As Alex Lawson (Executive Director of Social Security Works) asked Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene if she was going to protect Social Security she lashed out & LITTERED in Congress. Very sad.
But SADDER, the Congresswoman doesn't know SENIORS, PEOPLE w/DISABILITIES, VETERANS & SURVIVORS on the program!
But SADDER, the Congresswoman doesn't know SENIORS, PEOPLE w/DISABILITIES, VETERANS & SURVIVORS on the program!
I would have said "wow that's what I heard about you from the last three people you had affairs with."
Marginal Traitor Greed is never the main character
I actually pity her family- including her ex who wanted his name back as part of the divorce agreement.
A little late now to change MFG to MT
But if it were to happen I will express my happiness!
Your oppression is their profession.
marge traitor greene is not young therefore ...
She is a COW. :). I agree with your sentiments however!!
ignorant,Maga cultist in congress!
I can't believe they voted for this hot mess again!
I found interesting: NO journalist has
I’m still years out of it so those that are on it, lose it, and voted for T? Good. Suffer.
If she can’t handle the heat of a few questions then she has no business being a congresswoman.
My dog has better manners than her.
Do you think their families will be safe in America if Americans are screwed over?
They stamp their feet, throw things, misdirect, and just cannot engage with content. The fact that she has even a single voter blows my mind.
Such a sad, angry and unpleasant person. But, maybe I should be glad she learned to turn her self-hatred outwards?? Baby steps, Marge, baby steps.
Neither do any of the other 220 Nazi Republicans in the House hell bent on killing Social Security and Medicare
Seriously, she is pork to the bone.
The voters in her district didn’t send her to D.C. to pass legislation. They sent her to troll high school shooting survivors, yell into mail slots, & catfight with Lauren Boebert to prove who’s twatier.
I’m so upset now after seeing this clip. I hope she becomes disabled and has to have a major back surgery (which failed) like mine did. I pray this happens to her! I’m disabled because of this. SSDI is my life line…like so many of us.
When was last time she felt at peace with her life?