We must non-violently stop work 3/22-3/23 for 48 hours, to coincide with any resistance protesting. We must shut down all airline flights, manufacturing, transportation, trucking, seaports, all commerce, state and local government. We must shut down the country!
Just as there's no use in demonising drug addicts, same with money addicts - they are just another victim of an insane and inhumane economic system that's destroying everything that is a good and pure in the world (including the world itself)
Narcissistic psychopaths need to feel power... control... CRUELTY, 'something'...
because they actually feel very little compared to healthy human beings.
No happiness, no joy, no love...
they are driving the price of the market and therefore everything else down to the point of firesale then the super rich come in and buy literally everything and hold it all over our heads
@sanders.senate.gov though won't object to unanimous consent on the CR, even though Scott of FL objected to his UC request literally a few column inches up in the transcript
He'll take punches to his DOA universal healthcare bill but won't obstruct Republicans' CR that *he* says is so awful
He's right. They are awkward, weird people that don't understand anything except for money. It goes to their heads and they think they are the smartest people on the planet, when if fact they are just people of average or lesser intelligence. Musk isn't a genius. He is a mumbling, nervous, ugly guy.
This applies to any movement. They infiltrate and kill it. Make it weak. Talk you into comprise. NEVER COMPRISE. STAY STRONG STAY MILITANT. WHY I DONT TRUST LIBERALS. They all will betray us. Stab us all in the back EVERY SINGLE TIME. ESPECIALLY BERNIE SANDERS AOC THE SQUAD
Facebook has turned into a right wing shithole of propganda and disinformation since Zuckerberg removed the moderators. Its swimming with Russian Troll accounts pushing massive Putin propaganda. Its cooked.
We cannot wait until we have nothing left to lose before we fight back against this fascist takeover.
What price?
Your country?
Neighbors here and abroad?
The planet we live on?
What price before enough is enough … when there is nothing left to lose, there’s nothing left to fight for!
Well, there are people on Bluesky who insist that Trump is about to invade Canada because he said he was. Almost like they think he can just walk in and take the country
Threats alone have serious consequences.
Besides which we DO NOT KNOW what ultimate control this regime has on the military- nor do we even remotely trust trump’s alignment with Putin.
Threats at that level are serious. Deadly serious. And they cannot go unchallenged.
They strive all their lives to fit in. Suddenly they find that being the wealthiest people in the world still doesn’t make this happen. It’s called hollowness. They don’t get that their empathy, morality and love are what makes life full.
I heard a story about how a pastor and spiritual leader was invited to Davos because with all the wealth, they still feel hallow and empty. When he told them what they had to do, ‘Put their faith in God and help their fellow man’. They stopped inviting him.
I think you're right. The need to be wealthy without limit comes from a fear of not being able to get enough to survive.
Natural, to an extent - but for most people it's just an evolutionary holdover like fear of the dark. Most of us handle it. People like musk et al are pathologically unable to.
I consider myself a good person… if suddenly I had over a billion $$, I’d give away everything until I had a mere $999,000,000. I’d bank that & give away $30M of the $40M YEARLY interest it’d earn. It’d be a struggle, but SOMEHOW I’d manage on $10M/year 🤑🥹🤷♂️
And the Democratic party has been silencing Bernie for 40 years cause they too want to hoard wealth. Almost all are guilty of insider trading and corporate bribes. Schumer takes money from Trumps real estate business for crying out loud. They have a greed problem too.
The school kid gets empathy from the school nurse and is not exposed that he has lice. Every child in that classroom gets tested. The only one that knows about the lice is the nurse the principal and the parents. But still, rumors go around and the kid is embarrassed.
As a psychologist if I saw someone hoarding, say, toilet paper in massive quantities, that they could never use, even though other people needed it, I would diagnose them with hoarding disorder.
And the exact same goes for the people who hoard money.
Hoarders hoard as much as they can fit in their house.
Billionaires hoard as much wealth as we let them.
The key difference is hoarders may be suffering genuine disorder. Billionaires are ontologically evil who distance themselves from the material harm they inflict onto the world by existing.
I think something may be essentially wrong with a person's mind that wealth hoard to this extent, the sense of "enough" is entirely missing or something clicks over once a certain amassing line is crossed. Either way it's obscene behavior in my opinion.
