For the Americans on my timeline. I’m so envious of Thanksgiving food, it looks incredible.
Originally drawn in 2016
Originally drawn in 2016
But I’m looking at second helpings of Turkey and gravy mmmmmmm
I want to eat so much more, but feel waaay too full ;;
I know you're in the UK, but there's nothing stopping you from joining in on the cooking if you want to, just saying.
There’s never a bad time to host a Friendsgiving for the people that are important to you ❤️
No marshmallows in my sweet potato pudding, but there are apples and zante currants:)
These days it’s just me and dad so we usually just cook a turkey breast for the main course
…but, well, the grocery store was doing a free turkey promotion and we wound up with that 16 pound bird there…
(granted he is half American and picked up the tradition from his Father).