If one character calls another to say turn on the news, the news broadcast will be showing the precise start of the relevant news story, even though the other character already knew about it
If you are tangentially connected to British murder, you will be called to a public summation by the Inspector where they will run through and dismiss all red herrings and then tell you who did it and why, the guilty party will then confess
Also when a coyote chasing a roadrunner in rocket skates flies hundreds of feet into a canyon below they don't usually survive and they're even less likely to leave a comical coyote-shaped hole in the ground
God, I’m so old I should say TOOK but even Back In The Day it wasn’t, like, some guy with a joystick going “This house?? Or maybe THIS house?? Don’t hang up!”
I’m having a super hazy memory, but I think there’s a specific movie example where they’re like: “We know what state he’s in! We know what city he’s in! We know what street he’s on!” and like
nobody ever checks signs to see if they are legally parked. They just stop and get out. They don't even press the lock button and watch their car to see if it locks properly
Powerful people being immediately disgraced/shunned by accidentally making a public confession. They wouldn't have them make a Nazi salute on stage though, way too unrealistic.
I have lived in a number of places across the country and it’s really not a thing. Most are in plastic or styrofoam containers. You might get a small one with rice.
Instructing a concussed character to stay awake or else they’ll die. Quite the opposite—sleep helps the brain heal—but a sleeping character is less exciting than an awake one whose need to stay awake gets them into shenanigans.
Two characters of compatible sexual orientations that are mean to each other or seem to hate each other WILL have sex. It's lazy and boring and so easy to call out every time. Sadly it's not only lazy hetero writing these days.
Defibrillators jumpstarting a heart that has stopped beating and trying to keep someone with a traumatic brain injury from falling asleep are two of my pet peeves in this category
That shit takes like 2 seconds
How do you think this works
It probably IS more difficult with cell phones actually cuz they can be anywhere versus a landline
Yup 😁
There is NO SUCH RULE.