As requested by a third grader in a letter to my office:
Happy Third Graders Day, Minnesota!
Happy Third Graders Day, Minnesota!
This is not the time to be finger-pointing or FAFO'ing.
What's passed is past. It is time to start thinking about NOW and our future. Or, would you rather twiddle your thumbs while our country is completely destroyed?
You blaming other Americans isn't helpful. Do better. Put the blame where it belongs and focus on uniting against them.
There isn't a shred of evidence to support the election or any reported numbers were legit.
Musk had the money, tech and goons to buy an election, so he did.
Put blame where it belongs. Focus on uniting against them.
Thiel-puppet Vance. Breaks my heart that we could have had you and the amazing Kamala Harris. I will never forgive the racist & bigoted misogynists for killing America.
Added #AltText for universal accessibility. I'm sure there is at least one low-vision third grader in Minnesota!
You’re a true leader, Gov Walz.
You build people up.
That's the point.
Same as all of you.
If you were to describe lobbying to a third grader, they would likely tell you it was wrong.
Go to Settings, then Accessibility, and make sure "Require alt text before posting" is toggled on - this will prompt you each time you add an image to your post!
I am 70.
Third graders rule!
Who knows, may he not get promoted this year, too. He has learning disability.
What could have been…
Do not downgrade the intelligence level of the 3rd graders. I actually believe a rock is smarter than whomever is running currently running the US government (all of them combined-cannot tell who is the stupidest) 😒
Hormones, rancid body odor.and a belief that they rule
It's a tragedy you're not our VP.
The Grade Level breakdown is Grades 3-5, so you might end up with an older classroom unless you read through projects and the teacher was specific.
A former senior KGB chief claims Trump was recruited by them in 1987 due to his role as a prominent US businessman
In 1987, a young real estate developer traveled to the Soviet Union. The KGB almost certainly made the trip happen.
Please take action
So glad you're my governor.
Maybe Happy No Traitors Day?
Happy Thirds Graders Day in Minnesota !!!
Thanks for making my day. Got out of third grade about 60 years ago but in times like this I’ll take what I can get!!!
Oh boy be on the lookout for some very smug littles!