Texas Governor Ann Richards created the Texas Lottery so that the majority of funds would go to Public Schools. Of course, MAGA GOP had different ideas for those funds and took more and more each year from the children, teachers, and public schools. Now they want to privatize education for Money!
Lol good luck you orange turd. I'm going to sit back and watch this fiasco and my popcorn is ready. He doesn't understand everywhere he goes he will be ridiculed by crowds that are going to boo his ass till he leaves. 97% do not agree with his position on Putin. And they're going to let him know it.
They are plagued by a mental disorder referred to as hoarding disorder. Their 'dinosaur brain' has equated money as a predicter of the probability of survival. It is on autopilot now. We are the consequences of their mental illness. Ban billionaires now.
Nations have laws, limits, are not for profit, and do only what people elect, vote on and AT COST. Corps do only what they want, at maximum possible cost, often intending harm to all other companies and peoples on purpose, with no limits or laws. Fines? They make money, shell co Russian dolls, etc.
If you listen to podcasts like Red Collar Crime, it absolutely is an addiction. It’s never enough money and the impulse to con others doesn’t go away. Sick and twisted.
And the fact that it's an ancient 83 year old instead of someone in their 30s with his level of energy...
Is despicable. The Democratic party of Chuck Schumer is so thoroughly out of touch they think waiting for poll numbers is some sort of "strategy". And it's up to the old guy to hold the fort.
Agreed. No other rational explanation. I wonder if, someday, they'll find a gene associated with addiction, and specifically with greed-addiction. Wealth-building for the sake of it, to ridonkulous extremes, is simply the sign of poor mental health/addiction.
Time to #FireChuck @schumer.senate.gov Time for the blue-washed "centrists" learn that the people are pissed at performative symbolic nonsense while betraying us when it counts. Replace with anyone who hasn't received praise from T-ump ever
Yes @johncusack.bsky.social I couldn't agree more
These guys are malignant we've seen it before
We can't just lay down and capitulate
We must all take action before it's too late
So please help us our message to amplify
Let's all work together to bring down these guys
#resist #barsnotwars
I can’t watch Morning Joe anymore. I just can’t. Between his butting in and talking over everybody and his and Mika’s stupidity in traveling to Mar-a-Lago to meet with the American Traitor to kiss his ring, I just can’t. I’ve tried and can’t last more than a few minutes.
It's a mental illness for them. The high from the rush of windfall profits is something they don't think they can live without and that has turned them into sociopaths.
You must read the free story in the Guardian today about the women detained by ICE. Every citizen can be detained and disappeared now. You are in danger.
It’s my hope with what is seemingly a couple of small cracks in SCOTUS; with Amy Comey Barrett, and John Roberts; they will take his IMMUNITY away; and we can have a real chance at beating him, and his damn Oligarchs?!
Roberts just recently realized that Trump will go after the judges and have them removed if allowed to do so. He got a glimpse of his own future fate with a dictator in charge. Dictators don’t need a Congress or a Supreme Court.
Give it time. There are quite a few smart people in the judiciary. This bloviated orange racist rapist felon has about a 95 IQ.
He's relying on Stephen Miller. When everything he started get squashed, he'll get dumped to the curb. Then the orange blowhard will see what 97% against Putin means.
Capitalism reinforces their sickness on many levels. For example if everyone could have a house, food and education a lot less ppl would turn to sex work. A minority would still do it bc they love it. This would disempower wealthy men sexually, they're partly delusional bc of sex workers.
Share it on TikTok!
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Get the word out everywhere to everyone…even TikTok!!
They don't really hoard the money to use, they hoard the money to make their numbers go up, to them it something similar to person trying to 100% a game, except this game never ends.
It doesn’t matter why; the point is they’re literally taking money that would go to cancer patients, people needing Ebola treatment, people starving in the U.S. & overseas, etc.
If they were helping those they were hurting maybe we could talk about it but they’re inflicting pain to be wealthier.
