True…well that’s the hope, b/c it’ll be up to’s leadership & investors to seiously invest on “moderation teams” & other types of Bot-detection systems 2 vigorously protect against agit-prop & disinfo/misinfo trolls seeking to SOW the kind of DISCORD that Elon Muskovite encourages on X‼️
True. It's important to respect the opinion of others. Even though I might not agree with their beliefs. That is tolerance and acceptance something not found on a social media site I won't name.
Interact – yes. Be respectful... Hmm, maybe at first. The party has just begun; most participants don’t know each other yet, so they’re tidy, respectful, and shy. But in every wide social slice, people remain people, and by 3 a.m., things might stray far from decency. :)
No reason why not. Election is over. Soon it will be You wanted to F-Around and find out entry point for the next presidency. So, civility. Let make stupid choices, get stupid results Speak. That’s it.
More true than false when I'm feeling positive-ish...
I hope for decency and hope for mercy towards perhaps awkward formulations that could be taken in wrong ways... But trolls, like on reddit, I don't feed but do block..
True, but expectations and reality are often very different. I haven't had a truly negative interaction here yet, but I am a very positive person and I think I attract that :D
Some will, others won't. It's a public social media and you'll find a diverse ecosystem, specially when the platform gains some hundreds of millions users.
There's no safe haven from trolls.
There is a fairer algorithm and a non-insane CEO.
I think we all WANT to expect, but really, all we can do is HOPE.
I hope for decency and hope for mercy towards perhaps awkward formulations that could be taken in wrong ways... But trolls, like on reddit, I don't feed but do block..
You have more chance of it here than on Planet X
But… many see that behaviour as exercising their right to free speech.
Their right to be rude is more like it but I’m afraid it may be too much to ask of some.
It will change.