EPA is terminating more than two dozen protections against air and water pollution. It would overturn limits on soot from smokestacks that have been linked to respiratory problems in humans and premature deaths as well as restrictions on emissions of mercury, a neurotoxin.
Every time tRump says "We're going to make so much money." or "We're doing this for you." He has never been talking to us, he's been talking to them.
WE want the regulations in place, WE want clean air and water.
They don't.
I'm sure some of them will also make some cash out of it, but it's also part of a much wider push to reduce populations of demographics they don't like
cf vaccines, CDC, food safety, etc etc
But unfortunately America's lack of regard for the environment affects the rest of the world and that is really NOT OK.
Have agencies that are meant to protect serve as vehicles for harm.
Their goal is to kill millions around the world.
Watch the Wisconsin of A Judge’s election soon!
Will criminal Empires, like fElon muskRAT AND the adjudicated e’DJT🧐 tiny digit,
These 2 Rule over Law⁉️
Is this truly Roberts agenda on the Supreme Court⁉️
I certainly hope that he’s not that far gone, but who knows?
And publish it👁🔔👁
Anonymous please help save the world you guys save the world
Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you.
He can't and won't build anything.
He's going to do what he's always done - get the hell out and let someone else take the fall.
So I guess the government went another direction to even things out, right?
2nd highest in fact
More important than $$$ i.e. rich above poor ⬇️
Even more important than US nationalism?
Stupids rejoice.
What. The. Actual. Literal. Hell.
The EPA is essentially dead.
Except for the red hats how do we know who is who?
Like Lister's Confidence said, "Oxygen is for losers."
You're part of the problem.
Some people just can’t grasp history, and are bound to repeat it.
I remember growing up with filthy air—in the coastal plain of L.A.! First-, second-, and third-stage smog alerts were common.
Nowadays, with millions more people and vehicles, the air is so much cleaner.
Harris refused to ban fracking.
So how about you go fuck yourself, self righteous liberal.
I'm a communist. I don't compromise on genocide. You have no moral highground here.
We get two candidates, I don’t know what you want me to do about that.
EPA shifts from being a promoter of human services to funeral services
What a disgrace!
hm! what’s that smell?!
Waitasec. how much do we have to worry, since we don’t really make that much stuff anymore. (<-being facetious)
Amazon Career From Home!!...a.m.z?ae
Watch their share prices go up; stand by for splits
Donald J Trump
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20500