Bernie has been consistent. The fact that he's not running things speaks to the overall corruption of the system by greed. Bernie & AOC aren't buried in PAC donations & conflicted investments. Not many can say that. We need to reform the government. https://www.quiverquant.com/congress-live-net-worth/
Straight out of Dr Seuss they just want to strip us and the planet of everything to enrich themselves and shit on golden toilets til they die the rest of the world and earth be damned
I worked with Citizen Action and Greenpeace decades ago before some of you were born. Americans were warned. They mocked progressives decades ago as extremists using radical language for uttering the words theocratic fascism. Ask Frank Zappa. :^/
Junkies will steal their own grandparents social security check. Yours too. Mine is only 724 per month. It got me out of a tent city in the big easy. I share an efficiency with a older ex homeless fellow. Only way I can survive. I'm on snap. Thank you good people for helping with food.
Each one wants all the toys at their own house. They’re ok if others look at what they have, but no touching or sampling!! Hands off! But they need to show it all off, and mark their territory! I 🤮🤮🤮
I think it was an interview with Buffett where he said it’s shocking the lengths people will go to keep what they have amassed financially.
It makes zero sense they have more money than they could possibly spend 1 million life times over. Soul sucking for what?! A glittery coffin. ⚰️ 🧛 🤦♀️
The DNC did us all a terrible injustice when they wiped Bernie off the slate. His support was enormous and he's wonderful. Instead, we now have this horrible situation, following Biden. I feel so sick.
I wanted to thank you for stressing the importance of class solidarity during the #TeslaTakedown mass call. I think it will be important to have that concept near the front of people's minds moving forward. That's where the coalition building and political power is moving forward.
HEY! I don’t know about you, but I had plans 🗒️🖋️, projects I was going to work on this new year. Saving democracy 🇺🇸 was not on my agenda! But here we are. So, let’s get to it. You in?
But he NEEDED it. His mega yacht had too many masts for a helipad.
In the past, robber barons used to give a little back, so people would hate them less. His ex wife gave over $19 Billion, and she’s still got more than she will ever need. Guess that’s why she’s his ex: she has a soul.
Yes but he's got a new one now. Plastic from head to toe.
That's What I find fascinating.about billionaires - they push the system to breaking point for another billion, even though it's exactly what will lead to them losing it all.
Looking at Russia it is actually fine in the relative short term - as long as you are loyal or stay out of politics. The problem is that it is not sustainable. An unhinged oligarchy always gets overthrown when enough poor people start to starve...
Me too. They never seem to realize that everyone can be better off, including them, if there’s a healthy working class. Instead they choose castles behind barbed wire, and super-yachts with armed guards.
Economic inequality is at the core of that system, and oil is at the heart. It is the oil curse and the US has become a fullblown petrostate. Fortunately, the shift away from fossil fuels is unstoppable at this point, meaning that the American oil oligarchy has 5-10 years left
It sure was, the push for Hillary, squashing Bernie was horrible. I'm glad to see Bernie brush it off stand up and keep going. Bernie would have been president if they didn't pull that bullshit. I understand wanting Hillary but forcing it was wrong. I'm proud of Bernie And he should run in 28.
“In response to another user’s post suggesting that students at historically Black institutions have lower IQs, Musk posted, “It will take an airplane crashing and killing hundreds of people for them to change this crazy policy of DIE”—diversity, equity, and inclusion, misspelled.”-Julia Metraux
“Under this administration; we see federal agents empowered to violate our civil rights, raids that target immigrants without criminal records, the detention of veterans and citizens, deportation of children with cancer, and the division of families who are now in pain and scared.” - Noemi Avelar
Bernie has always been for We the People. His congressional record/speeches/amendments prove it.
The Dem leadership has always been afraid of him, bc he's grassroots popular. He's still proving that still w/his current tour schedule to speak to & hear from citizens, w/o it even being campaign time
I’d add that they’ve led such privileged lives that they require massive stimulation to just *feel.* Thrills are hard to come by if you have everything there is to have. So they use humans as pawns in their perverse, psychopathic game, the objective of which is just to get a little frisson.
If a business owner is taxed at 20% for his final, say, 100k of enormous income, he'll keep that 80k. But if he's taxed at 80% he's more likely to pay his employees more, rather than pocket just 20k. He can put 100k into their hands, costing him just 20k post tax. THAT'S the real trickle down.
Most people have never been wealthy and catered to.
Most have never held the reins of power.
