I'm ENRAGED RFK Jr. made it this far as a nominee & might be confirmed. As HHS Secretary he'll manage programs that my LIFE depends on as a disable patient with chronic illness who lives on a fixed income who is immunocompromised. There are MILLIONS more like me in our country. He is UNFIT to serve!
I called and emailed my senators. I hope others are doing that, too.
I am immunocompromised. I hid and hibernated for 2 years and survived Covid19, but it's still lurking so I Vaccinate, mask and wash my hands compulsively.
I'm not sure I can survive this guy.
Every Elected Republican is responsible for this mess. I will not let them off the hook.
👇My response to Hegseth confirmation
much less HHS Secretary.
He is totally unfit to serve.
Chronic illness means a lifetime of struggling to manage these illnesses so taking away or reducing needed services helps no one especially when life saving autoimmune meds are like $4,000 per injection I talk to pts daily so I know this to be true
It's going to be a long slog & we may never fully recover. Those in power are those who can stop this. The media is guilty as well.
I do not believe that all of us will live through this administration, regardless, but RFK's "wellness camps" are a terrifying prospect!
if those ppl don't understand how this HHS nominee is a direct threat to their quality of life and lifespan, they sadly will soon find out. #RFKConfirmation
Lawrence O’Donnell and Caroline Kennedy have both said everything more succinctly about RFKjr than I. https://www.msnbc.com/the-last-word/watch/lawrence-caroline-kennedy-invokes-her-father-pres-kennedy-to-condemn-rfk-jr-s-nomination-to-hhs-230530117772
Realize that Trump doesn't care about ANYTHING you've written AT ALL, including the millions of people whose lives will be in danger if Bobby Camelot Jr. is confirmed.
Let that sink in. TRUMP DOES NOT CARE and social media posts WILL NOT MAKE HIM CARE.
A leader of health should rely on the facts,
Not spew nonsense and baseless attacks.
RFK’s theories are crazy and strained,
Perhaps it’s the dead worm in his brain?
Can the courts save those?
I'm prepared to turn America from Nazi Germany back into the thriving post-COVID Japan it should be!
"I don't want you blue "heroes" are doing but you're not serious about killing me are you?! Let's be frank, I took away your vaccines and science, and you never to put me death! If you kill me, you'll be JUST LIKE YOURS TRULY!"
I would kill RFK Jr for that!
RFK Jr.:
"I don't want you blue "heroes" are doing but you're not serious about killing me are you?!"
I would be serious about killing RFK Jr. for being loyal to Trump and not to the country...!
The agenda is to crush us. Act accordingly.
I hope Trump, his loyalists and MAGA, Putin will all be gone forever...
America will come back to life with a female POTUS undoing the damage the Monster-in-Chief did... And America will be turned into the thriving Post-COVID Japan is should be.
Their is no cure for what I have
So, research and new medications are all I can hope for
rfkjr, and this administration will be the death for people like me and others.
Peter, Stay strong
The anxiety & turmoil from this admin is killing me and we're only 9 days in.
What does he mean when he says he wants to address "chronic disease"?
It's terrifying to hear this because the guy is a lunatic.
And all the other crazy things he's said - plus he isn't qualified.
Various scholarly journals have actually explored Trump's ableism. It's not just funding cuts that put us at risk.
By the end of February he will have no opposition. The Constitution means nothing to him.
The only chance the US has is the Democrat appointed federal judges
Worried that December's heating bill will take one third of my Social Security which is only $759.
Worried that my Snap will be reduced again, can't get very much groceries on $150.
Worried that my neighbors that count on Meals on Wheels will not be funded.
Hell, just playing worried and scared. I don't trust anything that's a White House says.
Funny how that can happen.
This guy is nucking futs!!