Government lawyers in the AEA case, basically:
Tren de Aragua is considered an invading foreign government because of its deep ties to the Maduro regime, which is a close ally in our efforts to expel members of the Tren de Aragua terrorist organization.
Tren de Aragua is considered an invading foreign government because of its deep ties to the Maduro regime, which is a close ally in our efforts to expel members of the Tren de Aragua terrorist organization.
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in the resulting court orders. Wow.
This Administration is full of opinions.
If they just sat down for some McD's this could all be resolved and we can have cheap Venezualan oil flowing into USA again.
I swear, pretty much anything uttered by anybody working for this regime is causing me hours of migraine.
This level of stupid is so exhausting.
It's like watching a smattering of four years olds breaking into a candy shop and pretending to be cops after they're caught.
I'm assuming the lawyers having to argue these ridiculous things are actually super embarrassed & hoping they don't get censured in the future...
Absurdity all day,
until we all submit to 2+2=5
This would be classified if true?
Congress has not declared war. Without a declaration of war, how can you have an invasion? No invasion, no justification.
They're just making up shit and hoping the appeals court will sanewash it for them.
I mean, that’s what we’ve done, yes?
No due process, no records, indefinite sentence in work camps in a foreign country with no oversight or access to counsel? It’s the new slave trade.
They're flaunting it.