It is the most powerful addiction.
The only thing they want is more.
A junkie might stab you to get their fix.
The oligarchs might burn our society to the ground for theirs.
Money was meant to represent value but has long since been hijacked for personal greed. We need a new system of value were those at the bottom are able to afford the basics without conditionality. Where the bands are much closer together. Where profit flows into communities, not a few individuals.
Bernie caucuses with Republiklans twice to stop
Progress. How is he the answer. He's done nothing but collect contributions but never contributed anything
Sounds a lot like the entire state of kentucky. What did Mitch of Rand Paul ever do? Idiot. I hate the people of the state I was born in. I can't stand when I go to KY and have to hear all the morons talking politics in my families store. Kentucky is full of morons.
Mcconnell was neck and neck three weeks out and huge dump of Russian troll army posting spread silly but gusto's lies about Grimes on social media and TV. He won by 13pts. Hated by almost all Kentuckians but 13pt win out of nowhere.
It was a test run of #electoralcollegehack possibilities
Concur. In fact it's suspected, here, by many, that McConnell used Russian money to survive against A. Grimes in 13'. His dealings with Russian steel oligarchs raised suspicions but no investigations under GOP/KOCH bros plant Gov. Bevin. 1/3
Yeah, isn't it sad and such a fucking WASTE that he's STILL shilling for th corrupt, complicit, USELESS DemocRAT party. #DumpTheDems #DumpTheDuopoly #EatTheRich #TaxatonWithoutRepresentation #RevolutionNow
There's a reason he's the most popular politician in America for more than a decade straight and polls favorably with both Dems AND Republicans despite literally calling himself a socialist
Sincerity and running on a consistent platform of helping people resonates with everyone
Greed.... yet many in the dem party are still stuck in "we need to convince the other side". BS. The other side is full of racists, misogynists, undereducated, greedy people. You don't change their minds.
Name one "money guy" that's the least bit cool or sexy. They don't exist. I'm talking about guys who are obsessed with personal wealth and their stuff...who collect money, like someone else collects baseball cards or stamps. They truly believe that everything and everyone has a price, bc they do.
It's true. They pay to get attractive actors to portray them in movies but it's just a fantasy. Money hoarders are fucking weird and in a bad way. It seems like the only socially acceptable way for a person to be completely out of touch with reality.
So true. They're not geeks or dorks, they wreak of perversion. Every time I see Mark Zuckerberg it's jarring how unbelievably unattractive he is. Jesse Eisenberg was 100x's upgrade. And then there's Elon... What kind of person would let that thing get on top of them?
I cannot fathom it. Geeks and dorks can be smart, lovable ppl but these money/finance/tech bro types are radiating covert narcissistic traits and will mistreat anyone who gets near them, at least emotionally or financially if not physical abuse. Musk's recent baby mommas must be obsessed with his $$
no , he is not. the one that declares we are at war without reservation, that officially declares we have a traitor in the white house that only means harm, that person is right. we need to declare war on this
know who else is a JUNKI giving money to TRUMP....you all remember how he caused an international incident over in Japan when he filmed a suicide victim in Ashura Forest. LOGAN PAUL is also handing money to TRUMP in the form of CRYPTO Currency
That's just their delusion, we need medical mental health intervention, and anti fascist leader intervention, America did that once, who will now, Canada? England? South Korea???
because they actually feel very little compared to healthy human beings.
No happiness, no joy, no love...
The why is Narcissistic Psychopathy.
He'll take punches to his DOA universal healthcare bill but won't obstruct Republicans' CR that *he* says is so awful
This applies to any movement. They infiltrate and kill it. Make it weak. Talk you into comprise. NEVER COMPRISE. STAY STRONG STAY MILITANT. WHY I DONT TRUST LIBERALS. They all will betray us. Stab us all in the back EVERY SINGLE TIME. ESPECIALLY BERNIE SANDERS AOC THE SQUAD
What price?
Your country?
Neighbors here and abroad?
The planet we live on?
What price before enough is enough … when there is nothing left to lose, there’s nothing left to fight for!
Besides which we DO NOT KNOW what ultimate control this regime has on the military- nor do we even remotely trust trump’s alignment with Putin.
