What makes the deluded, anti-truth, MAGA cult sheep's brains so feeble? How can Gorka list so many of Trump's crimes, yet still then falsely claim that he's "the most innocent man in the world"? Fascists do NOT like Truth, facts, Law, honor, integrity; they seek ONLY power for their OWN enrichment.
It’s impossible to believe Trump loves the USA and wants anything good for America, never mind great. He’s lining up the worst humans imaginable to be in charge of the levers of the nation. He’s taking a giant shit upon everything and everyone who isn’t part of his scumbag cult.
I hate the use of “literally” when never is, but Trump has “literally” picked the worst person to fill each post.
Opposite days sucks
Opposite week 🤬
Scary shit
…because of his experience in Hungarian Defense?! I am so confused. Remember in 1960, when the question was whether JFK would be loyal to US or Vatican? This guy simultaneously has 3 citizenships.
This is a hoot from Wiki...
Georgetown associate professor Daniel Nexon reviewed Gorka's Ph.D. thesis, describing it as "inept" and saying "It does not deploy evidence that would satisfy the most basic methodological requirements for a PhD in the US". ..He "might as well have mail-ordered his Ph.D."
This how Russia ended up with tanks with no treads, APCs with bad bearings, and Putin with a 7k sq ft mansion. Public funds will be funneled to offshore accounts.
Oh eww - not video of him talking. Besides the whole horrible human thing, there’s also that weird thing where he doesn’t seem to have a natural instinct for where his tongue goes when he’s talking. It always seems like it’s ready to pop out of his mouth.. I can’t look at this for 4 yrs…
Wow. That is some god tier level ass kissing with a side of cognitive dissonance. Does that level of reality denial come with an award?Oh, wait…I guess it does!
You know the US is truly fucked? No administration from the free world (in their right minds) will share intel with the US. They may share some glitter in the chicken shit, but nothing serious.
I bet assets are being withdrawn from Russia, Iran, Syria, China at this very time.
We are almost out of time. All media is refusing to talk about it. Jessica left MeidasTouch because she wasn't allowed to talk about this. Repost and tell your friends before it's too late. They are distracting us with a dumpster fire in a shitstorm, ignore it!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrFb-rLVF10&t=6s
Wouldn't know terrorism if it bit his behind. He influences with cherry picking tiny bits and amplifying. Stay smart, dig deep. Even the Europeans dismiss him. Use that.
'You're honor, I'm the most innocent man in history. 1st they arrest me for 1st assault then the 2nd assault then it was attempted "murder" then felony criminal mischief with property damage then another BS assault arrest.....'
No surprise there but usually people defending criminals either have something to gain, have done something themselves, or would like to do the same thing
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.”
I’m making it a point not to overreact to the nominations, but in this particular case, I cannot make it clear enough that sub Gorka has been associated with a Nazi group for decades and counterterrorism is code now for going after BLM, antifa basically anyone they Deemed to be DOMESTIC terrorists.
I don’t think our government is taking this threat seriously enough… Trump can have his fake unqualified hitler soldiers but who is actually going to protect our country from attacks by Trump’s “BFFs”. It’s not like they’re not laughing their asses off right now, they know Trump is an idiot clown.
I have some confidence that the military can refuse to follow unethical orders. I don’t know how that looks in practice but they can’t do Teumps illegal bidding for him.
Too bad Gorka isn’t a real practicing Roman Catholic. Can you imagine what his penance would be for all his lies. He’d be saying so many Hail Mary’s he wouldn’t have time to eat or pee, let alone spout any more lies.
The Billy Bush tapes. That's what they were. Someone "came after him" with the tapes. Every time I hear them speak that way, I realize they are just a test of patience.
Daddy-Diddy. To think that prostitution should be protected Instead of outlawed,self respect should not be the norm is a money maker.Greed and sex is the norm. Every other fuck,falls in line because humanity falls way behind
This guy is an actual, literal Nazi. He has (don't know if he still wears) a medal from some Hungarian neo-Nazi organization.
How is he allowed to function in our government?
Never mind. I already know the answer.
"America First with Seb Gorka" yet Gorka was born in the United Kingdom to Hungarian parents, lived in Hungary from 1992 to 2008, and didn't become a Naturalized American until 2012. Shouldn't people claiming "America First" actually be born in America? He's like a fake American flag made in the UK.
It’s good to know Canada is there, as some of my people emigrated from Germany via Windsor, in the 1830s. Checks & Balances have been damaged, but we must hold our ground. Our kids deserve better. #Forward
As a live long U.S. citizen You wouldn’t happen to have and extra house to rent, that allows 2 dogs, 2 cats, 50 chickens, 10 roosters, and a dwarf mini goat that’s fully my intact? Just thought I’ld ask…
I’ve been practicing
🎵Oh Canada our home and native land 🎵🇨🇦
Yeah, blah blah blah blah 😑 Fuk Gorka...can you say suppository 🤪 ...small, round or cone-shaped object that you put in your body, often into your bottom.
I have to wonder where he got his degree in counterterrorism, ... could it be he is being rewarded for being a sycophant pandering to the orange tinted megalomaniac.. just a thought. That seems to be the way the rest have been picked, no sign of ability in any of them.
He is an Unamerican. From his Nazi lives in the UK, Hungary and Australia, Moscow wants him.
Just like Tulsi & Grenell.
Nov 22 (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is considering tapping Richard Grenell, his former intelligence chief, to be a special envoy for the Russia-Ukraine war.
Professor Sloan didn’t think too highly about Gorka.
This is such a disaster for America.
I hate the use of “literally” when never is, but Trump has “literally” picked the worst person to fill each post.
Opposite days sucks
Opposite week 🤬
Scary shit
Georgetown associate professor Daniel Nexon reviewed Gorka's Ph.D. thesis, describing it as "inept" and saying "It does not deploy evidence that would satisfy the most basic methodological requirements for a PhD in the US". ..He "might as well have mail-ordered his Ph.D."
I bet assets are being withdrawn from Russia, Iran, Syria, China at this very time.
It’s almost as if he’s a foreign asset.
“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men, even when they exercise influence and not authority; still more when you superadd the tendency of the certainty of corruption by authority.”
You know it's coming.
How is he allowed to function in our government?
Never mind. I already know the answer.
Complete, unvarnished, 💯total assholery 🤦♀️
I’ve been practicing
🎵Oh Canada our home and native land 🎵🇨🇦
Blowing as hard as you possibly can
His faux gravitas
His faux knowledge
His faux education
It's Doctor Gorka..!!!
Just like Tulsi & Grenell.
Nov 22 (Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump is considering tapping Richard Grenell, his former intelligence chief, to be a special envoy for the Russia-Ukraine war.