It's a shame that the Russian people can't show Vladimir Putin The view out the window. Preferably from on top of the building. If any of them had the f****** guts they would do it. I mean s*** they did it to Rasputin they did it to the Czar why can't they do that to their dictator.
Crooked Trump Supreme Court gave him immunity ! Better watch out Trump said he could shoot someone on 5th Avenue and get away with it! Trump is a Putin puppet and a Hitler 2.0
It will be much longer. Scump and his cronies are going to end elections as we know them. Democracy died on 11/5 due to Biden not acting by firing Garland for doing nothing to hold Scump accountable.
I read a NYT article that showed garland did get right on it, but really dotted i’s and crossed t’s and ran out of time, especially with the push backs. Effort but not results. It’s a teaching moment for parents and kids. Results matter. A for effort doesn’t matter in the real world
Good luck. Many in the incoming administration believe that at this point it is futile to help Ukraine win the war since it will cost too much to rebuild it
Russians don't rebel.
If you are thinking of the 1917 revolution, then you are wrong.
Historians have proven the only riots were where people gathered for bread because the populace was starving.
There was a peaceful women's march that was twisted into a rebellion too.
Absolutely NOTHING changed in the psyche of Russians! There was no radical change!
They went from being slaves to landowners to being owned by the state.
Different boss... same shitty existence.
Today, there's still no rule of law or human rights for them.
I asked my Russian hairdresser (many years ago) why Russia had fewer prisoners than the United States, she answered, with a sad chuckle - don't you know? Putin just kills the prisoners - that's why we have so few. There we go! Very sad ...
Down the stairs she never used due to arthritis, and with an unspilled cup of tea next to her. Just coincidence like the 3 casino executives due to testify about money laundering etc. trump hired a helicopter, and it crashed killing all 3 who trump then blamed for everything.
Putin loves to creatively find ways of ridding any people who speak against him. The best one is when he used radioactive material to poison a Russian Reporter living in exile in the UK. Putin's very creative. Trump really admires him.
Since America will start to have even closer friendship ties with Russia our incoming top officials should thoroughly understand their rules of engagement with Putin their ultimate new puppet master.
The 5th story is the first height you die 100%! But you live a few minutes in horrible pain. Realize what was done to you and then you die!
Why Putin uses the 5th story.
Not quite 100%, depending on firmament involved. I watched someone survive for a good 15-20 horrifying minutes jumping from 8 stories onto pavement. Landed not 30’ away. Given morphine and a tablecloth over mess. Crew waited- not survivable on pavement. High Grass? Maybe.
Can you refrain from posting screenshots of that hate site on here ? Whole point of being here is to avoid Musk . I don’t need to be triggered on here for fucks sake
Russian media reported that he fell after taking painkillers, before he was going to have back surgery. Did he jump, because he thought his career was over? Were those pain killers something else? Maybe he was hallucinating?
So statistically is the leading cause of death against people who speak out against Putin, death by window, death by poison in your tea, death falling down a flight of stairs or death with a plane explosion
Yes how many times do you really hear of somebody actually dying from falling down the stairs. My knowledge is from like a murder mystery movie/show I’m not saying people don’t but🤔🤷♀️
I saw that; but why would that make it more likely that he would fail to take care of himself. Or that his wife would fail to. In any case, it fits a certain historical pattern, without offering proof positive. If he was pushed, nobody would cop to it, right?
This is a horrible tragedy. He's just a dancer. There is no one harmless to megalomaniacal control freak. Imagine the hubris of thinking that you own everyone.
No skyscrapers in DC, since no building can be taller than the Capitol Building--other than the Washington Monument, which has tiny windows that don't open.
Point well taken. She said he tells her everything… such as, he’s going to take America over and run it as if he’s Putin, blah, blah. Now you know why she was thrown down the stairs. Our military are going to be in our streets with zero guard rails and zero leadership. We will never vote again.
I think we'll vote, but in the way they do in Iran. I don't know what happened but it's interesting that Ivanka backed away from her daddy after her mom's unexpected tumble.
Surely just a coincidence,right? I mean Trump has told us what a great guy Putin is. Ugh. I am amazed there are people brave enough to speak out against him. It never ends well for them.
This is a terrible shame! Such a talented young man as well as leaving a wife and children behind. It does seem suspicious that so many who cross the Russian government meet with violent ends.
- putin while holding a screwdriver behind his back
HAHAHAHAHA... all Putin needs is one low-paid, min.wage plant to inject a burger through the wrapping.
Russia has lots of problems, from the top down.
He’s only mentioned bc he’s famous we don’t hear about the many who suffered the same fate
If you are thinking of the 1917 revolution, then you are wrong.
Historians have proven the only riots were where people gathered for bread because the populace was starving.
There was a peaceful women's march that was twisted into a rebellion too.
They went from being slaves to landowners to being owned by the state.
Different boss... same shitty existence.
Today, there's still no rule of law or human rights for them.
#RestInPower #VladimirShklyarov
Putin needs to go!! He’s so evil
Why Putin uses the 5th story.
Our our country very soon?
Definitely an accident (no it's not)
Wasn’t the problem.
He thinks the checks and balances are still working. They're dead.
25 years we had on the security council, a Hannibal lector.
The fish rots from its head, and our century shows it.
Like, protect yourself!