🔥NEVER FORGET: Senators Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee and Rand Paul have wanted for over a decade to RAISE the age of qualifying for Social Security to 70.
🔥This = CUTTING Social Security by 21%!
🔥Social Security is OUR money!
🔥We are being ROBBED & RAIDED! We paid for EVERY single penny!
🔥This = CUTTING Social Security by 21%!
🔥Social Security is OUR money!
🔥We are being ROBBED & RAIDED! We paid for EVERY single penny!
Ya can't take it with you - so choose wisely
Simple solution
Of course this is only one matter on a ver long list of inequality that the Fed fails to address ongoingly.
The fact is that Congress has borrowed $2.9 trillion from Social Security.
Pay it back!
No panic!
They will now!
Owning the Presidency is much more valuable than any tangible object.
Make no mistake. Their ultimate goal is to completely eliminate social security, Medicare and Medicaid.
I just described capitalism too.
Reagan was the first to "borrow" three trillion dollars from the Social Security trust fund in an effort to make Trickle Down trickle. It didn't.
Every republican admin has borrowed from it until the democrats took back the House in 2019 and stopped the raid.
To avoid payment back of the borrowed money, probably Trump&Musk will attempt to make meaningless the payments from Social Security.
The bond markets are becoming concerned because republicans in the House have no plan for a budget, debts, deficit except to keep borrowing.
The entire thing is an issue we should have revolted against years ago.
Hopefully they won’t make it 80.
Which is why we should have reps phone numbers on speed dial.
of retirees mouths.
Obscene to abuse the elderly spending their own
invested money.
But if it will help
the rich........
When will we see age limits for the Senate and the House, and the SC
While we are at it when will we see a real Ethics committee that acts and refers to the DOJ when there is overwhelming corruption
Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul are required to live for one FULL year on a social security income benefit and Medicaid, without any Congressional benefits to help them along.
Then let's see them talk about it.
Resistance isn't futile & revolution is necessary.
Guys who are making millions off of insider trading and won't need Social Security when they retire want to raise the retirement age for those of us who actually work...got it
Now they want SS so that they can give it too.
But then I am also for abolishing the IRS and go to a sales tax prorated by the item luxury highest non lux lowest and not on food.
No one my age thinks we'll ever see a dime of it when we get to retirement in 2050.
Join the resistance in your town. Do not let the Nazis take hold.
This needs to be everyone.
Join a march, sign petitions, and write letters.
(Did I do that right?)
https://www.vocabulary.com › dictionary › cheater
a person who tries to bluff other people; chiseler, chiseller, defrauder, gouger, grifter, scammer, swindler; a person who swindles you by means of deception ...
They could care less bc they have stock dividends & plenty of assets to live on. Yet they still feel need to STEAL our SSA and Medicare.
Greedy bastards!!!
The warm fuzzies.
the next battles need to be fought with new ideas. the folks who got us here cannot do it.
Many are to broken up to be able to wait.
Schumer said it was close!!!!
3 for 93 AGAINST
"You can't touch your retirement until YOU are 70, senator." See how long that lasts! @socialsecurityworks.org
1. They paid into it.
2. Implementing means testing would likely cost more than it would save.
1.) We just need billies & corps to pay the little they owe, they hide, steal & creatively shell game profits. The all earners need to be taxed fairly, the system would not be "short".
2.) We need Republicans to "repay" the trillions their party & control borrowed against ss.
Term limits
Don't pass a balanced budget on time - forfeit all pay and your seat is up for re-election
No dark money in campaigns
Limit campaign contributions to a set ceiling - level the playing field - all funds above or not used in the next election cycle go to the Treasury
"As of 2019, members who participated in the congressional pension system are vested after 5 years of service. A pension is available to members 62 years of age with 5 years of service; 50 years or older with 20 years of service; or 25 years of service at any age."
We can’t even get people in this country to vote against the people trying to do that.
Oh wait, that impacts the rich so the Rs will have none of it. 😬
Now they want to add three more years to my having to fucking work?!
Hell fucking no. Leave that shit at 67, better yet, PUT IT BACK AT 65, where it was to begin with! Fucking billionaires can go to hell!
Can’t wait to see what other creative BS they Conor up with to sell it to Americans
Then you die.
The oligarchs work you to death and then steal your pension?!!
In a country with more guns than people, good luck with that.
The Magas are figuring out who their enemies are and they are pissed.
Ignorant, angry, and vengeful as hell.
Oligarchs, be afraid.
“The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.“
Bertrand Russell - a Nobel prize winning mathematician who also happened to be an author.
I can dream.