It's as bad as it sounds, *but* the order doesn't technically *order* clearcutting. It certainly enables it, and on federal lands (no doubt by private corps $$$) :( :(
I wish more people would see that Trump works for Putin and is intentionally destroying the United States, just as the Soviet Union always dreamed of. Killing Americans, killing our wildlife, destroying our environment, infrastructure, and worse of all, our spirit. We must keep fighting!💙🌊🇺🇦
Any wuckfit that thinks logging national forests is a good idea has never seen how it looks where clearcutting took place. It is not forestry management; it is destruction that reshapes the entire ecosystem and is a scar you can see from a jetliner.
To put 280 million acres into perspective: Texas and California combined cover roughly 432,300 square miles. That’s nearly the same as 280 million acres, which equals about 437,500 square miles.
There is good and there is evil, and I don’t mean in the Judeo-Christian sense, more in the forces of creation and forces of destruction…we all know what orange man is.
Yeah. What happened to getting any semblance of congressional approval for any of this crap? Does Congress even realize that they have become utterly irrelevant? Do they even care?
Well, with Congress and Supreme Court in his corner, he figures he can do what he wants because nobody will stop him. Sadly, too many are ignoring the bit about EOs not being laws.
When is the final straw to stop Trump. Is it after you are forced to put on a military uniform and crawling in a trench on a front line waiting for the order from Trump to be a meat wave fighting against neighbors.
Standby for him to then make government more efficient by selling off that land to private investors (for a steal.)
I anticipate he plans to build more Trump resorts to benefit (yet again) from his actions.
The only thing this person understands is money and power. How do we create financial losses for trump? Can someone hide his golf clubs?jk Time to find a list of endangered plants, and start tracking them. Or, start planting them everywhere.
Oh well... We apparently like tons of carbon in the airs so we're getting rid of 280 million acres of living trees that freely remove it from our environment.
They're eating the pets!! They're In Springfield, they’re eating the dogs. The people that came in, they’re eating the cats. They’re eating... they’re eating the pets of the people that live there,”
MAGAts won't give a shit that 280 million acres of habitation are destroyed...much less their beauty
You’re right! Who knew not one Judge has the spine to stop this orange savage from tearing this country apart. None of what he is doing is American! Normal! For the people!
Huh, I didn't realize there were that many maga loggers.
By the time any of this comes out of court, congress will change hands and I doubt they will spend money cutting down trees on federal land.
They've dismantled cyber security including the protections for our elections. Do you really think we'll get the opportunity for free and fair elections again?
We wouldn't be in this mess if democrats united and came out and voted. 15 million less votes. Harris might not have been a perfect choice, but the choice was clear who was best for the country.
Agree. Several laws broken. If I recall, it is congress’ responsibility to bypass enviro laws they have enacted. I’m thinking NEPA for one. ESA for another.
And following the great depression of the 21st century right on time was the second dust bowl except California was out of water but the farmers were bankrupt due to the tariffs.
Come on, is this a nation capable of acting like one or a pathetic collection of ineffective norms and traditions serving only to enable an oblivious ruling class? I know, rhetorical...
Donald Trump and his whole administration is totally incompetent, disgraceful and detestable! Our country has become an embarrassment. Further, every single Republican in Congress is an utter coward and political hack! They are spineless minions and should go straight to hell! Sickening...🤮
But he exploited the grief of a mother in SOTU last night by renaming "pristine" natural land in honor of her dead child. She's heartbroken, but this was clearly an attempt to pursue his agenda of hate... he just used her beautiful young daughter for his own use.
Beautiful animals, forests, and our environment need to be protected, not destroyed so that billionaires can have a couple more dollars in their pockets.
Our National Parks are protected. Congress has authority to change part of any park, NOT adding to wildlife improvement. There is nothing that is stated that they have the authority to log or otherwise change the landscape of any park.
I've chained myself to a tree. I can again.
Be a shame if all roads to national parks are blocked with trees, debris, broken down cars, etc. If anybody tries to do anything to our national parks they'll be met with defiance.
Using the excuse of an energy emergency
We don’t burn wood for fuel or energy production
But it will use a lot of energy and fuel to cut down, transport and mill 280 million acres!
We also don’t have sufficient infrastructure to mill all that lumber so it will rot
They'll be a whole new generation of young hippies learning how to destroy logging equipment and chaining themselves to trees protesting in the treetops. ✌️💙🙏
Maybe there's time still to undo & stop this. ACT NOW AMERICANS! #resist #fascism #generalstrike
Desolation forests, strip mined parks. $100pp fee to enter and experience what isn't anymore.
Every day it takes to remove this bastard he’s doing more irreparable harm
Get moving!
Wars can be won.
Peace can prevail.
People can protest.
Tariffs will go away again.
The economy can repair itself.
But this!
This is final and irreversible!
The world is in a very dangerous place right now.
I anticipate he plans to build more Trump resorts to benefit (yet again) from his actions.
He does not have to live on this planet much longer and his dum-dum pen must be stopped.
Oh well... We apparently like tons of carbon in the airs so we're getting rid of 280 million acres of living trees that freely remove it from our environment.
He's fucking genius.
But I can wish with some hope..
I wish
As republicans in government sit on thier %#$%% hands !!
MAGAts won't give a shit that 280 million acres of habitation are destroyed...much less their beauty
By the time any of this comes out of court, congress will change hands and I doubt they will spend money cutting down trees on federal land.
Trump will pave over the Grand Canyon if he thought he could make money on the parking spaces.
The races for 2026 and 2028 are already underway.
Let’s vote the maga taliban out for once and for all!
Contact your local Democratic Party office and volunteer a few hours a month can make all the difference!
Which is heinous enough.
Thousands of species of natural wildlife will be threatened.
This will have a MASSIVE effect on the ecology and drive HUNDREDS of species to the critically endangered list.
Public lands belong to US!!!! We paid for them. He has not right to take them to just destroy them.
HE WANTS CAMPAIGN MONEY FROM BIG CORPS and those corps for DECADES have wanted to plunder our #nationalparks
So now Trump gives them the go-ahead.
I've chained myself to a tree. I can again.
His signature is not worth the paper it’s written on
We don’t burn wood for fuel or energy production
But it will use a lot of energy and fuel to cut down, transport and mill 280 million acres!
We also don’t have sufficient infrastructure to mill all that lumber so it will rot