My official response to
Kidding US?
After kissing Trump's ass & bending their knees in total supplication-
Too late NYT-We cancelled out subscriptions months ago
Alnur Mussayev, a former head of Kazakhstan’s security service and ex-KGB chief, claims that Moscow began grooming Donald Trump as an asset in 1987 under the codename “Krasnov.”
I still have access to nyt as an additional person on someone else’s subscription but I don’t read more than the headlines in passing on my way to wordle. I just don’t trust them. If I see something interesting I’ll go read up on it on another news site.
If he lives long enough and is allowed to publish, Rick Perlstein will have the receipts on the NYTimes facilitating Trump. Along with Anti-trans, Climate Change Denial, etc.
I wrote this in September, before the New York Times' tolerance for Trump's lies and ignorance of the danger helped get an unhinged fascist elected president.
What’s sad is there isn’t really any legitimate newspaper anymore. So, many ways to educate yourself online. The paper has helped dig its own grave deeper it will become obsolete, especially now that they’ve published propaganda. I no longer subscribe to any newspaper.
The NYT sanewashing him certainly didn't help. They boldly attacked Joe Biden, and rightly so, over his mental miscues, but constantly ignore the same from Trump. They still ignore his unhinged, senile utterances. MSM isn't so much about the entertainment, but the profits that Trump makes for them.
Which was ironic because Bernie was drawing huge crowds and had a great deal of momentum at the time. Then the centrists, moderates & liberal MSM coalesced around Biden, who was struggling in polls and debates. Biden wanted to go back to way things were, but after Trump, that was an impossibility.
As an old Hippie, this betrayal was the deepest cut. The Grey Lady always stood tall in the face of a lot of adversity, now, she's a shell of herself, cowering against an unintelligent, vigilante mob.
You broke my heart NY Times.
It’s all about the money. They noticed that they didn’t have a lot of left leaning readers, so they throw out a headline like that to draw them in. They don’t ACTUALLY give AF.
Did they actually use the word "lies," or is this a parody? It's seriously hard to tell.
It may only take a generation for them to apologize, if they still exist.
Is this supposed to look like a realization or criticism? It’s still laced with praise. The sentiment is still overall positive, essentially they’re saying it’s ok to disregard the truth as long as it gets things done. The barn door is still wide open.
They don't even make it sound like they're condemning it. It sounds more like they're saying maybe lying is the way to go.
"Lying has traditionally been seen as something bad for politicians to do, but in this current age it's undoubtedly shown results. So who's to say if it's really so wrong?"
It's almost like they had to get kicked out of the WH before they were willing to be honest. Explains some things about why they were both sidesing throughout '24 😖
All the euphemisms and niceties plus the moronic meanderings of Douthat (on religion no less), Brooks (sociological claptrap) and Stephens (mid all the way) make me turn to the Cooking section.
And how could the nyt possibly have known that all those “manipulations of the truth” they’ve laundered and legitimized for years would lead to something radical?
Kidding US?
After kissing Trump's ass & bending their knees in total supplication-
Too late NYT-We cancelled out subscriptions months ago
Waay too late.
Nice try though, #NYT.
Using the L word above the fold!!!
Expect another hit piece on Biden tomorrow.
When tRump calls you the failing New York Times there's a kernel of truth there. You are run by cowards.
You're failing democracy.
You're failing your readers.
You're failing the American people.
Always siding with those who made the biggest headlines, instead of the most sane arguments.
NYT and WaPo are not newspapers. They're ads in journalistic disguise.
You broke my heart NY Times.
It may only take a generation for them to apologize, if they still exist.
This GIF was created just for this moment
1) NOBODY goes hungry or un-housed in this world
2) NOBODY lacks medical care
3) EVERY child is loved and nurtured
4) EVERYONE shares peace
Crazy, I know.
Jianli Yang
Like, “Where the fuck have Y’ALL been?”
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
"Lying has traditionally been seen as something bad for politicians to do, but in this current age it's undoubtedly shown results. So who's to say if it's really so wrong?"
This is just straight up fascism.
We now have two choices. Live free or kneel to your MAGA king like a slave.
Color? Gender? Race? Immigrant? Rural? Urban? Worker? Boss? Poor? Rich? Red? Blue? Your flag is one of these.
I know which one is mine.