1. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Nancy Mace on Mace’s transphobic bathroom bill.
The bill would ban trans women from using the restrooms in the Capitol.
Referring to Sarah McBride, who will be the first Trans Rep, Mace says “she doesn’t get a say, this is about real women.”
via @pabloreports
The bill would ban trans women from using the restrooms in the Capitol.
Referring to Sarah McBride, who will be the first Trans Rep, Mace says “she doesn’t get a say, this is about real women.”
via @pabloreports
Are you next going to say that certain people have to sit at the back of Congress, need to provide their own water bottles, and can't eat with everyone?? 😤
Just plain mean.
This is the ethics committee call and leave a message to release the report on Matt gaetz
Imagine living where most of the people around you thought this was good representation!
Hopefully her cabinet position with Leon & Vivek means she resigns from the House.🤞
Most Americans are severely transphobic. If Dems don't acknowledge that, they will lose more elections. Sad!
Because they're going to what?
Most Americans did not
I do think a lot of them are easily misled.
Fuck Mace and MTG, absolutely garbage individuals that should get absolutely shunned by society for their transphobia and overall bigotry
Idk how any can hear this hateful rhetoric and say “Yeah, this is fine.”
Sarah McBride should shit on MTG's and Mace's desks.
Her disgusting whitewashing of Mace has done real damage.
Hopefully more people can start covering Mace honestly.
No more airplane rides, no road races, no parties at a friend’s house.
It’s too scary for them.
They’re doing it for the sheer joy of being cruel and in the hopes that others will cheer their cruelty on. Sadistic bullies without a trace of humanity left in them.
MAGA traitors
Real Americans
However, something still feels VERY WRONG about the results of this Presidential Election.
If this data scientist is right, we absolutely MUST have a hand recount.
Offenders running around the White House?
If a man wants to be creepy and go into women’s restrooms, he isn’t going to dress up as a woman to do it…
…He’s going to walk right in.
Also, just build private, secure, and sound-proof rooms for everyone.
I have been sick of doing my business next to someone.
When will someone question whether you are female enough? When will you be subjected to such scrutiny?
*votes for Trump*
Nah, fuck you, Mace