Trump belongs in prison. I bet y'all likely agree, but I know too many law enforcement officers who fought for their lives on Jan 6, not to say it again today. cc:
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Hugs, I can only imagine how deep this election cuts for you. If love and support can travel "over the airwaves," as my husband's grandmother used to say, I'm sending them to you now.
Last week I asked Chairman Rep McClintock if he thought Trump could pass the same background check he berated Sec Becerra for hours over-The Coward couldn't answer a simple yes or no question from a Gold Star Father-CSPAN kept the cameras rolling #GoldStarDad
I can not imagine the pain and despair Mr. Dunn feels. He was there. Then he put himself back into the fight. He will always have my utmost gratitude and respect.
thank u for yr service, sir. why did we not hear from more police who fought on Jan 6? why did we not hear from families of officers who committed suicide afterwards? why did they commit suicide? so disheartening & disappointed, so many cops supported Trump in the aftermath of J6, a day of infamy.
When he finally goes to meet his maker they're building a urinal into his headstone with a long sidewalk since they'll be so many who will be pissing on his grave.
140 officers were injured on Jan 6, including severe brain injuries, broken bones, stabbings & suicides
“One officer has two cracked ribs and two smashed spinal discs & another was stabbed with a metal fence stake, to name some of the injuries.”
You're right, which is why the enthusiastic support for Trump among law enforcement (including a personal friend who is a police officer) drives me up the wall. How are we supposed to trust them to uphold the law when they openly cheer for a felon?
So, so, so disappointed in Jack Smith today but primarily in Merrick Garland for slow-walking any consequences that Trump should have faced. Now it’s too fucking late. Thanks for nothing Garland…I feel like you got four years of salary for doing NOTHING.
The game plan now is strengthening the will of our Representatives and Senators to impeach Trump. He wants to install his entire fascist agenda by executive orders. WE MUST BE IN THE FACE OF CONGRESS RIGHT NOW, DEMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS, READYING THEM TO #IMPEACH TRUMP!
I met a lady recently who supported him and I asked her why. She said because she believe in law and order. Yup...they are trained not to believe that any of his crimes are real. Supporting a convicting felon is to support law & order. No one can make this shit up
I wonder how those same officers would react today if there were a repeat performance? I'm thinking they probably would not hold back on using their weapons. What do you think?
Scott, I knew as fact on 10/15/2021 DJT had stolen my classified files. Months before the story broke and 4 mos prior to the invasion of Ukraine. 10/16 - i35 Dallas. Why have I been ignored 3 yrs?
Have we forgotten the sacrifices of our ancestors, the gift of democracy? Is the Constitution a simple piece of paper?
Do we serve at the pleasure of the new kings?
Freedom isn’t free.
We must honor it.
He spent his entire life swindling people with no repercussions. Never held accountable for any of his cons let alone terrorism and treason. Always rewarded. People have served a good part of their lives in prisons for a lot less.
I still need clarity on how Merrick Garland dragged his feet on this. Was he scared for his life? Was he paid off (I don’t think that but…)? How was his inaction in any way in service of justice? Anyone?
Anyone arguing Lawfare: it only exists when a Single judge indicts, convicts, and sentences w/out a jury of their peers.
Lawfare doesn’t exist when 12 independent citizens voted to indict, and 12 different ones convicted - all of which were approved by both sets of lawyers during voir dire.
Trump has lost over 3500 court cases but he sure spanked the US DOJ's arse. Trump's reign of crime is only just beginning.
I suppose many more will die now, suicide now or end up in the gutter.
Is a system so fu+ked up beyond repair?😡
Indeed, we owe it to all Capitol and DC Metro officers who bravely defended the assault on the seat of our democracy on Jan. 6 to never forget or normalize the events of that day in any way. They weren't "toursists", they were trespassing and were violently assaulting law enforcement officers.
He belongs under the prison. Our forefathers are rolling in their graves. They would NEVER have let someone who STOLE, then gave away our country's secrets walk free, worse yet, become president again!🙄🤬 They HAD a remedy for such a treasonous criminal.
But because it wasn't done in 4 Years, which should have been Prioity #1.
Now he returns Above the Law.
Destroyed the Rule of Law.
donalds now positioned to destroy democracy
Either pray for a miracle like the President & DoJ PUNISHING the MOST GUILTY AMERICAN IN HISTORY
Or wait
January 6 was a terrorist attack and it will be remembered as such.
The same "court" that decided Trump could break laws for personal gain.
But the legal system is the biggest fraud on America, "Justice" is bought and sold...
140 officers were injured on Jan 6, including severe brain injuries, broken bones, stabbings & suicides
“One officer has two cracked ribs and two smashed spinal discs & another was stabbed with a metal fence stake, to name some of the injuries.”
Do we serve at the pleasure of the new kings?
Freedom isn’t free.
We must honor it.
Lawfare doesn’t exist when 12 independent citizens voted to indict, and 12 different ones convicted - all of which were approved by both sets of lawyers during voir dire.
I suppose many more will die now, suicide now or end up in the gutter.
Is a system so fu+ked up beyond repair?😡