Typical trumper. She "will be better served", not "she can better serve", in other capacities. Must be more money for her doing something else in this administration.
*she* would be better served?? Surely the whole point is that those called *do* the service...humility, duty, for the greater good nit personal benefit. #USgonecrazy
Did she have not have enough criminal tendencies or well she is female.....christian nationalist won't like a women working when she should just be cooking and cleaning and looking after their man....
All she ever does is win win win win win.... except in MAGA that means lose lose lose lose lose, but reality matters not not not not not... just give me my botox tox tox tox tox
Best way of describing it. I think it's going to be Guilfoyle or MTG. More Guilfoyle because of her experience.
Megyn Kelly would be a dark horse candidate.
“I will be better served in other capacities.” Not “I will serve better in other capacities,” or “the American people will be better served” or even “my skills will be put to better use.”
“I will be better served in other capacities.” Classic, and why she’s such a crappy lawyer—she’s heard something like this before, but doesn’t get it. Alina, babes, you’re supposed to say that YOU can better serve (not be served) in other capacities. Ask not what your country can do for you, etc.
I will be better served
Not I can serve better elsewhere
Didn't she pose as a litigator
When she wasn't posing at MAL
Shouldn't she be adept at this
Oh right
She wasn't
Suppose if the only requirement is
Passion for screaming into a mic
W/ or w/out music
Perhaps it will be Lara
It's not about the country, it's me me me.
Well that just about sums up this incoming administration.
She failed him.
Nikki ran against him.
his whole campaign and nominations
and his sycophant followers desires
I will be able to serve better in a different capacity
These people have no concept of serving their country.
"I will be better served"
Not I can better serve.
Typical RW mentality.
Says it all about these folks.
😳 did I just say that?😳
podium I will be better served in other capacities.”
Like making choking noises below the tablecloth
Megyn Kelly would be a dark horse candidate.
Not ‘I can be more useful…’
Says it all.
Doesn’t that say it all?
“I will be better served.”