It was never “America First.” It was always “Trump First.” From 2015 to present. What Republicans do at any given moment is what Trump decides that moment. Which could change an hour or a day later. For Trump this election was about staying out of prison, not a policy agenda.
How many did the Dems get?
Dems have been the party of inclusion.
The Reds, the party of exclusion.
How has that worked for us?
Lock out the Reds, tear up their project 2025, just as Pelosi tore up tRumps speech.
I am a little disappointed in Chip Roy, he is always steadfast on what he believes. But he switched his vote to Johnson.
South Korea holds its leaders accountable. What a concept.
Millions of them.
If laughing at their screams is wrong, I don’t want to be right.
Trump just helped solidify that push, leaving nowhere for them to go but to where Trump wants them to go.
One for democrats and one for republicans.
The correct wording for republicans would be
‘I solemnly swear allegiance to Trump.’
It would have been the right thing to do because it had prevented them from lying.
Until a GOPer stands up to the trump cult and legislatively to the “Pig Vomit” Donald himself he’s no more than a useless waste of taxpayer money.
There are roughly 42 of them who stood up once already. Call to thank them…
Decrease the national debt and abolish deficits.
There is no rational argument why any tea party adherent would vote to lift the debt ceiling, even if their Fuhrer demands it so he gets a blank check.
If you destroy America First the other counties will give up Having no leader to rely on is their aim. PUTIN'S
But Trump wants to *be* 'America', the USA. So yes, it is 'Trump first' but the entire point was to blend the two together where 'Trump' and the 'USA' are one and the same.
The only stable policy is "the Dear Leader is always right".
Also: new White House Visitor rules being prepared, I'm told
It's Me First.
Me. Me. Me. Me.
No matter what their gripe is, it essentially boils down to I'm not getting what I deserve, whether that's money, deference (racial or gender), 'respect', whatever. It's all me, me, me ad nauseum.
Wait for the photos of the Great Man to hang on the wall of every public building and on the Great Wall of America snaking alongside the Rio Grande.
I would argue it goes much further back than 2015. 2015 was just the point at which it needed to be taken much more seriously. 2/3 of the citizens of this country failed
MAGA made their choice.
It might as well be Jan6.
That was the beginning of a depressing fucking book.