Last night, my football dreams came true. A play I’ve yelling about online for about a decade happened in an actual NFL game—the first fair catch kick since 1978.
Here’s everything there is to know about this impossibly rare play, the NFL’s vestigial tailbone:
Here’s everything there is to know about this impossibly rare play, the NFL’s vestigial tailbone:
And then I remembered. YOU
If a team was punting in a windy, icy game - the kicker slips - and the punt is fair caught at just the 8 yard line (free kick chosen), what would be proper procedure for the defense?
By rule they have to be 10 yards back but the ball isn't even 10 yards into play...
Good times!
What I want to see is a player give a nod to rugby and down the ball in the end zone after a touchdown.
Next on my NFL bucket list is to see a 1 point safety during a PAT attempt.
But it’s happened 7 times since 1976, so it’s still less rare than the fair catch, free kick field goal.
That would be a hell of a thing, fair catch on a kickoff (brings ball out to the 30) and then an attempted free (drop) kick.
The first successful one
Not sure if it's legal in the NFL but in CFL rules you get a fresh set of downs if you dribble kick the ball over the line of scrimmage and recover it.
I guess since it was the Panthers no one saw it.
It’s was crazy.
Literally will remember that forever. 👍
It's not boring and predictable like most others. It's chess with human players or mini war. It's fantastic!
"general aura of nonsense" 😆
This was only made possible by the 15 yard penalty for fair catch interference. Since the other team can run these back, Harbaugh would not have tried it from 72 yards.
Wired: all PI offense
Inspired: tailbone offense.
The best kickers in the NFL could probably kick those 65 yards.
If the situation ever came up, I'm sure there are teams that would attempt a 75+ yard free kick. Kinda wish the raiders had given old seabass a chance at like 80
My takeaways:
1. Bring back the fair catch kick rule in CFB
2. Thank goodness we invented color
3. The highlight reel of nice marks was good ✓ 😂
Make your opponent kick from their end zone with a few seconds left in a half.
A fair catch at the 50 means a 60 yd field goal which many kickers can do these days.
I was excited to see it too!
Every Friday watching game films of the last one definitely not a waste of time for the ⚡️!