Not when your goal is to stop all investigations into the administration, and investigate all political enemies. Also, break the establishment. Can’t break it if you have competent people with morals. I have no faith in the Republicans to block his, or any other nomination.
It's comical to watch you libs try to cope - your party got blown out in the election. You're on the wrong side of literally everything. Try not to whine so much - it's embarrassing.
This president's AG apparently has to be someone who will work on establishing a retroactive federal age of consent that will protect Matt Gaetz and Donald Trump.
Mr. Matthew D. 'Matt' Goetz - Not Eligible to Practice in Texas
Administrative Suspension
This attorney has been suspended by the State Bar of Texas for an administrative reason and is ineligible to practice law in Texas. ... contact the State Bar of Texas Membership at 512-427-1383.
Knowledge and expertise are not a requirement to get a job in the Grand Poobah's administration. He prefers criminals and/or people without morals or scruples, but above all else, he requires blind loyalty
This cabinet is looking more like " Gotham" by the minute. Now he's got the Joker as well as the Riddler. Can the Penguin be far behind? Matt Gaetz as AG? The crooks are getting the key to DOJ and there goes Society.
His appointees will most likely all be fired at some point, just like the last time. All those thin-skinned ego maniacs won't be able to work together.
Am I just wrong about rape being a really bad thing? And sex trafficking? They’re bad, right? Hanging out with Pedophiles and rape and sex trafficking are all super bad, right?
Trump is getting what he wants. A loud mouth shit starter who has no integrity but who will pursue Trump’s hit list, ignore his breaking laws & disseminate propaganda.
Not in Trumpland. It's all about favors, campaign donations, and loyalty to Trump. He will probably be fired once he argues with Trump or embarrasses him by not knowing legal jargon or WTF anyone is talking about.
Will this be the firs AG that can't be 500 yards from a school, park, of shopping mall? He does understand that the Center for Missing and Exploited Children is an organization, not a catalog right?🤔
The gleam in his demonic eyes makes you want to stay as far away from his as possible. God help the people who stuck their finger or pencil on Trump and thought anything good would result...Now the rest of us suffer.
One would think but with this administration, nothing makes sense. I think he's doing this deliberately to make whatever sick point he has in his warped demented mind.
Nope! Just anyone who was loyal to the all mighty. Remember in the last admin he elected someone as secretary of the dept of ed and she had no education experience
Only thing he has practiced is pedophilia, sex trafficking et al. Deplorable selection and so not surprising. This individual was certainly not on the bingo card. Wow
sex offender might be enough of experience in the field of law.
We've entered a free-for-all as it pertains to qualifications and experience. The only thing that matters now is a bended knee.
Not because he's good for the country.
He's built for battle.
Administrative Suspension
This attorney has been suspended by the State Bar of Texas for an administrative reason and is ineligible to practice law in Texas. ... contact the State Bar of Texas Membership at 512-427-1383.
Can Kevin McCarthy weigh in on this?
Maybe we should ask Joel?
Or maybe a suit jacket is required to be Attorney General.