin. Shame on all of them. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦 I stand with Ukraine and Europe. To hell with those assholes in the Oval Office today.
This was a setup from the getgo. All to prove Trump and Vance were Putin's lapdogs. This may well have been the most disgraceful moment in the history of the once-great USA.
What’s sticking with me is Zelensky saying someday we will be attacked,and Trump going on about he has no right to determine.He wasn’t determining,as if he was ordering,but he knows that maybe thats Russias plan?and these clowns are jumping all over it to cover it up?
We have been Moscow's ally since January 20th. Trump is gradually allowing us to see this and what it means. NATO can't do anything without US participation, so it's already as good as dead.
As a European i can just confirm you are right. I dont think Americans have the slightest idea how serious this has become and how angry the rest of the world has become. Just over the past 3 weeks I have witnessed seismic changes in global EU policies moving away from USA. This is permanent.
I am an American who understands the seriousness and gravity of what has unfolded and continues to unfold on a daily basis. It terrifies me and appalls me that we have betrayed our allies. I feel powerless.
I woke up happy, feeling the Spring equinox and hoping to enjoy it but have dropped into a depressive funk just watching that shit show.
We need to do something before we lose our SS, insurance, bank accounts and self respect.
It's absolutely disgrace and shame on US.
Oligarchic clownade America became toxic and raised anger in all normal countries.
Boycott will only deepen from now on.
You Guys should get Out in the streets and start protesting this shitshow.. silence is Compliance! Just a Post in social Media is not enough anymore by a far Stretch.
In what American stood and wished her well for being that bright shinning light in the world
Now I 100% disagree with with American foreign policy and no longer wish her well
How can I?
Do you need an engraved invitation?
Your country is waiting.
My sincere apology for any offense.
I don't feel so proud right now.
Some might call it a sad day when a traditional ally is forced to think that way but I think it’s simply reality
Just another boogeyman created by a country that is constantly at war
Thanks to Trump we're now nothing but a Simpering Vassal pandering to the whims of a small Evil leader of a degraded Third World country, Russia, currently having it's ASS thoroughly BEATEN by an even SMALLER country, Ukraine
Russia Russia Russia
Collision folks.
While Trump is selling out Americans each and every day, Zelenskyy is refusing to do the same to his fellow Ukrainians.
At what point will a real patriot step up and do what needs to be done?
Shameful doesn’t begin to describe this clown show.
One pleads, understand fully what we have here. Vengeance never appears in a cloak of diplomacy.
The current Administration does NOT REPRESENT the overwhelming majority of U.S. People
We need to do something before we lose our SS, insurance, bank accounts and self respect.
Oligarchic clownade America became toxic and raised anger in all normal countries.
Boycott will only deepen from now on.