So by stopping the insanity I assume you mean his new macho swine super double secret agent will kidnap him and hold him in secret for 4 years? Excellent! 😎
pretty sad that you have to hope that your country even has to get through the next two years because of some Orange 🍊 idiot who was elected by other idiots, to destroy democracy!
Yeaahhhhh the thing about fascists, they don’t give up power once they attain it. The drunk stooge they’re going to confirm to run our military will declare some sort of emergency/martial law and elections will be “suspended”. Temporarily of course 🙄. I hope I’m wrong, but I doubt it.
If I worked in any of these branches of government I’d just drag my heels on anything and everything I did for the next 4 years. I’d be sowing dis or mis information to embarrass these idiots at the top and I’d get the word Dolphin into every report that I (eventually) wrote.
I love how they are naming all the traitors. Sean Curran knows about the fake ear shooting and a whole lot more! Some serious investigation is needed there!
Trump knows 10-20 people, tops. He appoints them, their family, their friends, and FoxNews TV personalities. And he doesn't trust anyone he thinks is smarter than him. He doesn't have any idea how to staff a large organization.
He's going to go in there and shred any evidence of that totally staged assassination attempt. 🙄
If I were Obama, Biden or Harris, I would be concerned about this guy overseeing my safety.
Just think about it... Trump, Biden, and Congress have all said TikTok is a Chinese threat to national security... NOW all of a sudden it's a full court press to SAVE TIKTOK!! Guess the check cleared the bank.
Who's in charge of supplying maxi-pads to the Orange Messiah after the next fake assassination? Someone needs to get Hulk Hogan under oath. Pretty sure he taught the tiny nick to the ear trick.
When these creeps say that “there is not a better person to put in this position”, it seems to mean, “almost anyone would be a better person in this position.”
What legitimate government would use a social media forum with no guardrails or restrictions regarding fact checking or civil discourse, to announce policy? #bushleague.
The Secret Service investigates many types of crimes including financial crimes, & trafficking, etc. So looks like he's got another ace in the hole....🤨
Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg know they can (and are) play TRUMP with flattery and money. Trumps businesses allow them, and others, to flood him with money using meaningless purchases like buying his bibles, shoes and hotel rooms in bulk. Trump has sold out the American Presidency!
In any other administration, it would be considered an honor and a great opportunity but for the Trump administration, it screams that you are unethical and support dishonesty. Most of these folks will regret this career move.
So I'm reading between the lines that Sean will deliver the addictive substances, porn stars and Chinese, RU and Saudi bribes directly into the WH rather than having to wait for someone to surreptitiously slide them through the back door.
Julius Caesar made his most trusted friend and guard, Decimus Junius Brutus head of his secret service and we know only too well how that turned out. “Cave Amicorum” Donald.
I realise this is probably a foolish question, but who is managing the Trump business investments to keep them separate? Or is no one going to pretend there’s separation this time around?
Trump once again choosing loyalty over ability to do the job. Historically, the one person who should care about their overall safety the most is JD Vance.
Republicans are crime syndicate and Trump is their dictator mob boss king. The united state government looks more like a Russian mafia OLIGARCHY than a government. Republican and corrupt corporate Democrats have no bottom. It's GROTESQUE.
My god this is going to be a disaster. America is truly F***ked with trumpRoache in charge. Anus Tangerinus is going to be a servere disaster not only for the US, but for Canada, Mexico and the rest of the world. 4 more years, and only if we're lucky. It could be a complete end to democracy.
Yeah, of course he’s got to reward the flack who allowed him to orchestrate the superman pose so he could brand it and make millions more from all his marks.
Sean will also preside over the planning and execution (no pun intended) of any fake assassination attempts engineered to shore up the popularity and power of the Dear Leader.
I doubt it. The lackey detail don’t need to get embroiled now that he takes an oath tomorrow that he doesn’t care about. It was only needed to get him elected.