Threats at that level are serious. Deadly serious. And they cannot go unchallenged.
Natural, to an extent - but for most people it's just an evolutionary holdover like fear of the dark. Most of us handle it. People like musk et al are pathologically unable to.
I consider myself a good person… if suddenly I had over a billion $$, I’d give away everything until I had a mere $999,000,000. I’d bank that & give away $30M of the $40M YEARLY interest it’d earn. It’d be a struggle, but SOMEHOW I’d manage on $10M/year 🤑🥹🤷♂️
All of them are culpable.
Please know that my work is 100% free forever. I only wish to share my snarky light
And the exact same goes for the people who hoard money.
Billionaires hoard as much wealth as we let them.
The key difference is hoarders may be suffering genuine disorder. Billionaires are ontologically evil who distance themselves from the material harm they inflict onto the world by existing.
Billionaires represent a catastrophic economic failure.
and other trump-supporting business
are nervous about
Your thoughts?
It would suck if so many people went to protest Orange Turd in your turf
Or bring out signs that say "F*ck Trump"
That would just be soooo sad 🤷♀️🚨
Is it Musk's grand plan to steal Social Security money?
Is despicable. The Democratic party of Chuck Schumer is so thoroughly out of touch they think waiting for poll numbers is some sort of "strategy". And it's up to the old guy to hold the fort.
These guys are malignant we've seen it before
We can't just lay down and capitulate
We must all take action before it's too late
So please help us our message to amplify
Let's all work together to bring down these guys
#resist #barsnotwars
He's relying on Stephen Miller. When everything he started get squashed, he'll get dumped to the curb. Then the orange blowhard will see what 97% against Putin means.
Then We’d be left alone to do our jobs, get paid more than enough to have life, liberty, and happiness.
We need more pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Get the word out everywhere to everyone…even TikTok!!
"Replace useless ideologies imagining a new world where darkness is just an opaque reflection of light".
Follow the money. Find out if they have also paid the Republicans.
But think about those ilogarchs, maybe you have to be a little bit weird , crook and evil to be richs like that.
Those people can't be trust in politic.
These Two See You Next Tuesday’s will NEVER fill their Fucking Voids❗️
It’s a mental illness.
When you hoard everyday items they do a tv show about you.
When you hoard wealth you tell the masses let them eat cake and use that money to buy a yacht for your yacht or become a trillionaire.
If they were helping those they were hurting maybe we could talk about it but they’re inflicting pain to be wealthier.
Only buy what you need!! The only way to kill an oligarchy is to STARVE IT!!
Time to stand up
Fentanyl is the least of America's problem.
It makes zero sense they have more money than they could possibly spend 1 million life times over. Soul sucking for what?! A glittery coffin. ⚰️ 🧛 🤦♀️
Is a dirty, polluted place for the Greedy, Rich, White, Male, Bigots ONLY.
No-one else is wanted and only allowed there to serve the privileged.
'nuf said
In the past, robber barons used to give a little back, so people would hate them less. His ex wife gave over $19 Billion, and she’s still got more than she will ever need. Guess that’s why she’s his ex: she has a soul.
That's What I find fascinating.about billionaires - they push the system to breaking point for another billion, even though it's exactly what will lead to them losing it all.
#Boycott The Billionaires
Remove corrupt politicians from office.
Reverse the damage.
Reclaim US democracy.
#3E #EndOligarchy #EndImpunity #EndAutogenocide #USProtests
The Dem leadership has always been afraid of him, bc he's grassroots popular. He's still proving that still w/his current tour schedule to speak to & hear from citizens, w/o it even being campaign time
Most have never held the reins of power.
It is the most powerful addiction.
The only thing they want is more.
A junkie might stab you to get their fix.
The oligarchs might burn our society to the ground for theirs.
Bernie caucuses with Republiklans twice to stop
Progress. How is he the answer. He's done nothing but collect contributions but never contributed anything
Mcconnell was neck and neck three weeks out and huge dump of Russian troll army posting spread silly but gusto's lies about Grimes on social media and TV. He won by 13pts. Hated by almost all Kentuckians but 13pt win out of nowhere.
It was a test run of #electoralcollegehack possibilities
Sincerity and running on a consistent platform of helping people resonates with everyone