Condom bombs. Got it, Chief.
Reposted from
Trump: We identified and stopped $50 million being sent to Gaza to buy condoms for Hamas. And you know what's happened to them? They've used them as a method of making bombs.
What an
America 2025
Foundations Laid 1776.
Thank you.
He is truly dumb, are you sure his IQ is as high as 73.
Ok cheap shot...I admit it.
Who is using a CONDOM in Mississippi ?
The police are checking for anyone who is in their monthly cycle and the MAN is in Charge!
-Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism (1951)
Also $50 million, that's a lot of gd condoms.
I see what you see
We can only hope that enough Australian voters see the room, care enough and, vote in Australia’s best interests
We have a system that should enable us to avoid the worst America shows us
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Dotard Trump
If only Trump's parents had used one... (A condom, not a bomb... or maybe either. I can't decide.)
Maybe someone over at Fox news could get on that?
Btw,What's inside those bombs?
CNN literally showed the sky, till his plane showed up… then showed the car ride… then aired an empty stage for 10-15 min.
Meanwhile, real news was breaking.
Also, in looking this event up (to make sure I wasn’t misremembering, I was kind of creeped out by how relevant all the purge talk is.
CNN helped make this.
Sadly they seem to be getting along just fine without me.
Of course, they won't be paying retail price for that lot!