I don't think that many really think that he is doing a good job. I think a lot of people are afraid of incurring his displeasure and say he is doing a good job.
The world is entering a downswing of history. I'm not ashamed to shill my dad's book that covers electricity, ammo, water, food, health, and sustainability. These topics are covered in ways that other books do not. Especially making, storing and using electricity.
I'm unconcerned with sides right now. I'm concerned with a slimy turd buddying up to our enemy. You think it's gonna go 2 ways if democracy falls? Maybe when you're in a gulag you can give them your spin on it and see what they say.
You should be equally concerned about the other side of the isle who are sitting idly by accepring Carville’s suggestion to “do nothing” while Rome burns.
They are EQUALLY at fault here.
The Nazi’s party conducted the “final solution” with the quiet acquiesce of the population.
Unpopular opinion, but if you were at Trump's Address, watching his old ass lie like a cheap secondhand rug from the flea market, and then didn’t get escorted out because you decided to protest? Then what are you even doing as an elected official? The answer? Not enough. #algreen
Sorry, but this is a terrible sentiment I'm seeing over and over. Yes, the collapse is scary, but accept it. We are all vulnerable and always were. But we should not be scared, we should be livid and out in the streets. We should know the Nazi playbook and be ready for it.
For me, it’s the fools who follow. He’ll be dead soon, considering his diet and his age. The fools will live on, looking for the next demagogue to elbow his way to the throne.
Gvrnmnt Daddy is not, like a real person. He's a narc. I could give you the playbook I use on the narcs in my life. It would be more effective then political posturing. Narc abuse isn't revolutionary. It's simpleness bullying u away from exposing their truth. #Resist #Trauma #MentalHealth
Both frighten me, but the fools that put him in and support him frighten me more. There’s a lot more of them. And they are ignorant and justify their hate with religion. There’s not much more dangerous than an ignorant religious zealot!
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Ignorance can be “cured” with knowledge.
Stupidity is wanton. They don’t want to learn or grow. They just want to watch the world burn.
So it goes both ways.
What would your neighbors do in such a situation?
They are EQUALLY at fault here.
The Nazi’s party conducted the “final solution” with the quiet acquiesce of the population.
Let that sink in
Mr President.
Silver linings, right?
Plus, it's a much easier problem to fix. There's only a teeny tiny few of them to address.
Why would you be against that exposure?
and honestly, Vance may be the worse of the whole bunch of rotten apples.
-Obi-wan Kenobi