Prompt: "tell me about tiananmen square"
Chatbot response: "Content contains illegal content or sensitive words"
Prompt: "why can't you talk about chinese massacres..."
Response: "China has no so-called 'massacres'."
Chatbot response: "Content contains illegal content or sensitive words"
Prompt: "why can't you talk about chinese massacres..."
Response: "China has no so-called 'massacres'."
Some users say the Onyx even censored discussions about this on reddit.
Essentially, if you own a device from PRC firms with 'AI' features, your gadget can be silently transformed to serve you CCP propaganda.
Whatsaboutism is not an argument
He’s trying to direct from the specific problem here.
The problem of ccp control over ccp.
That’s why people use whatsaboutism.
Ccp fans especially use it a lot.
There is big difference between tik tok and other social media.
Only tik tok is controlled directly by a hostile foreign power
FWIW, here is how it was behaving on my device earlier Fri before it updated to the OpenAI chatbot but after reports Onyx took down the Bytedance bot
Not like they've let go of Dzungaria since though, now have they?