Yeah, he loved it. The timing was too convenient. I didn’t buy it the first time. Not for a second. When he gave the hitler salute, it should have been obvious to everyone
Didn’t his SS detail FAIL to prevent an attempt on his life? Causing Frump to have to display his freak powers of lizard like appendage regeneration for his ear? Not sure this guy would be the best candidate or…maybe he is 🙃
THIS TIME--- He's only getting the best. Not like last time when they all turned out to be criminals or traitors. Or both. Only the best this time!!! Definitely! No drunks, sex offenders, human traffickers, drug addicts. No shonky salesmen, fascist narcissist robot loving chip implanting oligarchs.
Oh, there will be some tragic, tragic assassinations shortly. Necessitating further security measures nationwide. And statements from Rump like..."Even though they didn't agree with me 100% on certain things, it's still a tragedy lives have been lost. Maybe if they had listened, many people tell me"
Just saying ..
a lot of assassins are extremely close to the victims..
Julius Cesar..Senate
Anwar Sadat..military review
Indira Gandhi …bodyguard
Etc.. Etc.. U never know what’s around the corner 🤔
Wait, another unqualified candidate for a high ranking position? No! He personally know felon don’s secrets and has a cure for psychopathy and severe narcissism? That’s really amazing news and here I thought there was no hope for sanity in our American Oligarchy.
Translation- another Trump sycophant gets a gig. Nothing to see here. I predict a MAGA with good aim with take care of business once the Orange Turd starts fucking the MAGA dumbass rubes. He better stay inside for the next 4 years. KARMA
His driver announced to be Secy of Transportation, his hamburger helper the new WH Chef, Don Jr the new drug Czar, his golf pro asst Press Secy, JD Vance, personal Valet,
Not a fan of wishing harm on humans in general. Don’t wish to debate individual exceptions. We have a difficult time ahead of us. The trauma of such an act in the 21st century would be irreversible.
Why do you think it’s the crazy righties coming after him now?
That's your right and I respect that. We're all irreversibly traumatized regardless in my opinion. He made his bed, whatever happens to him is self-inflicted.
Isn't that the guy that allowed 2 supposed gunmen close enough to the president to potentially hurt him? I say supposed because you hear nothing about them now. When Reagan got shot, it was news all through the trial. Of course, Reagan actually did get shot, not scratched by plastic shrapnel.
I hope he is a gun freak and an alcoholic like the rest of the picks. Finally a cabinet position I am glad someone stupid will be holding. Maybe give that job to Marge or Kristi.
What’s the “insanity" Junior’s referring to?
Is it that time the Secret Service deleted all their text messages involving J6, and Garland did jack-shit about it?
Shhh, 1 can dream
It still makes me upset how the SS hid their coms on J6 and then said all their phones were replaced in a planned upgrade so evidence was destroyed.
If I were Obama, Biden or Harris, I would be concerned about this guy overseeing my safety.
Why tf not? Have you looked?
Oh, sorry, I forgot for a second—blind loyalty is the qualification, not competence. My bad.
There was another government militarized branch known as the SS in the 30’s/40’s. Think it can’t happen here? Seems that it already is.
And prepare for all evidence of his crimes to be destroyed on the spot.
Obviously not.
Fredo can’t keep his mouth shut either.
So, he’s going to arrest tRump and his merry band of traitors? This would presumably include Jr.
PROJECTION is a very useful tool for these people
Or so I’ve heard. 🤗
a lot of assassins are extremely close to the victims..
Julius Cesar..Senate
Anwar Sadat..military review
Indira Gandhi …bodyguard
Etc.. Etc.. U never know what’s around the corner 🤔
Now it's a synonym for "incompetent buffoon."
We should remind Don Jr
charity begins at home
Why do you think it’s the crazy righties coming after him now?
Fight the real fights. We wont lose.
Years of event production. You learn the weirdest details.
They got the cult to wear the ear bandages in solidarity, but then the cult got distracted and forgot they were supposed to be upset about it.
His reward !
Is it that time the Secret Service deleted all their text messages involving J6, and Garland did jack-shit about it?