what is Trumps side of the deal if he’s willing to destroy our government, our economy, our status as the leader of the free world and feed us to the Russians. I’d like to know what people think….because I can’t think of that much evil.
Wait until the new reports come out first week of March. Excited to see jobs report with all the gov't job cuts and cost of living increase report. BTW why isn't Senator Warren on my TV screen 24/7? Liz and a marker board showing me how much money they've wasted, lives lost/eternally damned,
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Guys, come on. Stop fixating on a 1-2% drop in the stock market. This happens relatively often. Tomorrow, stocks will be flat or up. When the market has *many* consecutive days of drops, like >~10% then lets make a big deal of it. Remember who the stock market most applies to. Not most Americans.
The Dow is down ~5% from a month ago. The market will likely drop more tomorrow. After the traitor tRUMP's deranged and lie filled address to Congress tomorrow, the market will likely drop more the next day too.
While most Americans don't have money in stocks, the stock market plays a huge part in job security. Companies rely on high stock prices to keep things afloat. If it starts dropping on the regular, they pay people off to please investors. So it absolutely matters, just not directly.
Yes, I agree. But one day does not absolutely matter. It's the trend that matters. The market is down 3% since Trusk took over. If that downward trend continues long term, then yah.
Like last time, he'll panic the market and then backtrack to buy the dips and sell for a profit.
I think they have to wait for the go-ahead to completely tank the economy depending on how Putin wants to play his new found hegemony and who will protect Trump and Musk domestically from the fallout.
What do you expect to happen when tens of thousands of Federal employees have their lives upended? When US industry is decimated by tariffs and supply disruption? When people are left homeless, sick and destitute without social services? Recession is here. Depression is coming.
Keep your eyes and ears open for a massive upward revaluation of gold bullion stocks as a result of the Fort Knox audit. I believe this is their 'solution' to the damage they're doing.
I don't understand the recent nonsense around the "gold reserve" at all. The US dollar is not on the Gold Standard. Nixon ended it in 1971. So who cares? I thought it was just an ancient curiosity, our gold bullion being sold off as Gold Eagle bullion coins by the US Mint.
Please clarify the statement that most Americans don’t have their money in the stock market. Where do you think our retirement funds, like 401k’s, are?
Yes, which means many Americans have money in the stock market to save for retirement. The funds are diversified to minimize risk…but the funds are still affected by the rise and fall in the stock market.
F’kn fabulous. Kill my IRA, my social security, my healthcare and force me to pay more just to exist. Been working my a$$ off all these years. My retirement a dream right now.
I wouldn't worry much about a 1-2% drop on a Monday with all the bad news over the weekend. Even towards the end of the day, it started coming back up.
Sadly for everyone with retirement savings in stock, this is only the beginning. Stocks are going to drop at least another 20% before there's any kind of real bottom if these tariffs hold. And who knows what else is coming down the pike. They seem to want to impoverish everybody in America!
They also want to gut social security, Medicaid and SNAP. They will eliminate over a trillion dollars from the US economy in short order with nothing to replace it.
I don't think this has ever been done to a complex, globally connected economy before.
I think you are right, enough warnings the markets are brutal but they are not fickle they give plenty of warning.
I really think you have a dictatorship in place and he is not capable of fully comprehending the impact of his decisions and not smart enough to know his limitations!
In 1929 the people with money (billionaires) bought the low stock prices and became richer when the market recovered. 9,000 banks closed and lost everyone's money, as banks had invested heavily in stocks. FDIC will ensure your money to $250k. Trump and Musk are trying to kill FDIC.
Not sure if this is important but Warren Buffett sold his stake in the S&P 500 both ETF and index funds at the end of the 4th quarter after Trump got elected 👀
Explain please? Like I know who Warren is mostly, and get the general idea of the stock markets but (un?)fortunately I chose social policy over economic policy. What ado e the possible implications?
If we still use cash that is. I've read lots on Elon and silicon valleys obsession with scrapping our system and instituting bit coin as the new currency. Seems like in the least they're trying really hard to do this.
Aucchhh! But I do think, you ain't seen nothing yet.
Hope some historian will remind you how the Wall Street collaps started in 1929? Otherwise it will happen again.
Pass it on.
I have been dumping chunks of my retirement investments in equities since he won. I picked up the pace when musk showed up to do damage. This is the first time I have sold this much in my 35 years of 401k investing. I have picked, “up”days to unload and can’t believe what’s happening.
Psychopaths destroy lives without a single beat. When will this country these are ALL psychopaths even the scare gop who won’t stand up. They are feeding the beast every single day. They will face judgement day.
In history, it is known as the panic of 1837. A financial crisis and major recession in the United States that began in spring 1837 and lasted until the mid-1840s. It was also known as "hard times
We had some economic panics in the latter part of the 19th century too - I think JP Morgan fronted the US Govt some of his money to keep the economy sliding into full-on depression. Imagine having that much $ to bail out a country. It was to Morgan's benefit too, of course.
We've had a bunch of them, but in modern times the great depression is considered the worst for it's impact globally and how it led into he great wars.
Perspective: Stocks are a long game item, 1 yr ago TSLA was $172, only day traders are going to care about this drop, people with it in their investments playing the long game aren't complaining. It's only down from the election spike.
The economy is done, it's what they want, if you're poor you can't protest, if your sick you can't protest, if there is no government to help you feel hopeless. We became controlled fully by the rich!
We are international buffoons
I think they have to wait for the go-ahead to completely tank the economy depending on how Putin wants to play his new found hegemony and who will protect Trump and Musk domestically from the fallout.
What do you expect to happen when tens of thousands of Federal employees have their lives upended? When US industry is decimated by tariffs and supply disruption? When people are left homeless, sick and destitute without social services? Recession is here. Depression is coming.
I don't think this has ever been done to a complex, globally connected economy before.
This is stupidity beyond any comprehension.
I really think you have a dictatorship in place and he is not capable of fully comprehending the impact of his decisions and not smart enough to know his limitations!
(That's the only way that it's like a tsunami, unfortunately.)
If he divests, he probably think times will be crap under Trump in the now/near future.
Not a certainty but wouldn't want to bet against Buffett!
Hope some historian will remind you how the Wall Street collaps started in 1929? Otherwise it will happen again.
Pass it on.
and makes me laugh
kinda like reflecting on my former marriage
Wish this joke wasnt being told but it is a good one
It even got below 280 LOL.
Fasten seatbelts kids.
Wait until tariffs drive prices way up!
The economy is done, it's what they want, if you're poor you can't protest, if your sick you can't protest, if there is no government to help you feel hopeless. We became controlled fully by the rich!